Surah Shuara in Roman English
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
1. Taa-Seeen-Meeem
2. Tilka Aayaatul Kitaabil Mubeen
3. La’allaka baakhi’un nafsaka allaa yakoonoo mu’mineen
4. In nashaa nunazzil ‘alaihim minas samaaa’i Aayatan fazallat a’naaquhum lahaa khaadi’een
5. Wa maa yaateehim min zikrim minar Rahmaani muhdasin illaa kaanoo ‘anhu mu’rideen
6. Faqad kazzaboo fasa yaateehim ambaaa’u maa kaanoo bihee yastahzi’oon
7. Awa lam yaraw ilal ardi kam ambatnaa feehaa min kulli zawjin kareem
8. Inna fee zaalika la Aayah; wa maa kaana aksaruhum mu’mineen
9. Wa inna Rabbaka la Huwal ‘Azeezur Raheem (section 1)
10. Wa iz naadaa Rabbuka Moosaaa ani’-til qawmaz zaalimeen
11. Qawma Fir’awn; alaa yattaqoon
12. Qaala Rabbi inneee akhaafu ai yukazziboon
13. Wa yadeequ sadree wa laa yantaliqu lisaanee fa arsil ilaa Haaroon
14. Wa lahum ‘alaiya zambun fa akhaafu ai yaqtuloon
15. Qaala kallaa fazhabaa bi Aayaatinaaa innaa ma’akum mustami’oon
16. Faatiyaa Fir’awna faqoolaaa innaa Rasoolu Rabbil ‘aalameen
17. An arsil ma’anaa Baneee Israaa’eel
18. Qaala alam nurabbika feenaa waleedanw wa labista feenaa min ‘umurika sineen
19. Wa fa’alta fa’latakal latee fa’alta wa anta minal kaafireen
20. Qaala fa’altuhaaa izanw wa ana minad daaaleen
21. Fafarartu minkum lam maa khiftukum fawahaba lee Rabbee hukmanw wa ja’alanee minal mursaleen
22. Wa tilka ni’matun tamun nuhaa ‘alaiya an ‘abbatta Baneee Israaa’eel
23. Qaala Fir’awnu wa maa Rabbul ‘aalameen
24. Qaala Rabbus samaawaati wal ardi wa maa bainahumaa in kuntum mooqineen
25. Qaala liman hawlahooo alaa tastami’oon
26. Qaala Rabbukum wa Rabbu aabaaa’ikumul awwaleen
27. Qaala inna Rasoolakumul lazee ursila ilaikum lamajnoon
28. Qaala Rabbul mashriqi wal maghribi wa maa baina humaa in kuntum ta’qiloon
29. Qaala la’init takhazta ilaahan ghairee la aj’alannaka minal masjooneen
30. Qaala awalaw ji’tuka bishai’im mubeen
31. Qaala faati biheee in kunta minas saadiqeen
32. Fa alqaa ‘asaahu fa izaaa hiya su’baanum mubeen
33. Wa naza’a yadahoo faizaa hiya baidaaa’u linnaa zireen (section 2)
34. Qaala lilmala-i hawlahooo inna haazaa lasaahirun ‘aleem
35. Yureedu ai yukhrijakum min ardikum bisihrihee famaazaa taamuroon
36. Qaalooo arjih wa akhaahu wab’as filmadaaa’ini haashireen
37. Yaatooka bikulli sah haarin ‘aleem
38. Fa jumi’as saharatu limeeqaati Yawmim ma’loom
39. Wa qeela linnaasi hal antum mujtami’oon
40. La’allanaa nattabi’us saharata in kaanoo humul ghaalibeen
41. Falammaa jaaa’as saharatu qaaloo li Fir’awna a’inna lanaa la ajjran in kunnaa nahnul ghaalibeen
42. Qaala na’am wa innakum izal laminal muqarrabeen
43. Qaala lahum Moosaaa alqoo maaa antum mulqoon
44. Fa alqaw hibaalahum wa ‘isiyyahum wa qaaloo bi’izzati Fir’awna innaa lanahnul ghaaliboon
45. Fa alqaa Moosaa ‘asaahu fa izaa hiya talqafu maa yaafikoon
46. Fa ulqiyas saharatu saajideen
47. Qaalooo aamannaa bi Rabbil ‘aalameen
48. Rabbi Moosaa wa Haaroon
49. Qaala aamantum lahoo qabla an aazana lakum innahoo lakabeerukumul lazee ‘alla makumus sihra falasawfa ta’lamoon; la uqatti’anna aidiyakum wa arjulakum min khilaafinw wa la usallibanna kum ajma’een
50. Qaaloo la daira innaaa ilaa Rabbinaa munqalliboon
51. Innaa natma’u ai yaghfira lanaa Rabbunaa khataa yaanaaa an kunnaaa awwalal mu’mineen (section 3)
52. Wa awhainaaa ilaa Moosaaa an asri bi’ibaadeee innakum muttaba’oon
53. Fa arsala Fir’awnu filmadaaa’ini haashireen
54. Inna haaa’ulaaa’i lashir zimatun qaleeloon
55. Wa innahum lanaa laghaaa’izoon
56. Wa innaa lajamee’un haaziroon
57. Fa akhrajnaahum min Jannaatinw wa ‘uyoon
58. Wa kunoozinw wa ma qaamin kareem
59. Kazaalika wa awrasnaahaa Baneee Israaa’eel
60. Fa atba’oohum mushriqeen
61. Falammaa taraaa’al jam’aani qaala as haabu Moosaaa innaa lamudrakoon
62. Qaala kallaaa inna ma’iya Rabbee sa yahdeen
63. Fa awhainaaa ilaa Moosaaa anidrib bi’asaakal bahra fanfalaqa fakaana kullu firqin kattawdil ‘azeem
64. Wa azlafnaa sammal aakhareen
65. Wa anjainaa Moosaa wa mam ma’ahooo ajma’een
66. Summa aghraqnal aakhareen
67. Inna fee zaalika la Aayaah; wa maa kaana aksaru hu mu’mineen
68. Wa inna Rabbaka la Huwal ‘Azeezur Raheem (section 4)
69. Watlu ‘alaihim naba-a Ibraaheem
70. Iz qaala li abeehi wa qawmihee maa ta’budoon
71. Qaaloo na’budu asnaaman fanazallu lahaa ‘aakifeen
72. Qaala hal yasma’oona kum iz tad’oon
73. Aw yanfa’oonakum aw yadurroon
74. Qaaloo bal wajadnaaa aabaaa ‘anaa kazaalika yaf’aloon
75. Qaala afara ‘aitum maa kuntum ta’budoon
76. Antum wa aabaaa’ukumul aqdamoon
77. Fa innahum ‘aduwwwul leee illaa Rabbal ‘aalameen
78. Allazee khalaqanee fa Huwa yahdeen
79. Wallazee Huwa yut’imunee wa yasqeen
80. Wa izaa maridtu fahuwa yashfeen
81. Wallazee yumeetunee summa yuhyeen
82. Wallazeee atma’u ai yaghfira lee khateee’ atee Yawmad Deen
83. Rabbi hab lee hukmanw wa alhiqnee bis saaliheen
84. Waj’al lee lisaana sidqin fil aakhireen
85. Waj’alnee minw warasati Jannnatin Na’eem
86. Waghfir li abeee innahoo kaana mind daalleen
87. Wa laa tukhzinee Yawma yub’asoon
88. Yawma laa yanfa’u maalunw wa laa banoon
89. Illaa man atal laaha biqalbin saleem
90. Wa uzlifatil Jannatu lilmuttaqeen
91. Wa burrizatil Jaheemu lilghaaween
92. Wa qeela lahum aina maa kuntum ta’budoon
93. Min doonil laahi hal yansuroonakum aw yantasiroon
94. Fakubkiboo feehaa hum walghaawoon
95. Wa junoodu Ibleesa ajma’oon
96. Qaaloo wa hum feehaa yakkhtasimoon
97. Tallaahi in kunnaa lafee dalaalim mubeen
98. Iz nusawweekum bi Rabbil ‘aalameen
99. Wa maaa adallanaaa illal mujrimoon
100. Famaa lanaa min shaa fi’een
101. Wa laa sadeeqin hameem
102. Falaw anna lanaa karratan fanakoona minal mu’mineen
103. Inna fee zaalika la Aayatanw wa maa kaana aksaruhum mu’mineen
104. Wa inna Rabbaka la Huwal ‘Azeezur Raheem (section 5)
105. Kazzabat qawmu Noohinil Mursaleen
106. Iz qaala lahum akhoohum Noohun alaa tattaqoon
107. Innee lakum Rasoolun ameen
108. Fattaqullaaha wa atee’oon
109. Wa maaa as’alukum ‘alaihi min ajrin in ajriya illaa ‘alaa Rabbil ‘aalameen
110. Fattaqul laaha wa atee’oon
111. Qaalooo anu’minu laka wattaba ‘akal arzaloon
112. Qaala wa maa ‘ilmee bimaa kaanoo ya’maloon
113. In hisaabuhum illaa ‘alaa Rabbee law tash’uroon
114. Wa maaa ana bitaaridil mu’mineen
115. In ana illaa nazeerum mubeen
116. Qaaloo la’il lam tantahi yaa Noohu latakoonanna minal marjoomeen
117. Qaala Rabbi inna qawmee kazzaboon
118. Faftab bainee wa bai nahum fat hanw wa najjinee wa mam ma’iya minal mu’mineen
119. Fa anjainaahu wa mamma’ahoo fil fulkil mashhoon
120. Summa aghraqnaa ba’dul baaqeen
121. Inna fee zaalika la Aayaah; wa maa kaana aksaruhum mu’mineen
122. Wa inna Rabbaka la huwal ‘Azeezur Raheem (section 6)
123. Kazzabat ‘Aadunil mursaleen
124. Iz qaala lahum akhoohum Hoodun alaa tattaqoon
125. Innee lakum Rasoolun ameen
126. Fattaqullaaha wa atee’oon
127. Wa maa as’alukum ‘alaihi min ajrin in ajriya illaa ‘alaa Rabbil ‘aalameen
128. Atabnoona bikulli ree’in aayatan ta’basoon
129. Wa tattakhizoona masaani’a la’allakum takhludoon
130. Wa izaa batashtum batashtum jabbaareen
131. Fattaqul laaha wa atee’oon
132. Wattaqul lazeee amad dakum bimaa ta’lamoon
133. Amaddakum bi an’aa minw wa baneen
134. Wa jannaatinw wa ‘uyoon
135. Innee akhaafu ‘alaikum ‘azaaba Yawmin ‘azeem
136. Qaaloo sawaaa’un ‘alainaaa awa ‘azta am lam takum minal waa’izeen
137. In haazaaa illaa khuluqul awwaleen
138. Wa maa nahnu bimu ‘azzabeen
139. Fakazzaboohu fa ahlaknaahum; inna fee zaalika la aayah; wa maa kaana aksaruhum mu’mineen
140. Wa inna Rabbaka la huwal ‘Azeezur Raheem (section 7)
141. Kazzabat Samoodul mursaleen
142. Iz qaala lahum akhoohum Saalihun alaa tattaqoon
143. Innee lakum Rasoolun ameen
144. Fattaqul laaha wa atee’oon
145. Wa maaa as’alukum ‘alaihi min ajrin in ajriya illaa ‘alaa Rabbil ‘aalameen
146. Atutrakoona fee maa haahunnaaa aamineen
147. Fee jannaatinw wa ‘uyoon
148. Wa zuroo inw wa nakhlin tal ‘uhaa hadeem
149. Wa tanhitoona minal jibaali buyootan faariheen
150. Fattaqul laaha wa atee’oon
151. Wa laa tutee’ooo amral musrifeen
152. Allazeena yufsidoona fil ardi wa laa yuslihoon
153. Qaalooo innamaa anta minal musahhareen
154. Maaa anta illaa basharum mislunaa faati bi Aayatin in kunta minas saadiqeen
155. Qaala haazihee naaqatul lahaa shirbunw walakum shirbu yawmim ma’loom
156. Wa laa tamassoohaa bisooo’in fa yaakhuzakum ‘azaabu Yawmin ‘Azeem
