Surah Al-Alaq English Translation and Transliteration

Surah Al-Alaq English Translation and Transliteration


Surah Al-Alaq in Roman English

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

1. Iqra Bismi Rab Bikal Lazee Khalaq
2. Khalaqal Insaana Min ‘Alaq
3. Iqra Wa Rab Bukal Akram
4. Al Lazee ‘Allama Bil Qalam
5. ‘Al Lamal Insaana Ma Lam Y’alam
6. Kallaa Innal Insaana Layatghaa
7. Ar-Ra Aahus Taghnaa
8. Innna Ilaa Rabbikar Ruj’aa
9. Ara-Aital Lazee Yanhaa
10. ‘Abdan Iza Sallaa
11. Ara-Aita In Kana ‘Alal Hudaa
12. Au Amara Bit Taqwaa
13. Ara-Aita In Kaz Zaba Wa Ta Walla
14. Alam Y’alam Bi-An Nal Lahaa Yaraa
15. Kalla La Illam Yantahi La Nasfa’am Bin Nasiyah
16. Nasiyatin Kazi Batin Khaatiah
17. Fal Yad’u Naadiyah
18. Sanad ‘Uz Zabaaniyah
19. Kalla; La Tuti’hu Wasjud Waqtarib (Make Sajda)




(This Surah is Makkan, containing 19
verses and 1 section)

Allah’s Name to commence
with, the Most Gracious, the
Most Merciful.

96:1. Read with the Name of your
Lord Who created (everything).

96:2. He created human beings
from a clot of blood.

96:3. Read, and only your Lord
is the Most Generous.

96:4. The One Who taught to
write with the pen.

96:5. The One Who taught man
what he knew not.

96:6. Yes, certainly! The disbelieving
man is indeed rebellious.

96:7. Upon this, that he
considers himself self-sufficient.

96:8. Indeed, only towards your
Lord is the return.

96:9. Do you see him (i.e. Abu
Jahl) who prohibits.

96:10. (Allah’s) bondsman (i.e. the
Beloved Prophet Muhammad)
when he offers Salah?

96:11. Do you see, if he (i.e. Abu
Jahl) had been upon guidance.

96:12. Or had he instructed
piety, so how good it would
have been (for him)?

96:13. Do you see, if he belied
and turned away, so how will
(his) state be?

96:14. Did he not know that
Allah is watching (him)?

96:15. Yes, certainly! If he does
not abstain, We will definitely
drag him by seizing the
forelock hairs (of his).

96:16. What kind of forelock! A
lying sinful one.

96:17. Let him now call his
council (of helpers).

96:18. We will now call the
guards (of Hell).

96:19. Yes, certainly! Do not
listen to him! And prostrate,
and become close to Us.

Surah Al-Alaq English Translation
Surah Al-Alaq English Translation


Surah Al-Alaq English Translation
Surah Al-Alaq English Translation


Surah Al-Alaq English Translation
Surah Al-Alaq English Translation


(This Surah is Makkan, containing
5 verses and 1 section)

Allah’s Name to commence
with, the Most Gracious, the
Most Merciful.

97:1. We have indeed sent
down it (i.e. the Qur’aan) on the
Night of Decree.

97:2. And what have you come
to know what the Night of
Decree is?

973. (Worshipping in) the ob
of Decree is better
(worshipping for) a joel

97:4. Therein descend the
angels and Jibra’eel, by the
command of their Lord, for all

97:5. That (night) is (full of)
peace until the rising of the


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