157. Fa’aqaroohaa fa asbahoo naadimeen
158. Fa akhazahumul ‘azaab; inna fee zaalika la Aayah; wa maa kaana aksaruhum mu’mineen
159. Wa inna Rabbaka la Huwal ‘Azeezur Raheem (section 8)
160. kazzabat qawmu Lootinil mursaleen
161. Iz qaala lahum akhoohum Lootun alaa tattaqoon
162. Innee lakum rasoolun ameen
163. Fattaqul laaha wa atee’oon
164. Wa maaa as’alukum ‘alaihi min ajrin in ajriya illaa ‘alaa Rabbil ‘aalameen
165. Ataatoonaz zukraana minal ‘aalameen
166. Wa tazaroona maa khalaqa lakum Rabbukum min azwaajikum; bal antum qawmun ‘aadoon
167. Qaloo la’il lam tantahi yaa Lootu latakoonanna minal mukhrajeen
168. Qaala innee li’amalikum minal qaaleen
169. Rabbi najjjinee wa ahlee mimmmaa ya’maloon
170. Fanajjainaahu wa ahlahooo ajma’een
171. Illaa ‘ajoozan filghaabireen
172. Summa dammarnal aa khareen
173. Wa amtarnaa ‘alaihim mataran fasaaa’a matarul munzareen
174. Inna fee zaalika la Aayah; wa maa kaana aksaruhum mu’mineen
175. Wa inna Rabbaka la Huwal ‘Azeezur Raheem (section 9)
176. Kazzaba As haabul Aykatil mursaleen
177. Iz qaala lahum Shu’aybun alaa tattaqoon
178. Innee lakum Rasoolun ameen
179. Fattaqul laaha wa atee’oon
180. Wa maaa as’alukum ‘alaihi min ajrin in ajriya illaa ‘alaa Rabbil ‘aalameen
181. Awful kaila wa laa takoonoo minal mukhsireen
182. Wa zinoo bilqistaasil mustaqeem
183. Wa laa tabkhasun naasa ashyaaa ‘ahum wa laa ta’saw fil ardi mufsideen
184. Wattaqul lazee khalaqakum waljibillatal awwaleen
185. Qaalooo innamaa anta minal musahhareen
186. Wa maaa anta illaa basharum mislunaa wa innazunnuka laminal kaazibeen
187. Fa asqit ‘alainaa kisafam minas samaaa’i in kunta minas saadiqeen
188. Qaala Rabbeee a’lamu bimaa ta’maloon
189. Fakazzaboohu fa akhazahum ‘azaabu Yawmiz zullah; innahoo kaana ‘azaaba Yawmin ‘Azeem
190. Inna fee zaalika la Aayah; wa maa kaana aksaruhum mu’mineen
191. Wa inna Rabbaka la huwal ‘Azeezur Raheem (section 10)
192. Wa innahoo latanzeelu Rabbil ‘aalameen
193. Nazala bihir Roohul Ameen
194. ‘Alaa qalbika litakoona minal munzireen
195. Bilisaanin ‘Arabiyyim mubeen
196. Wa innahoo lafee Zuburil awwaleen
197. Awalam yakul lahum Aayatan ai ya’lamahoo ‘ulamaaa’u Baneee Israaa’eel
198. Wa law nazzalnaahu ‘alaa ba’dil a’jameen
199. Faqara ahoo ‘alaihim maa kaanoo bihee mu’mineen
200. Kazaalika salaknaahu fee quloobil mujrimeen
201. Laa yu’minoona bihee hattaa yarawul ‘azaabal aleem
202. Fayaatiyahum baghtatanw wa hum laa yash’uroon
203. Fa yaqooloo hal nahnu munzaroon
204. Afabi ‘azaabinaa yasta’jiloon
205. Afara’aita im matta’naahum sineen
206. Summa jaaa’ahum maa kaanoo yoo’adoon
207. Maaa aghnaaa ‘anhum maa kaanoo yumatta’oon
208. Wa maaa ahlaknaa min qaryatin illaa lahaa munziroon
209. Zikraa wa maa kunnaa zaalimeen
210. Wa maa tanazzalat bihish Shayaateen
211. Wa maa yambaghee lahum wa maa yastatee’oon
212. Innahum ‘anis sam’i lama’zooloon
213. Falaa tad’u ma’al laahi ilaahan aakhara fatakoona minal mu’azzabeen
214. Wa anzir ‘asheeratakal aqrabeen
215. Wakhfid janaahaka limanit taba ‘aka minal mu’mineen
216. Fa in asawka faqul innee bareee’um mimmmaa ta’maloon
217. Wa tawakkal alal ‘Azeezir Raheem
218. Allazee yaraaka heena taqoom
219. Wa taqallubaka fis saajideen
220. Innahoo Huwas Samee’ul ‘Aleem
221. Hal unabbi’ukum ‘alaa man tanazzalush Shayaateen
222. Tanazzalu ‘alaa kulli affaakin aseem
223. Yulqoonas sam’a wa aksaruhum kaaziboon
224. Washshu ‘araaa’u yattabi ‘uhumul ghaawoon
225. Alam tara annahum fee kulli waadiny yaheemoon
226. Wa annahum yaqooloona ma laa yaf’aloon
227. Illal lazeena aamanoo wa ‘amilus saalihaati wa zakarul laaha kaseeranw wantasaroo min ba’di maa zulimoo; wa saya’lamul lazeena zalamooo aiya munqalabiny yanqaliboon (section 11)
Surah Al-Shu’araa (26:19) – Part 19
26. Surah Al-Shu’araa (The Poets)
This Surah is Makkan, containing 227 verses and 11 sections
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Ta-Seen-Meem. (These are individual letters of the Arabic alphabet; Allah and His Messenger know their exact meanings.)
These are the verses of the Luminous Book (i.e. the Qur’aan).
Perhaps you may put your life at risk (O Beloved) by grieving over them because they did not believe.
If We will, We could henceforth send down upon them a sign from the sky so that the stuck-up ones amongst them would remain bowed before it.
And new advice does not come to them from the Most Gracious, but they turn their faces away therefrom.
So, they have indeed belied; the news (of punishment) is now about to come upon them.
Have they not seen the earth, how many significant pairs We have grown in it?
Indeed, in this there is definitely a sign, but most of them are not to believe.
And your Lord; indeed, only He is the Dignified, the Most Merciful.
And remember when your Lord called Moosa, saying, “Go to the unjust people.”
“Who are the people of Fir’awn. Will they not fear the punishment of Allah?”
He (Moosa) said, “O my Lord, I fear that they will belie me.”
“My chest is tightening, and my tongue does not function smoothly, so make Haaroon a Messenger also.”
“And they have a charge against me (for killing one of their men); so, I fear that they will act against me.”
Allah said, “It is not so; both of you go with Our verses. We are with you, listening.”
“So, go to Fir’awn, then say to him, ‘Both of us are Messengers of the Lord of all the worlds.'”
“That you let the Children of Israel go with us.”
Fir’awn said, “Did we not raise you amongst us in your childhood, and you spent many years of your life with us?!”
“And you committed your deed (i.e., killed one of our men), and you were ungrateful.”
Moosa said, “I did that at a time when I was unaware of the path (i.e., the outcome that the man would be killed with a single blow).”
“I therefore went away from you since I feared you; my Lord henceforth commanded me and appointed me as one of His Messengers.”
“And is this (really) a bounty of which you express a favor upon me, that you have enslaved the Children of Israel?”
Fir’awn said, “And what is the Lord of all the worlds?”
Moosa responded, “(He is) the Lord of the heavens and the earth, and whatever is between them; if you have certainty.”
Fir’awn said to those around him, “Are you not listening to his response attentively?!”
Moosa responded, “Your Lord and the Lord of your preceding forefathers.”
Fir’awn said, “This Messenger of yours, who has been sent towards you, surely has no intelligence.”
Moosa responded (after listening to his insolent remarks), “The Lord of the East, and the West, and whatever is between them; if you have sense.”
Fir’awn said, “If you, O Moosa, ascribe anyone else as a god other than me, I will surely imprison you.”
Moosa said, “Even if I bring to you something clear (as a sign)?”
Fir’awn responded, “Then bring it, if you are truthful.”
So, Moosa put down his staff; it became a manifest serpent instantly.
And he drew forth his hand; it began to shine before the beholders.
Fir’awn said to the chiefs around him, “He is indeed a skilled magician.”
“He wishes to remove you from your country with the power of his magic; so, what is your advice?”
They said, “Make him and his brother stay, and send gatherers of people to the cities.”
“That they bring to you every expert skilled magician.”
So, the magicians were gathered at a fixed time on an appointed day.
And it was said to the people, “Have you (also) gathered?”
“Perhaps we may follow the magicians (instead of Moosa) if they are dominant.”
So, when the magicians came, they said to Fir’awn, “Will we get some reward if we are dominant?”
He said, “Yes, at such time you will then become close to me.”
Moosa said to them, “Cast whatever you have to cast.”
So, they threw down their ropes and sticks and said, “By the honour of Fir’awn, victory is indeed only ours.”
So, Moosa put forth his staff, and it immediately began swallowing up all of their fabrications.
The magicians now fell down in prostration.
The magicians said, “We have believed in the Lord of all the worlds.”
“The One Who is the Lord of Moosa and Haaroon.”
Fir’awn said, “You believed in him before I permitted you? He is indeed your leader who taught you magic; you will now come to know. I swear I will certainly cut off your hands and your feet from alternate sides and crucify you all.”
They said, “There is no loss; we are to return to our Lord.”
“We yearn for our Lord to forgive our shortcomings, because we are the first to believe (from the nation of Fir’awn).”
And We sent revelation to Moosa, saying, “Travel by night with My bondsmen; you will indeed be tracked.”
Fir’awn sent gatherers into the cities.
They announced, “These people (the Descendants of Israel) are a small group.”
“And they are enraging us all.”
“And we are indeed vigilant.”
So, We banished Fir’awn and his people from the gardens and springs.
And from treasures and nice houses.
We did so, and We made the Descendants of Israel their inheritors.
So, the people of Fir’awn followed them at sunrise.
When the two groups faced each other, those with Moosa said, “They have overtaken us.”
Moosa said, “Not so! Indeed, my Lord is with me; He will show me the way.”
So, We sent revelation to Moosa, saying, “Strike the river with your staff.” The river parted, and each part became like a huge mountain.
We brought the others (Fir’awn and his people) close to that place.
We saved Moosa and all those with him.
Then We drowned the others.
Indeed, in this is a sign, but most of them were not Muslims.
And recite to them the news of Ibrahim.
When he said to his figurative father and his people, “What do you worship?”
They said, “We worship idols, and we remain in devotion before them.”
He said, “Do they hear you when you call them?”
“Or do they benefit or harm you in any way?”
They said, “Rather, we found our forefathers doing the same.”
He said, “Do you see these (idols) whom you are worshipping?”
“Ibrahim said, ‘You and your former forefathers.'”
“Indeed, they are all my enemies except the Lord of all the worlds.”
“The One Who created me, He will henceforth guide me.”
“And the One Who feeds me and gives me to drink.”
“And when I am ill, it is He Who henceforth cures me.”
“And He will cause me to die, then will bring me back to life.”
“And the One Who I long for; that He will forgive my mistakes on the Day of Judgement.”
“O my Lord, bestow upon me wisdom and connect me with those who deserve Your special proximity.”
“And give me true fame amongst the latter generations.”
“And make me among the inheritors of the Gardens of serenity.”
“And forgive my father; he is indeed astray.”
“And do not cause me to be disgraced on the Day when everyone will be raised.”
“The Day when neither wealth will benefit nor sons.”
“Except the one who wholeheartedly presented himself with a pure heart in the Majestic Court of Allah.”
“And Paradise will be brought close to the pious.”
“And Hell will be made apparent for those who are astray.”
“And it will be said to them, ‘Where are those whom you used to worship?'”
“Other than Allah? Will they help you or will they take revenge (because they are being put in Hell)?”
“They and those who have gone astray were consequently thrown, upturned into Hell.”
“And all the armies of Iblees (Satan).”
“They will say, while quarreling with each other therein.”
“By Allah, we were indeed in open error.”
“Since we took you (false gods) equal to the Lord of all the worlds.”
“And no one misled us but the transgressors.”
“So, now we do not have any intercessor.”
“Nor a caring friend.”
“So, if only we were to return; that we would have become Muslims.”
“Indeed, in this is a sign, and most of them were not believers.”
“And your Lord; indeed, only He is the Dignified, the Merciful.”
“The Nation of Nooh belied the Messengers.”
“When their compatriot Nooh said to them, ‘Do you not fear?'”
“I am indeed a trustworthy Messenger of Allah to you.”
“Therefore, fear Allah, and obey my command.”
“And I do not ask from you any recompense for it (i.e. the propagation of Islam); my reward is only upon (the Generosity of) He Who is the Lord of all the worlds.”
“Therefore, fear Allah, and obey me.”
“They said, ‘Shall we believe in you, whereas the lowest (class of) people are with you?'”
“He said, ‘What do I know about what their works are?!'”
“Their account is only upon my Lord, if you have sense.”
“And I am not the one to drive away the Muslims from my proximity.”
“I am not but a clear warner.”
“They said, ‘O Nooh, if you do not desist, you will surely be stoned.'”
“He submitted, ‘O my Lord, my people have belied me.'”
“Make a completely decisive decision between me and them, and rescue me and the believers who are with me.”
“We henceforth saved him and those with him in a loaded Ark.”
“We then drowned the rest thereafter.”
“Indeed, in this there is a sign; and most of them were not Muslims.”
“And only your Lord is indeed the Dignified, the Merciful.”
“(The tribe of) ‘Aad belied the Messengers.”
“When their compatriot Hood said to them, ‘Do you not fear?'”
“I am indeed a trustworthy Messenger of Allah to you.”
26:126. ‘So, fear Allah, and obey
“So, fear Allah, and obey me.”
“And I do not ask from you any recompense for it (i.e. propagating Islam); my reward is only upon (the Generosity of) He Who is the Lord of all the worlds.”
“Do you make a landmark on every height to laugh at the travelers?”
“And you build strong palaces, in the hope that you may live forever.”
“And when you capture someone, you seize him ruthlessly.”
“So, fear Allah, and obey me.”
“Fear Him Who has helped you with things that are known to you.”
“(He) helped you with cattle and sons.”
“And with gardens and springs.”
“Indeed, I fear for you the punishment of a great Day.”
“They said, ‘It is the same for us whether you advise us or not be of the advisers.'”
“This is nothing but the habit of the former people.”
“And we are not to be punished.”
“Consequently, they belied him, and We destroyed them; indeed, in this is definitely a sign, and most of them were not believers.”
“And indeed, only your Lord is the Dignified, the Merciful.”
“The tribe of Thamood (also) belied the Messengers.”
“When their compatriot Saalih said to them, ‘Do you not fear?'”
“I am indeed a trustworthy Messenger of Allah to you.”
“So, fear Allah, and obey me.”
“And I do not ask from you any recompense (in order to propagate Islam); my reward is only upon (the Generosity of) He Who is the Lord of all the worlds.”
“Will you be left in peace with these favors over here (in this world)?”
“In gardens and springs?”
“And crop fields and date palms whose blossoms are soft and tender?”
“And you carve out houses in the mountains skillfully?”
“Therefore, fear Allah, and obey me.”
“And do not follow the order of those who spread turmoil on the earth and reform not.”
“Those who spread turmoil on the earth and reform not.”
“They said, ‘Magic was done on you.'”
“You are just a human like us; therefore, bring some sign, if you are truthful.”
“He said, ‘This is a she-camel; one day is her turn to drink, and a fixed day is your turn.'”
“And do not touch her with evil intent, lest the punishment of a great Day will seize you.”
“So, they cut the blood vessels of her legs; then they remained regretful in the morning.”
“The punishment therefore seized them; indeed, in this is definitely a sign, and most of them were not believers.”
“And indeed, only your Lord is the Dignified, the Merciful.”
“The people of Lut belied the Messengers.”
“When their compatriot Lut said to them, ‘Do you not fear?'”
“I am indeed a trustworthy Messenger of Allah to you.”
“Therefore, fear Allah, and obey me.”
“And I do not ask from you any recompense (for propagating Islam); my reward is upon (the Generosity of) only He Who is the Lord of all the worlds.”
“Do you commit immoral acts with men among creation?”
“And leave those whom your Lord has created for you as your wives? Rather, you people are those who exceed the limit.”
“They said, ‘O Lut! If you do not desist, you will surely be expelled.'”
“He said, ‘I am disgusted with your (immoral) practice.'”
“O my Lord, protect me and my family from their practice.”
“We then rescued him and his entire family.”
“Except one old woman (i.e., his wife); she stayed behind.”
“We then destroyed the others.”
“And We sent a rain (of stones) upon them; so, what a terrible rain for those who were warned.”
“Indeed, in this, there is definitely a sign, and most of them were not Muslims.”
“And indeed, only your Lord is the Dignified, the Merciful.”
“The people of the forest belied the Messengers.”
“When Shu’ayb said to them, ‘Do you not fear?'”
“I am indeed a trustworthy Messenger of Allah to you.”
“Therefore, fear Allah, and obey me.”
“And I do not ask from you any recompense (for propagating Islam); my reward is upon (the Generosity of) only He Who is the Lord of all the worlds.”
“Measure in full, and do not shortchange.”
“And weigh with a properly calibrated scale.”
“And do not shortchange people’s goods, and do not roam the earth causing turmoil.”
“And fear Him Who created you and the earlier creations.”
“They said, ‘Magic has been done on you.'”
“You are just a human like us, and we indeed consider you a liar.”
“So, cause a piece of the sky to fall upon us, if you are truthful.”
“He said, ‘My Lord is well aware of whatever your (evil) actions are.'”
“So, they belied him, and the punishment of the Day of Covering (by a cloud of fire) seized them; that was indeed a great Day of punishment.”
“Indeed, in this is definitely a sign, and most of them were not Muslims.”
“And indeed, only your Lord is the Dignified, the Merciful.”
“And this Qur’an has indeed been sent down by the Lord of all the worlds.”
“The Trustworthy Spirit (i.e., angel Jibra’eel) brought it.”
“Upon your heart that you may warn.”
“In a clear Arabic language.”
“And indeed, it is publicized in the earlier Books.”
“And was this not a sign for them, that the scholars of the Children of Israel recognize this Prophet?”
“And had We sent it down upon any non-Arab person, and had he recited it to them, even then they would not have believed in it.”
“This is how We have rooted the belying (of the Qur’an) in the hearts of the culprits.”
“They will not believe in it until they see the painful punishment.”
“So, it will come upon them suddenly, while they will be unaware.”
“They will therefore say, ‘Will we get some respite?'”
“So, do they hasten for Our punishment?”
“Therefore, observe that if We allow them to benefit for some years, then comes upon them that (punishment) which they were promised, what benefit will they get from that (abundance of goods) they used to enjoy?”
“And never did We destroy a town which did not have warners to advise (them); and We do not oppress.”
“And the devils did not bring down this Qur’an. They are not worthy of it, and nor can they do so.”
“Indeed, they have been distanced from the place of revelation.”
“Therefore, do not worship any other deity along with Allah, lest you will be punished.”
“And O Beloved, warn your closest relatives.”
“And spread your arm of mercy for your Muslim followers.”
“Thus, if they do not obey you, say therefore, ‘I am detached from what you do.'”
“And rely upon Him, the Dignified, the Merciful.”
“The One Who sees you when you stand up and when you move among those who offer Salah.”
“Indeed, only He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.”
“Shall I inform you upon whom the devils descend? They descend on every excessive slanderer, sinner.”
“The devils cast upon them what they heard, but most of them are liars.”
“And the misguided ones follow the poets (however, the Beloved Prophet Muhammad is not a poet).”
“Did you not see that they keep wandering in every valley?”
“And they say what they do not practice.”
“Except those (poets) who believed and did good deeds, and abundantly remembered Allah (in their poetry), and took revenge (from the disbelievers by refuting them in their poetry) after they had been wronged; and (after death) the unjust will soon come to know that (as to) which side they will turn.”
(This Surah is Makkan, containing
88 verses, 9 sections)
Allah’s Name to commence
with, the Most Gracious, the
Most Merciful.
28:1. Ta-Seen-Meem. (These are
individual letters of the Arabic
alphabet; Allah and _ His
Messenger know their exact
28:2. These are the verses of the
Clear Book (i.e. the Qur’aan or
the Preserved Tablet).
28:3. We narrate to you the true
news of Moosa and Fir’awn for
the people who have faith.
28:4. Indeed, Fir’awn did achieve
dominance in the land (of Egypt)
and made its people subservient
to him, seeing a weak group
amongst them (i.e. amongst the
Children of Israel), he would
slaughter their sons and would
keep their women alive; he was
indeed a mischief-monger.
28:5. And We willed to favour
those who were weak (in
Egypt), and to make them
leaders and to make them the
heirs of their possessions (i.e. of
Fir’awn’s people).
28:6. And to give them control
on the land, and to show
Fir’lawn, and Haamaan, and
their armies the same which
they fear from them (i.e. the
destruction of Fir’awn).
28:7. And We inspired the
mother of Moosa that ‘Suckle
him, then when you fear for
him, put him into the river, and
do not fear and do not grieve.
We shall indeed return him to
you and make him a Messenger.’
28:8. So, the family of Fir’awn
picked him up; that he may be
their enemy and a cause of grief
for them; indeed, Fir’awn, and
Haamaan, and their armies
were wrongdoers.
28:9. And said the wife of
Fir’awn, ‘This child is the
coolness of my eyes and yours;
do not kill him, perhaps he may
benefit us, or we may adopt
him as a son.’ And they were
28:10. And in the morning, the
heart of Moosa’s mother became
anxious, and it was near that she
would have certainly given
away his (true) state, had We not
strengthened her heart, so that
she may have faith in Our
28:11. And his mother said to his
sister, ‘Follow him,’ she therefore
remained observing him from
afar, and they were unaware.
28:12. And We had already
forbidden all foster-mothers for
him; so, she said, ‘Shall I inform
you of such a family that will
nurse this child of yours, and
they are his well-wishers?!
28:13. So, We returned him to
his mother in order to cool her
eyes and (for her) not to grieve,
and (for her) to know that
Allah’s promise is true; but
most people know not.
28:14. And when he reached
adulthood and attained his full
strength, We gave him wisdom
and knowledge; and this is how
We reward the virtuous.
28:15. And (one day) he entered
the city when its people were
sleeping in the afternoon
unaware. So, he found two men
fighting therein; one was from
the tribe of Moosa, and the other
from amongst his enemies. So,
the one who was of his tribe
pleaded to Moosa for help
against the one who was from
his enemies; so, Moosa punched
him, thus put an end to him. He
(Moosa) said, ‘This act (ie. the
oppression of Qibti, which
became the cause of his death)
was from the Devil; indeed, he is
an open misleading enemy.’
28:16. He submitted (to display
humility), ‘0 my Lord, I have
transgressed my soul; so, forgive
me.’ The Lord henceforth
forgave him; indeed, only He is
the Most Forgiving, the Most
28:17. He said, ‘O0 my Lord,
because You have bestowed
favour upon me; so, now I will
never be a supporter of the
28:18. So, he faced the morning
in that city, fearing, waiting to
see what happens. Thereupon,
he saw the one who had
requested help the previous
day, crying out to him for help
(whilst fighting with another
Qibti). Moosa said to him,
Indeed, you are clearly astray.’
28:19. So, when Moosa wished
to apprehend the one (i.e. the
Qibti) who was an enemy to
both of them (i.e. Moosa and an
Israeli). He (the Israeli) said, ‘O
Moosa! Do you wish to kill me
the way you killed a man the
previous day? You desire only
to become violent in the land
and desire not to cause reform.’
28:20. And a man came running
from the further end of the city.
He said, ‘O Moosa; verily, the
court members are consulting
(i.e. plotting) with each other to
kill you, so get away, I am your
28:21. So, he got out of the city
in fear, waiting to see what
transpires. He submitted, ‘O my
Lord, rescue me from the unjust
28:22. And when he turned his
attention towards Madyan, he
said, ‘It is close that my Lord
will show me the straight path.’
28:23. And when he came to the
water (well) of Madyan, he saw
a group of people watering
their animals, and away from
them he saw two women over
there restraining their animals.
Moosa asked, ‘What is the
matter with you two?’ They
said, ‘We do not water until all
the shepherds, after giving
water, take back (their animals).
And our father is very old.’
28:24. So, Moosa watered their
animals for them, and then
turned towards the shade and
submitted, ‘O my Lord, I am in
need of that food which you
may send down for me.’
28:25. So, one of the two
(females) approached him
walking modestly; she said,
“My father is calling you in
order to compensate you for
watering our animals.’ When
Moosa came to him (ie. the
Prophet Shu’ayb) and had told
him (all of) the stories, he said,
‘Do not fear, you have been
saved from the oppressors.’
28:26. One of the two (females)
said, ‘O my father! Employ him;
indeed, a better employee is he
who is strong and trustworthy.’
28:27. He said, ‘I wish to give
you one of these two daughters
of mine in marriage with this
dowry; that you work for me
for eight years. If you then
complete ten full years, it will
therefore be from your side;
and I do not wish to put you
into hardship. It is close, Allah
willing, you will find me
amongst the righteous.’
28:28. Said Moosa, ‘This has
been agreed between me and
you, there shall be no claim
upon me if I fulfil any of these
two terms (eight or ten years).
And Allah is Witness upon this
agreement of ours.’
28:29. So, when Moosa
completed his term and
travelled with his wife, he saw
a fire in the direction of Toor
(Sinai). He said to his wife,
‘Stay here, I have seen a fire in
the direction of Toor; perhaps I
bring some news from there, or
bring a spark of fire for you so
that you may warm yourself.’
28:30. Then, when he came
closer to the fire, a call was
made from the right side of the
valley in the blessed ground
from the tree; that ‘0 Moosa!
Indeed, I am really Allah; the
Lord of all the worlds.’
28:31. And that ‘Put down your
staff.’ So, when Moosa saw it
wriggling as if it was a snake,
turning his back, he walked
away and did not look back.
(He was told) ‘0 Moosa! Come
forth and fear not; indeed, you
are in peace.’
28:32. ‘Put your hand inside the
collar (of your garment), it will
come out luminously white,
flawless, and put your hand on
your chest to remove the fear;
so, these are two proofs from
your Lord to Fir’awn and his
court members; indeed, they
are disobedient people.’
28:33. He submitted, ‘O my
Lord, I killed a person and I
fear that they may kill me.’
28:34. ‘And my brother Haaroon,
he is more eloquent than me (in
speech); therefore, in order to
assist me, appoint him as a
Messenger so that he endorses
me (as being a Prophet); I fear
that they will belie me.’
28:35. He (Allah) said, ‘We will
soon strengthen your arm with
your brother and_ give
dominance to both of you; they
will therefore not be able to
harm both of you due to Our
signs. Both of you and those
who will follow you will be
28:36. Then, when Moosa came
to them with Our clear signs,
they said, ‘This is nothing but
invented magic, and we never
heard anything like this amongst
our former forefathers.’
28:37. And said Moosa, ‘My
Lord knows him well who has
brought guidance from Him,
and for whom will be the
(good) abode of the Hereafter.
Indeed the unjust will never
attain success.’
28:38. And Fir’awn said, ‘O
court members! I do not know
of any other god for you except
myself; therefore, O Haamaan,
after baking the clay (bricks),
build a (tall) palace for me, that
perhaps I may (climb on it and)
take a glimpse of the god of
Moosa; and according to my
perception, he (Moosa) is
indeed a liar.’
28:39. And he (i.e. Fir’awn) and
his soldiers wrongfully sought
unjust prominence in the land,
and assumed that they are not
to return to Us.
28:40. We henceforth, having
seized him and his army, threw
them into the river; so, see how
was the outcome of the
28:41. And We made them
leaders of the people of Hell;
that they invite towards the Fire,
and they will not be helped on
the Day of Resurrection.
28:42. And We appointed a curse
to chase them in this world, and
(the condition) is evil for them
on the Day of Resurrection.
28:43. And We indeed gave
Moosa the Book after this; that
We destroyed the former
generations, therein are matters
which open the eyes of the hearts
of the people (ie. eye-opening),
and guidance and mercy, in order
that they may accept advice.
28:44. And (O Beloved), you
were not on the Western side of
the Toor (Sinai) when We sent
the command. of Prophethood. to
Moosa, and you were not
(physically) present at that time.
28:45. But it so happened that
We created generations and a
long time passed over them,
and nor were you dwelling with
the people of Madyan reciting
Our verses to them. Yes; it is We
Who appoint Messengers.
you beside
the Toor (Ginai) when We called
out (to Moosa to give the Book);
Heomdiige of the aioe) ao: the
you may warn a nation towards
whom no warmer came before you,
in the hope that they may be
28:47. And had it not been that
some disaster befell them
because of what their own
hands have sent forward, they
would have therefore said, ‘O
our Lord, why did you not
send a Messenger towards us,
so that we may have followed
Your verses and would have
28:48. Then, when the truth (ie.
the Beloved Prophet Muhammad)
from Us came to them, they said,
‘Why has he not been given (the
Qur’aan like) what was given to
Moosa (i.e. entirely all in one go)
? Had they (ie. the Jews) not
disbelieved in what was earlier
given to Moosa? They (ie. the
polytheists) said, They (ie. the
Qur’aan and the Tawrah) are two
works of magic, each supporting
the other’ And said, ‘We
disbelieve in both of them.’
28:49. Say you (O Beloved), ‘So,
bring any book from Allah
which is better (at) guiding
than these two; I will follow it,
if you are truthful.’
28:50. Then if they do not
accept your challenge, so know
that they only follow their
desires. And who is more
astray than the one who follows
his desires; separate from the
guidance of Allah? Indeed,
Allah does not guide the unjust.
28:51. And We indeed sent
down the Word (ie. the
Qur’aan) in continuation for
them, so that they may ponder.
28:52. Those to whom We gave
the Book before it, they believe
in it.
28:53. And when these verses are
recited to them, they say, ‘We
believe in it; indeed, only this is
the truth from our Lord, (and)
we had already submitted.’
28:54. They will be given their
reward double; the recompense
of their patience, and they avert
evil with good and spend some
of what We have provided
them in Our path.
28:55. And when they hear
obscene talk, they turn away and
say, ‘For us are our deeds and
for you are your deeds. Enough!
Peace be upon you (ie. an
expression of disapproval); we
ate not interested in the
28:56. Indeed, it is not that you
guide on your own accord
whosoever you desire. Yes,
Allah guides whomever He
wills, and He knows well the
people of guidance.
28:57. And they say, If we
follow the guidance along with
you, people would therefore
snatch us away from our land.’
Did We not give them a place
in a safe Sacred Land, towards
which are brought fruits of all
kinds, as sustenance from Us?
But most of them know not.
28:58. And how many (dwellers
of) towns did We destroy that
became boastful on _ their
luxurious lifestyle. So, these are
their (deserted) homes, that
they remained uninhabited
after them, except a little. And
only We are the Inheritor (i.e.
Owner, of those homes).
28:59. And never does your
Lord destroy (the dwellers of)
towns until He sends a
Messenger to their main city,
reciting Our verses upon them;
and We do not destroy towns
unless its dwellers are unjust.
28:60. And. whatever you have
been given, that is the benefit of
this worldly life and _ its
adornment; and that which is
with Allah is better and more
lasting. So, do you not have
28:61. So, is he whom We have
given a good promise; he will
therefore get it (ie. the
promise), similar to such
person whom We gave the
benefit of the life of this world
to enjoy; and he will then be
brought as captive on the Day
of Resurrection?
28:62. And (remember) on the
Day when He will call to them;
so, He will proclaim, ‘Where
are those partners of Mine
whom you had assumed?”
28:63. Those (leaders of the
disbelievers) against whom the
Word (ie. punishment) has
been proven will say, ‘O our
Lord! It is these whom we led
astray; we led them astray the
way we ourselves went astray.
We are disgusted with them
and we return towards You;
they never used to worship us.’
28:64. And it will be said to
them, ‘Call upon your ascribed
partners.’ So, they will call onto
them, they (the ascribed
partners) will therefore not hear
them. And they will witness the
punishment (and will say) how
good it would have been (for
them) if they attained guidance.’
28:65. And the Day when He
will call them; so, He will say,
‘What answer did you give to
the Messengers?’
28:66. So, on that Day,
information will be obscured
for them, they will therefore not
(be able to) ask one another.
28:67. So, whosoever repented,
and believed, and did good
deeds; it is near that he may be
28:68. And your Lord creates
whatever He wills, and chooses
(what He wills); they (the
polytheists) do not have any
power (to choose). Allah is Pure
and Supreme from their
ascribing of partners (to Him).
28:69. And your Lord knows
what is hidden in their chests,
and what they disclose.
28:70. And only He is Allah;
there is no god except Him,
there is only His praise in this
world and in the Hereafter, and
command is only His, and only
towards Him you will return.
28:71. Say you (O Beloved), ‘Do
you see; if Allah makes the
night to continue over you till
the Day of Resurrection; so,
which god other than Allah is
there who could bring you
light? So, do you not listen?’
28:72. Say you (O Beloved), ‘Do
you see; if Allah makes the day
to continue over you till the
Day of Resurrection; so, which
god other than Allah is there
who could bring night for you
to rest therein? So, do you not
28:73. And with His Mercy, He
made the night and the day for
you, so that you may rest
during the night and seek His
benevolence (i.e. sustenance)
during the day, and in order
that you may appreciate.
28:74. And (remember) the Day
when He will call them, He will
henceforth proclaim, ‘Where
are those partners of Mine
regarding whom you used to
28:75, And We shall say whilst
bringing forward a witness
from each group, ‘Bring your
proof.’ So, they will know that
the truth is for Allah, and will
be lost from them all that they
used to fabricate.
28:76. Indeed, Qaaroon (Korah)
was from the people of Moosa,
he then oppressed them. And
We gave him so many
treasures, that their keys were a
heavy burden for a strong
group (to carry). When his
people said to him, ‘Do not
boast; indeed, Allah does not
like the boastful.’
28:77. ‘And seek the abode of
the Hereafter with the wealth
that Allah has given you, and
do not forget your part in this
world, and do favours (to
others) the way Allah has
favoured you, and do not seek
to cause turmoil in the earth;
indeed, Allah does not love the
28:78. He said, ‘I got this (wealth)
due to a (particular branch of)
knowledge which I possess.’
And does he not know that,
before him, Allah destroyed the
generations who were stronger
in strength than him and greater
in accumulating (wealth)? And
there is no questioning (at the
time of punishment) from the
culprits regarding their sins.
28:79. He therefore came before
his people in his adornment;
said those who desired the
worldly life, ‘If only we were to
get what Qaaroon has been
given, he is indeed very
28:80. And said those who were
given the knowledge, ‘Woe to
you! The reward of Allah is
better for the one who believes
and does good deeds, and it is
given only to those who are
28:81. We henceforth caused
him and his home to sink into
the earth; hence, he had no
group to help save him from
Allah, nor could he _ take
28:82, And those who had
desired his status the day before
began saying in the morning, ‘It is
and restricts it (for whomever He
wills). If Allah had not been
Gracious to us, He would have
henceforth caused us to sink as
well. It is strange, (that ultimately)
the disbelievers do not prosper.’
28:83. This abode of the
Hereafter, We make it for those
who do not seek arrogance in
the land nor disorder; and the
Hereafter is (good) only for the
28:84. Whosoever brings virtue,
for him is better than it; and
whoever brings evil, the doers
of evil shall consequently not
be recompensed except as
much as they did.
28:85. Indeed, He Who has made
(acting upon) the Qur’aan
binding upon you will definitely
bring you back to where you
desire to return. Say you (O
Beloved), ‘My Lord knows him
well who brought guidance, and
he who is in open misguidance.’
28:86. And you had no hope
that the Book be sent upon you
except with the Mercy of your
Lord; so, never support the
28:87. And let them never
prevent you (O Muslims) from
the verses of Allah after they
have been sent down upon you,
and call (people) towards your
Lord, and never be amongst
those who ascribe partners (to
28:88. And do not worship any
other god along with Allah;
there is no god except Him.
Everything is perishable except
His Being, command is only
His, and only towards Him you
will be returned.
(This Surah is Makkan, containing
69 verses and 7 sections)
Allah’s Name to commence
with, the Most Gracious, the
Most Merciful.
29:1. Alif-Laam-Meem. (These
are individual letters of the
Arabic alphabet; Allah and His
Messenger know their exact
29:2. Do people have this
perception; that they will be left
alone just by declaring, ‘We
believed,’ and they will not be
29:3. We indeed tested those
before them, Allah _ will
henceforth definitely observe
the truthful, and will definitely
observe the liars.
29:4. Or do those who commit
evil deeds think that they can
escape from Us somehow? What
an evil judgement they pass.
29:5. Whosoever hopes to meet
Allah; so, indeed the appointed
term by Allah (for reward or
punishment) is definitely to
come, and He is the AIll-
Hearing, the All-Knowing.
29:6. And whosoever strives in
the path of Allah, he strives for
his own benefit only. Indeed,
Allah is Independent from all
the worlds.
29:7. And those who believed
and did good deeds, We will
definitely remove (from them)
their sins and definitely reward
them for the best of all their
29:8. We have emphasised upon
man to show kindness towards
his parents. And if they strive
to make you ascribe a partner
with Me about which you do
not have any knowledge, do
not therefore obey them. Only
towards Me is your return, I
will henceforth inform you of
what you used to do.
29:9. And those who believed
and did good deeds, We shall
definitely include them among
the virtuous.
29:10. And some people say, ‘We
believe in Allah,’ when they are
then afflicted with some
adversity in the path of Allah,
they therefore consider the chaos
created by people equal to the
punishment from Allah. And if
help comes from your Lord, they
will hence definitely say, ‘We
were with you only.’ Does Allah
not know well what is in the
hearts of the entire creation?
29:11. And Allah will definitely
make known the believers, and
He will definitely expose the
29:12. And the disbelievers said
to the Muslims, ‘Follow our
path and we will bear your
sins,’ whereas, they will not
bear anything from their sins;
they are indeed liars.
29:13. And undoubtedly, they
will definitely bear their own
burdens and some other burdens
along with their own burdens.
And they will definitely be
questioned on the Day of
Resurrection, concerning,
whatever they used to fabricate.
29:14. And We indeed sent
Nooh to his nation, he hence
stayed with them for a
thousand years, minus fifty
years. So, the flood seized
them, and they were unjust.
29:15. So, We rescued him and
the people in the Ark, and
made (the event of) the Ark a
sign for the entire world.
29:16. And (remember)
Ibrahim, when he said to his
people, ‘Worship Allah and fear
Him, this is better for you, if
you knew.’
29:17. ‘You therefore worship
only idols instead of Allah and
forge a clear lie. Indeed, those
whom you worship instead of
Allah are not at all the owner of
your sustenance; therefore, seek
sustenance from Allah, and
worship Him, and be grateful
to Him. You are to return
towards only Him.’
29:18. ‘And if you belie; so,
many nations have belied
before you. And the Messenger
is not responsible except to
clearly convey (the message).
29:19. Have they not seen how
Allah originates creation then
is (very) easy for Allah.
29:20. Say you (O Beloved),
‘Travel in the land, see how He
initially creates? Then Allah brings
forth the second growth (ie. re-
creation on the Day of
Judgement); indeed, Allah is Able
to do all things.’
29:21. He punishes whomever
He wills and has mercy upon
whomsoever He wills; and
towards only Him you are to
29:22. Neither can you escape
(from His control) in the earth
nor in the sky; and for you,
other than Allah, there is
neither any problem-solver nor
any helper.
29:23. And those who did not
believe in My verses and in
meeting Me are only those who
have no hope of My Mercy, and
for them is a_ painful
29:24. So, his people could not
answer him except to say this;
‘Kill him or burn him.’ Allah
henceforth rescued him from
the fire; indeed, in this are
definitely signs for the
29:25. And Ibrahim said, ‘You
have chosen idols instead of
Allah with whom = your
friendship is only in the life of
this world. Then, on the Day of
Resurrection, one will deny the
other and one will curse the
other, and the abode for all of
you is Hell, and you do not
have any supporter.’
29:26. So, Loot believed in him
(Ibrahim), and Ibrahim said, ‘T
am migrating towards my
Lord; indeed, only He is the
Dignified, the Wise.’
29:27. And We bestowed Is-
haag and Ya’qoob to him, and
kept Prophethood and the Book
amongst his children, and We
granted him his reward in the
world. And he will indeed be
amongst those who deserve
Our special proximity in the
29:28. And We rescued Loot
when he said to his people,
‘You indeed commit a shameful
act, which no one in creation
has ever done before you.’
29:29. ‘Do you commit the
shameless act with men, and
cut off paths (ie. commit
robbery), and you utter evils in
your gathering?! So, his people
had no answer except to say
this; ‘Bring the punishment of
Allah upon us, if you are
29:30. He submitted, ‘0 my
Lord, help me against these
corrupt people.’
29:31. And when Our angels
came with glad tidings to
Ibrahim, they said, ‘We will
definitely destroy the people of
this town; indeed, its residents
are unjust.’
29:32. He (Ibrahim) said, ‘Loot
is in it.’ They said, ‘We know
very well whatever is in it. We
shall definitely rescue him and
his family, except his wife; she
is amongst those who remain
29:33. And when Our angels (in
the form of handsome young
boys) came to Loot, he was
unhappy at their arrival and felt
sad because of them (since he
was aware of the immoral habit
of his people), and they said,
‘Do not fear nor grieve; we will
definitely rescue you and your
family, except your wife; she is
of those who remain behind.’
29:34. ‘Indeed, We are going to
bring down a punishment from
the sky upon the residents of
this town; the recompense of
their disobedience.’
29:35. And We have
undoubtedly kept from it (i.e.
the demolished houses or
pelted stones) a clear sign for
the people of intellect.
29:36. And We sent towards
Madyan their compatriot
Shu’ayb, he therefore said, ‘O
my people! Worship Allah, and
anticipate the Last Day, and do
not roam the earth spreading
29:37. So, they denied him,
thereupon the earthquake seized
them; so, in the morning, they
remained lying (dead) on their
knees in their homes.
29:38. And We destroyed (the
tribes of) ‘Aad and Thamood,
and you have already come to
know their dwellings. The
Devil made their deeds appear
good to them and prevented
them from the (straight) path,
and they could perceive
(between right and wrong).
29:39. And (We destroyed)
Qaaroon, Fir’awn and
Haamaan. And Moosa indeed
came to them with clear signs;
so, they were arrogant in the
land, and they were not to
escape from Us.
2940. Henceforth, We caught each
one upon his sin; consequently,
amongst them is the one upon
whom We sent a shower of stones
(ie. the nation of Loot), and
them is the ane who was
of Thamood), and amongst them is
the one whom We caused. to sink
in the earth (ie Qaaroon), and
amongst them is the one whom
We drowned (ie. Firawn and his
29:41. The example of those
who have chosen masters other
than Allah is like that of a
spider; it makes its house of
web; and indeed, the weakest
house of all is that of a spider.
How nice it would have been
(for them) if only they knew.
29:42. Allah knows what they
worship instead of Him; only
He is the Dignified, the Wise.
29:43. And We illustrate these
examples for the people, and no
one understands them except
the people of knowledge.
29:44. Allah created the
heavens and the earth with
truth; indeed, in this is a sign
for the Muslims.
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29:45. O Beloved, recite the Book
which has been revealed to you
and establish Salah; indeed,
Salah stops indecency and evil.
And indeed, the remembrance
of Allah is the greatest, and
Allah knows what you do.
29:46. And O Muslims, do not
dispute with the People of the
Book but in the best manner,
except (with) those amongst
them who oppress. And say (to
them), ‘We believe in what has
been sent down towards us and
what has been sent towards
you, and our and your God is
One, and we have submitted
ourselves to Him.’
29:47. And this is how We sent
down the Book (ie. the
Qur’aan) to you, O Beloved. So,
those to whom We (previously)
gave the Book believe in it, and
some amongst these (people of
Makkah) are those who believe
in it, and no one rejects Our
verses except the disbelievers.
29:48. And (O Beloved) you
were not reading any Book
before it, nor writing anything
with your own hand; in that
case, the people of falsehood
would have definitely doubted.
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29:49. Rather, they are clear
verses in the hearts of those
who have been _ given
knowledge, and no one denies
Our verses except the unjust.
29:50. And they said, ‘Why did
some signs not come down to
him from his Lord?’ Say you (O
Beloved), ‘The signs are only
with Allah, and I am purely a
clear warner.’
29:51. Is it not enough for them
that We have sent down the
Book upon you, which is read
to them? Indeed, therein is
mercy and advice for the
29:52. Say you (O Beloved),
‘Allah is sufficient as a Witness
between me and you; He knows
whatever is in the heavens and
in the earth. And those who
believed in falsehood and
disbelieved in Allah, it is they
who are in loss.’
29:53. And they urge you to
hasten the punishment; and if a
time had not been fixed (for their
punishment), the punishment
would have therefore certainly
come upon them; and it will
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definitely come upon them all of
a sudden whilst they will be
29:54. They urge you to hasten
the punishment; and indeed,
Hell has surrounded the
29:55. The Day when the
punishment will encircle them
from above them and from
below their feet, and He will
say, ‘Taste the flavour of your
29:56. O My bondsmen who
believe! Indeed, My earth is
spacious; so, worship only Me.
29:57. Every soul must taste the
flavour of death, then only
towards Us you will return.
29:58. And indeed, those who
believed and did good deeds,
We will definitely place them
on upper chambers of Paradise
beneath which rivers would be
flowing; they shall live therein
forever; what an_ excellent
reward of the doers (of good).
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29:59. Those who practised
patience and who rely upon
only their Lord.
29:60. And how many are there
who walk upon the earth
without having their sustenance
with them; Allah provides the
sustenance to them and to you;
and only He is the All-Hearing,
the All-Knowing.
29:61. And if you ask them, “Who
created the heavens and the
earth, and made the sun and the
moon subservient?! So, they will
definitely say, ‘Allah.’ So, to
where are they turning away?
29:62. Allah increases the
sustenance for whomsoever He
wills amongst His bondsmen,
and restricts it for whomever
He wills; indeed, Allah knows
29:63. And if you ask them,
‘Who sent down water from the
sky; so, He thereby revived the
earth after its death?’ So, they
will definitely say, ‘Allah.’ You
proclaim, ‘All praise is due to
Allah,’ rather, most of them are
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29:64. And this worldly life is
nothing but amusement and
play. And indeed, the abode of
the Hereafter, only that is
definitely the true life. How
nice would it have been (for
them), if they knew.
29:65. And when they board the
boats, they call upon Allah,
purely believing in only Him.
Then, when He brings them
safely to the land, they
immediately begin ascribing
partners (to Him).
29:66. That they may be
ungrateful of Our favours, and
benefit (from the respite given
to them); thus, they will soon
come to know.
29:67. Did they not observe that
We have created the Sacred
Land as refuge, and people
around them get snatched away?
So, do they believe in falsehood
and are they ungrateful of the
favours of Allah?
29:68. And who is more unjust
than the one who fabricates lie
against Allah, or belies the truth
when it comes to him? Is there no
place in Hell for the disbelievers?
(There is definitely enough place.)
29:69. And those who struggled
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show them Our paths; and
indeed, Allah is with the virtuous.
(This Surah is Makkan, containing
60 verses and 6 sections)
Allah’s Name to commence
with, the Most Gracious, the
Most Merciful.
30:1. Alif-Laam-Meem. (These
are individual letters of the
Arabic alphabet; Allah and His
Messenger know their exact
30:2. The Romans have been
30:3. In the nearby land. And
after their defeat, they will soon
be dominant.
30:4. Within a few years.
Command belongs to Allah
only, before and after (the
dominance of the Romans); and
the believers will rejoice on that
30:5. With the help of Allah. He
helps whomsoever He wills.
And only He is the Dignified,
the Merciful.
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30:6. The promise of Allah (is
solid); Allah does not evade His
promise, but most people know
30:7. They know (only) that
which is apparent to the eyes of
the worldly life and are totally
neglectful of the Hereafter.
30:8. Have they not reflected
within themselves; that Allah
has not created the heavens and
the earth, and whatever is
between them except with truth
and for a specified term? And
indeed, many people deny
meeting their Lord.
30:9. And did they not travel in
the land that they could see
what was the outcome of those
before them? They were
stronger than them, and
cultivated the land and
inhabited it more than them.
And their Messengers came to
them with clear signs, it did not
hence befit Allah’s Majesty to
oppress them. Yes, it was they
who used to wrong themselves.
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30:10. Then the outcome of
those who committed evil to
the extreme was that they
started belying the verses of
Allah and used to mock them.
30:11. Allah initially creates,
then He will create again, then
to Him you will return.
30:12. And when the Day of
Resurrection is established, the
culprits will lose hope.
30:13. And the partners they
ascribed will not be their
intercessors, and they (i.e. the
polytheists) will deny their
30:14. And when the Day of
Resurrection will be established,
on that Day they (ie. the believers
and the disbelievers) will separate.
30:15. So, those who believed
and did good deeds, they will
be entertained in the seedbed of
the garden (of Paradise).
30:16. And those who
disbelieved, and belied Our
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sesiaaneed 3
oe shits
verses and meeting (Allah) in
the Hereafter, they will be
shoved into the punishment.
30:17. So, glorify Allah when
you approach the night, and
when the morning arrives.
30:18. And praise in the
heavens and the earth is only to
Him, and before the day ends
and when noon reaches you.
30:19. He brings forth the living
from the dead and brings forth
the dead from the living, and
He revives the earth after its
death; and this is how you will
be brought out (from the
30:20. And amongst His signs is
that He created you from soil,
you are then human beings
thereupon, scattered in the world.
30:21. And amongst His signs is
that He created spouses for you
from yourselves for you to gain
comfort in them and placed
love and mercy between
yourselves; indeed, in this are
signs for the people who
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30:22. And amongst His signs is
the creation of the heavens and
the earth, and the differences in
your languages and colours;
indeed, in this are signs for the
people who know.
30:23, And amongst His signs is
your sleeping during the night
and the day, and seeking His
benevolence (ie. sustenance);
indeed, in this are signs for the
people who listen.
30:24. And amongst His signs is
that He shows you lightning,
causing fear and hope; and
sends down water from the
sky, so revives the earth after
its death; indeed, in this are
signs for the people of intellect.
30:25. And amongst His signs is
that the heavens and the earth
are established by His
command; then, when He will
call upon you (i.e. to extract
you) from the earth, you will
thereupon come forth.
30:26. And only to Him belong
all those who are in the heavens
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submissive to Him.
30:27. And it is only He Who
originates creation, then will
create it again, and _ this,
according to your understanding,
should be easier for Him. And
only for Him is the Supreme
Majesty in the heavens and the
earth, and only He is the
Dignified, the Wise.
30:28. (O polytheists!) He narrates
for you an example from your
own personal condition; are there
any slaves whom you possess
equal with you in this (wealth),
which We have provided as
sustenance for you; would you
fear them (for spending your
wealth) just as you fear one
another amongst yourselves?
This is how We illustrate detailed
signs for the people of intellect.
30:29. Rather, the unjust
followed their own desires,
without knowing; so, who can
guide the one whom Allah has
caused to go astray? And they
do not have any helper.
30:30. So (O Beloved), set your
face upright (i.e. be steadfast on
the religion) for the obedience
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of Allah; devoted solely to Him,
(that is) the established nature
by Allah upon which He has
created people. Do not change
what Allah has created; this is
the straight religion, but most
people know not.
30:31. And fear Him whilst
returning towards Him (in
repentance), and keep Salah
established, and never be of the
30:32. Of those who broke their
religion into several parts and
have become many sects; every
group is happy with what it
30:33. And when adversity
reaches people, they hence call to
their Lord inclining towards
Him, when He gives them a taste
of His Mercy, thereupon a group
amongst them begins associating
partners with their Lord.
30:34. That they may be
ungrateful of Our bestowal;
‘Therefore, enjoy (for a short
while).’ You will soon come to
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30:35. Or have We sent down to
them any proof which tells
them of My partners?
30:36. And when We give people
the taste of mercy, they rejoice
upon it. And if an evil reaches
them. as a result of what their
hands have sent forth, thereupon
they become despairing.
30:37. And did they not see that
Allah increases the sustenance
for whomsoever He wills and
restricts it for whomever He
wills? Indeed, in that are signs
for the believers.
30:38. Therefore, give the
relative his right, and to the
needy, and to the traveller; this
is better for those who seek the
pleasure of Allah, and only their
objective has been fulfilled.
30:39. And whatever (wealth)
which you give to receive
interest, that the creditor’s wealth
may increase; so, that will not
increase before Allah. And the
charity which you give seeking
the pleasure of Allah, so only for
them (ie. those who give
charity) is manifold (reward).
30:40. It is Allah Who created
you, then provided you
sustenance, then will cause you
to die, then will give you life
again. Is there any amongst
your associated partners who
can also do any of these things?
Purity and Supremacy is to
Him from their ascribing
partners (to Him).
30:41. Turmoil appeared in the
land and the sea because of the
evil deeds which people’s
hands have earned, so that they
taste the flavour of some of
their (evil) deeds; perhaps they
30:42. Say you (O Beloved),
‘Travel the land; observe how
was the outcome of the people
of the past; and most of them
were polytheists.’
30:43. So, set your face upright
for worship before there comes
a Day from Allah, which cannot
be averted; on that Day they
(the people) will be split up.
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30:44. Whoever disbelieves, then.
the misery of his disbelief is only
on him; and those who do good
deeds are preparing (comforts of
Paradise) for themselves.
30:45. In order to reward those
who believed and did good
deeds, by His Benevolence.
Indeed, He does not befriend
the disbelievers.
30:46. And amongst His signs is
that He sends winds; giving glad
tidings, and because that He
may make you taste His Mercy,
and because that the ship may
sail by His command, and
because you may seek His
Benevolence, and because you
may give thanks.
30:47. And indeed, We have sent
several Messengers before you to
their nations, so they brought to
them clear signs; We henceforth
took revenge on the culprits.
And it is upon the responsibility
of Our generosity to help the
30:48. It is Allah Who sends the
winds raising the clouds, then
spreads them in (the space of)
the sky as He wills, and
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shatters them, so that you may
see the rain pouring from its
midst; so when He delivers it
upon whomsoever He wills
amongst His bondsmen,
thereupon they rejoice.
30:49. Although, they had lost
hope before it (ie. before the
rain) was sent down (upon
30:50. Therefore, observe the
effect of Allah’s Mercy; how He
revives the earth after its death.
He will indeed resurrect the
dead, and He is Able to do all
30:51. And if We send any wind
and they see their harvest
(turned) yellow because of it,
they hence definitely start
becoming ungrateful thereafter.
30:52. This is why you cannot
make the dead ({ie. the
disbelievers) hear, nor can you
make the deaf hear the call;
when they turn away showing
their backs.
30:53. And nor can you guide
the blind from their error; so
you make only those who hear
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believe in Our verses, so they
are in submission.
30:54. It is Allah Who created
you weak in the beginning,
then He gave you strength after
weakness, then after strength
gave you weakness and old
age. He creates whatever He
wills, and only He is the All-
Knowing, the Almighty.
30:55. And when the Day of
Resurrection will be established,
the culprits will swear that they
did not stay except for a
moment; this is how they were
tured away (from the truth
due to their unruliness).
30:56. And those who had
received knowledge and had
faith said (to the disbelievers),
‘You have indeed remained (in
your graves) until the Day of
Resurrection as decreed by
Allah. So, this is the Day of
Resurrection, but you were
30:57. So, on that Day, the
excuses of the unjust will not
benefit them, nor will they be
asked to make amends.
30:58. And indeed, We have
illustrated all types of examples
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for the people in this Qur’aan.
And if you bring a sign to
them, the disbelievers will
definitely say, ‘You are not but
on falsehood.’
30:59. This is how Allah sets a seal
upon the hearts of the ignorant
(due to their unwillingness to
accept the truth).
30:60. Therefore, have patience;
indeed, the promise of Allah is
true, and let not those who have
no certainty discourage you.
(This Surah is Makkan, containing
34 verses and 4 sections)
Allah’s Name to commence
with, the Most Gracious, the
Most Merciful.
31:1. Alif-Laam-Meem. (These
are individual letters of the
Arabic alphabet; Allah and His
Messenger know their exact
31:2, These are the verses of the
Book of wisdom (i.e. the Qur’aan).
31:3. (These verses) are guidance
and mercy for the righteous.
31:4. Those who keep Salah
established, and pay Zakah,
and believe in the Hereafter.
31:5. It is they who are upon the
guidance of their Lord, and
their objective is attained.
31:6. And some people buy
words of amusement (i.e. fake
stories, music, etc.) in order to
mislead (others) from Allah’s
path without understanding,
and to make fun of it (ie. the
them is a
verses); for
disgraceful punishment.
31:7. And when Our verses are
recited to him, he arrogantly
turns away as if he did not hear
them, as if there is heaviness in
his ears; so, give him the good
news of a painful punishment.
31:8. Indeed, those who
believed and did good deeds,
for them are gardens of
31:9. In which they will abide
forever, and the promise of
Allah is true; and only He is the
Dignified, the Wise.
31:10. He created the heavens
without any such columns that
are visible to you, and placed
(mountains as) anchors into the
earth so that it may not tremble
along with you, and spread out
all kinds of animals therein. And
We sent down water from. the
sky, so caused all kinds of
elegant pairs (of plants) to sprout
on the earth.
31:11. Allah has created this,
show Me that which has been
created by those other than
Him; rather, the unjust are in
open error.
31:12. And We indeed bestowed
wisdom to Lugqmaan (saying)
that ‘Be grateful to Allah.’ And
whosoever is grateful, he is
grateful for his own good; and
whoever is ungrateful, so indeed,
Allah is the Independent, the
Most Praiseworthy.
31:13. And remember, when
Luqmaan said to his son, and
he was advising him, ‘O my
son! Never ascribe anything as
a partner to Allah; indeed,
ascribing partners to Him is a
grave injustice.’
31:14. And We _ emphasised
upon man _ concerning his
parents; his mother carried him
in the womb, undergoing
weakness upon weakness, and
his suckling is up to two years,
so, be thankful to Me and to
your parents. In the end, return
is towards only Me.
31:15. And if they both (i.e. the
mother and the father) strive to
make you ascribe such a thing
as a partner to Me, concerning
which you do not have
knowledge, so do not obey
them and (still) support them
kindly in the worldly affairs;
and follow the path of the one
who has turned to Me. Then
towards only Me you are to
return, and I shall disclose to
you what you used to do.
31:16. ‘O my son! If the evil
deed is equal to the weight of a
mustard seed, it is then in a
rock, or in the heavens, or
wherever in the earth, Allah
will bring it forth; indeed, Allah
is the Knower of every subtlety,
the All-Aware.’
31:17. ‘O my son! Keep Salah
established, and command
goodness and forbid from evil,
and be patient on the calamity
that befalls you; indeed, these
31:18. ‘And do not make your
cheek crooked (in arrogance)
whilst talking to anyone, nor
boastfully walk upon the earth;
indeed, Allah does not like any
boastful, arrogant person.’
31:19. ‘And walk moderately
and lower your voice to some
extent; indeed, the worst voice
amongst the voices is the
braying of a donkey.’
31:20. Did you not see that Allah
has made whatever is in the
heavens and whatever is in the
earth subservient to you and
bestowed His Favours upon you
in full; visible and hidden? And
some people dispute regarding
Allah, whereas (they have) no
knowledge, nor intellect, nor a
clear Book.
31:21. And when it is said to
them, ‘Follow what Allah has
sent down,’ so they say, ‘Rather,
we shall only follow that upon
we found our
forefathers.’ Even if the Devil
calls them towards the
punishment of Hell?
31:22. Whosoever submits his
face towards Allah, and is
righteous, so he has indeed
grasped the firm knot. And only
towards Allah is the end of all
31:23. And whoever disbelieves,
so you (O Beloved), do not be
grieved by his disbelief; they
have to return to only Us, We
will inform them of what they
were doing. Indeed, Allah
knows what is in the hearts.
31:24. We shall allow them to
enjoy a little; then making them
helpless, We will take them
towards a severe punishment.
31:25. And if you ask them,
‘Who created the heavens and
the earth?’ so they will surely
answer, ‘Allah.’ You say (O
Beloved), ‘All praise is due to
Allah.’ Rather, most of them
know not.
31:26. Only to Allah belongs
whatever is in the heavens and
in the earth. Indeed, only Allah
is the Independent, the Most
31:27. And if all the trees in the
earth become pens, and the seas
be its ink; seven seas further, as
back up; so, the Words of Allah
will not come to an end.
Indeed, Allah is Dignified, Ever
31:28. Creating and raising you
all on the Day of Judgment is
like (creating and raising) a
single soul. Indeed, Allah is
All-Hearing, All-Seeing.
31:29. O listener! Did you not
see that Allah brings the night
in a part of the day and brings
the day in a part of the night,
and that He has subjected the
sun and the moon; each one
runs for its appointed term, and
that Allah is Aware of your
31:30. This is because only
Allah is the truth, and whatever
they worship other than Him
are all false and this is because
only Allah is the High, the
31:31. Did you not see that the
ship sails on the sea by Allah’s
Grace, so that He may show you
some of His signs? Indeed, in
this are signs for the extremely
patient, grateful person.
31:32, And when a wave like
mountains comes upon them, so
they call upon Allah believing
purely in Him. Then when He
brings them safely towards land,
so some of them remain upon
justice (ie. faith and sincerity).
And no one will deny Our
verses except an extremely
unfaithful, ungrateful person.
31:33. O people! Fear your
Lord, and fear the Day in which
no father will be of benefit to
his child, nor will any useful
child be of any benefit to the
father. Indeed, Allah’s promise
is true, so never let the worldly
life deceive you; and never let
the great deceiver (i.e. Satan)
deceive you in respect of
Allah’s forbearing.
31:34. Indeed, Allah has the
knowledge of the Last Day, and
sends down the rain, and knows
whatever is in the wombs of
mothers. And no soul knows
what it will earn tomorrow, and
no soul knows the place where it
will die. Indeed, Allah is the All-
Knowing, the Informer (of this
hidden knowledge to
whomsoever He wills from His
(This Surah is Makkan, containing
30 verses and 3 sections)
Allah’s Name to commence
with, the Most Gracious, the
Most Merciful.
32:1. Alif-Laam-Meem. (These are
individual letters of the Arabic
alphabet; Allah and His Messenger
know their exact meanings.)
32:2. The revelation of the Book
is, without doubt, from the
Lord of all the worlds.
32:3. Do they say, ‘It (ie. the
Qur’aan) is his (Le. the Prophet’s)
fabrication’? Rather, only that is
the truth from your Lord, in
order that you may warn a
nation towards whom no warner
came before you, in the hope
that they may attain guidance.
32:4. It is Allah Who created the
heavens and the earth, and
whatever is between them, in
six days, then established His
Authority upon the Throne. By
disassociating from Him, there
is neither any supporter nor
any intercessor for you; so, do
you not ponder?
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32:5. He plans the matters (of
everything) from the heaven to
the earth, then it will return to
Him on the Day which
amounts to a thousand years in
your calculation.
32:6. This is (Allah); the
Knower of all the hidden and
all the visible, the Most
Honourable, the Most Merciful.
32:7. He is the One; whatever
He has created, (He has)
created it superbly; and Who
initiated the creation of
mankind from clay.
32:8. Then made his progeny
from the extract of an
insignificant liquid (i.e. semen).
32:9. Then made him proper,
and breathed into him a Spirit
from Himself and bestowed
ears and eyes and hearts to you.
Very little thanks do you offer.
32:10. And they said, ‘When we
will be mixed into the earth,
will we be created again?’
they deny their
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presence in the Majestic Court
of their Lord.
32:11. Say you (O Beloved), ‘The
angel of death, who is appointed
over you, causes you to die and
then towards your Lord you will
32:12. And if you could see
when the culprits will be
lowering their heads before
their Lord; saying, ‘O our Lord!
Now we have seen and heard,
so send us back in order that
we do good deeds; we are
(now) convinced.
32:13. And had We willed, We
would have bestowed to every
soul its guidance, but My Word
has been decreed that I will
definitely fill Hell with these
Jinn and men; all of them.
32:14. ‘Now taste ~_—‘ the
recompense of this; that you
forgot the confronting of this
Day of yours; We have left you
(in punishment); now taste the
everlasting punishment; the
recompense of your deeds.’
32:15. Only those believe in Our
verses who, that when they are
reminded of them, fall down in
prostration and proclaim the
Purity of their Lord while
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praising Him, and do not
display arrogance.
32:16. Their sides become
detached from their beds and
they call upon their Lord,
fearing and hoping, and they
donate some from what We
have provided them.
32:17. So, no soul knows the
coolness of the eyes (ie.
Paradise) that is kept hidden
for them; the reward of their
(good) deeds.
32:18. So, will a believer be
equal to the one who is
disobedient (i.e. a disbeliever)?
They are not equal.
32:19. Those who accepted faith
and did good deeds, for them
are Gardens to reside; as
hospitality in return for what
they did.
32:20. As for those who are
disobedient (i.e. the disbelievers),
their abode is the Fire; whenever
they would wish to come out of
it, they will then be turned back
into it, and it will be said to
them, ‘Taste the punishment of
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the Fire which you used to belie.’
32:21. And We shall definitely
make them taste the closer (i.e.
worldly) punishment before the
greater punishment (i.e. of the
Hereafter). The one who sees it
may hope that they will now
abstain (from disbelief).
32:22. And who is more unjust
than the one who has been
advised by the verses of his
Lord, then he turned his face
away from them? Indeed, We
are going to take revenge from
the culprits.
32:23. And indeed, We bestowed
the Book to Moosa, so do not be
doubtful over his meeting (ie.
receiving the Tawrah or
the Beloved Prophet Muhammad
on the night of Mi’raaj), and We
made it guidance for the Children
of Israel.
32:24, And when they (the
Children of Israel) observed
patience, We made some amongst
them as leaders, giving guidance
by Our command; and they
would believe in Our verses.
32:25. Indeed, your Lord will
judge between them on the Day
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of Resurrection concerning the
matters in which they used to
32:26. And did they not attain
guidance by the fact that We
destroyed many generations
before them, that in whose
dwellings today they walk
around? Indeed, in this are
definitely signs; so, do they not
32:27. And do they not see that
We send the water towards the
dry land, then We produce
crops with it; that their animals
and they themselves eat from
it? So, do they not see?
32:28. And they say, ‘When will
this decision take place, if you
are truthful?!
32:29. Say you (O Beloved), ‘On
the Day of decision, the
disbelievers will not benefit from
their accepting faith, nor will
they get respite.’
32:30. So, turn away from them
and wait; indeed, they too have
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(This Surah is Makkan, containing
54 verses and 6 sections)
Allah’s Name to commence
with, the Most Gracious, the
Most Merciful.
34:1. All praise is due to Allah,
only to Him belongs whatever is
in the heavens and whatever is
in the earth, and praise is only
His in the Hereafter; and only
He is the Wise, the All-Aware.
34:2. He knows whatever goes
into the earth and whatever
comes out of the earth, and
whatever descends from the
sky and whatever ascends on to
it; and only He is the Most
Merciful, the Most Forgiving.
34:3. And the disbelievers said,
‘The Day of Judgment will
never come upon us.’ Say you
(O Beloved), ‘Why not? By the
oath of my Lord; undoubtedly,
it will definitely come upon
you, the Knower of the unseen;
nothing is hidden from Him,
not equal to an atom’s weight in
the heavens nor in the earth can
escape from Him, not anything
less than that or greater, but it is
in a clearly revealing Book.’
34:4. So that He may reward
those who believed and did
good deeds, it is these for
whom is forgiveness and an
honourable sustenance.
34:5. And those who strove to
defeat Our verses, for them is a
severe punishment from the
painful punishment.
34:6. And those who received
the knowledge know whatever
is sent down upon you from
your Lord is only the truth, and
it shows the path of the Most
Honourable, the Most
34:7. And the disbelievers said
(to each other), ‘Shall we tell
you of a man who will inform
you that when you have
disintegrated into the absolute
tiniest of particles, so then you
are to be created anew?!
34:8. “Has he fabricated lie
against Allah, or is he suffering
from insanity?’ Rather, those
who do not believe in the
Hereafter are in the punishment
and in far misguidance.
34:9. So, did they not see what
is in front of them and what is
behind them; the sky and the
earth? If We will, We can cause
them to sink into the earth or
cause a fragment of the sky to
fall upon them. Indeed, in this
is a sign for every repentant
34:10. And indeed, We gave
Dawood a great Benevolence
from Us; O the mountains and
birds, turn towards Allah along
with him. We made iron soft
for him.
34:11. That; make large suits of
armour and keep proper
measure while making. And all
of you should perform good
deeds; indeed, I am observing
your deeds.
34:12, And We made the wind
subservient to Sulaimaan, its
morning course equal to a
month’s journey and the evening
course equal to a month’s
journey; and We caused a spring
of molten copper to flow for
him. And (Allah made
subservient to Sulaimaan) some
of the Jinn, who worked before
him by the command of his
Lord; and those amongst them
(ie. the Jinn) who turned away
from Our command, We shall
make them taste the punishment
of the Blazing Fire.
34:13. They would make for
him whatever he wished; lofty
palaces and statues, bowls as
large as big pools, and large
cooking pots fixed in their
places; ‘Be thankful, O the
people of Dawood!’ And few
amongst My bondsmen are
34:14. Then, when We sent the
command of death towards
him, nothing informed the Jinn
about his death except the
termite of the earth which was
eating his staff. Then, when
Sulaimaan came to the ground,
the truth about the Jinn was
exposed. If they had known the
unseen, so they would not have
remained in this disgraceful
punishment (of hard labour).
34:15. Indeed, for (the tribe of)
Saba was a sign in their
dwelling-place; two gardens,
(one) on the right and (one on)
the left; ‘Eat the sustenance of
your Lord and be grateful to
Him.’ A pure city and a Most
Forgiving Lord.
34:16. Thus, they turned away;
We henceforth sent upon them
a devastating flood, and in
exchange for their two gardens
gave them two gardens instead
bearing bitter fruit, and
tamarisk (a bitter fruit), and
some berries.
34:17. We gave them this
compensation; the punishment
of their ungratefulness. And
whom do We punish? Only the
one who is ungrateful.
34:18. And We had made several
easily visible towns between
them (i.e. the people of the city
of Saba) and the towns which
We had blessed, and kept those
(towns) according to a measured
stage (of journey). (We said to
them) ‘Travel safely in them, by
night and by day.’
34:19. So, they said, ‘O our Lord!
Make the distance between our
journeys longer, and _ they
actually caused loss their own
selves, We henceforth turned
them into stories and scattered
them with complete adversity.
Indeed, in this are definitely
signs for every extremely patient,
most grateful person.
34:20. And indeed, the Devil
made his assumptions
regarding them seem true, so
they followed him except a
group who were Muslims.
34:21. And the Devil had no
control over them at all, but for
this reason that We may show
as to who believes in the
Hereafter and who is in doubt
concerning it. And your Lord is
a Guardian over all things.
34:22. Say you (O Beloved),
‘Call those whom you assume
(as gods) other than Allah.’ And
they do not own anything even
equal to an atom neither in the
heavens nor in the earth, nor do
they have any share in both of
these, nor is any one amongst
them a helper to Allah.
34:23. And intercession does not
benefit in His Court except of the
one whom He permits, until
when, after giving permission
the fear is removed from their
hearts, they say to each other,
‘What is it that your Lord has
said?’ They say, ‘Whatever He
stated, He stated the truth; and
He is the Most High, the Grand.’
34:24. Say you (O Beloved),
‘Who provides you with
sustenance from the sky and
the earth?’ Proclaim yourself,
‘Allah. And indeed, we or you
are either definitely upon
guidance, or in open error.’
34:25. Say you (O Beloved), ‘So,
you (O polytheists) will not be
questioned regarding the sins
you assume that we have
committed, nor will we be
questioned regarding your (evil)
34:26. Say you (O Beloved), ‘Our
Lord will bring all of us together,
and then judge truthfully
between us; and only He is the
Best to Judge, the All-Knowing.’
34:27. Say you (O Beloved),
‘Show me those whom you
have associated to Him as
partners; never. Rather, only
He is Allah, the Most
Honourable, the Wise’
34:28. And O Beloved, We have
not sent you except with such
Messengership that encompasses
the entirety of mankind, as a
conveyor of glad tidings and
warning, but most people know
34:29, And they say, ‘When will
this promise (of the Day of
Judgement) come, if you are
34:30. Say you (O Beloved), ‘For
you is the promise of such a Day
from which you can neither
remain behind for a single
moment, nor can you precede it.’
34:31. And the disbelievers
said, ‘We shall never believe in
this Qur’aan, or in the Books
that were before it.’ And if
somehow only you could see,
when the unjust people will be
made to stand before their
Lord, they will throw
allegations at one another.
Those who were suppressed
will say to those who were
arrogant, ‘If it were not for you,
we would have therefore surely