(This Surah is Makkan, containing
59 verses and 3 sections)
Allah’s Name to commence
with, the Most Gracious, the
Most Merciful.
44:1. Ha-Meem. (These are
individual letters of the Arabic
alphabet; Allah and His
Messenger know their exact
44:2. By the oath of that
Luminous Book (i.e. the Qur’aan).
44:3. We have indeed sent it
down in a blessed night;
indeed, it is We Who warn.
44:4, Therein are distributed all
the works of wisdom.
44:5. By a command from Us.
Indeed, it is We Who send
44:6. Mercy from your Lord;
indeed, only He is the All-
Hearing, the All-Knowing.
44:7, He Who is the Lord of the
heavens, and the earth and
whatever is between them; (you
will know this) if you have
44:8. No one is worthy of
worship except Him, He gives
life and causes death; (He is)
your Lord and the Lord of your
previous forefathers.
44:9. Rather, they (ie.
disbelievers) are in doubt,
44:10. So, you keep waiting for
that day when the sky will
bring forth a visible smoke.
44:11. Which will smother the
people; this is a _ painful
44:12. They will say on that
day, ‘O our Lord! Remove the
punishment from us, we now
accept faith.’
44:13. How can it be (a
possibility) for them to accept
advice? Whereas, a Messenger
who speaks clearly has already
come to them.
44:14, They then turned away
from him and said, ‘He is a
madman, tutored (by Jinn)!’
44:15. We remove the
punishment for some days; you
will then do the same (i.e. you
would disbelieve again).
44:16. (Remember) the Day
when We will seize with the
greatest seizure; indeed, We are
to take revenge.
44:17. And We indeed tested the
people of Fir’awn before them,
and an honourable Messenger
(Moosa) came to them.
44:18. (Who said) that ‘Hand
over the bondsmen of Allah to
me; I am indeed a trustworthy
Messenger to you.’
44:19, ‘And do not rebel against
Allah; I bring to you a clear
44:20. (Said Moosa) ‘And I take
refuge in my Lord and your
Lord, in this regard that you
may stone me.’
44:21. ‘And if you do not
believe in me, so keep apart
from me.’
44:22. So, he supplicated to his
Lord; that ‘These are a criminal
44:23, We commanded him, ‘Take
My bondsmen away at night,
you will definitely be chased.’
44:24, ‘And leave the river
opened as it is, at different
places. Indeed, that army (of
Fir’awn) will be drowned.’
44:25. How many gardens and
water-springs they have left
44:26. And crop-fields and nice
44:27. And bounties wherein
they were stress-free.
44:28. This is how We did; and
We made another nation their
heirs (to use and enjoy their
44:29. So, the heavens and the
earth did not cry over them,
and they were not given
44:30. And indeed, We rescued
the Children of Israel from a
disgraceful punishment.
44:31. From Fir’awn; he was
indeed arrogant, amongst the
44:32. And indeed, We
knowingly chose them above
the people of that time. (This is
another favour upon _ the
Children of Israel.)
44:33. And We gave them those
signs in which there was a clear
44:34. Indeed, these people say.
44:35. ‘There is nothing except
us dying once (only), and we
will not be raised.
44:36. ‘Therefore, bring back
our (dead) forefathers, if you
44:37, Are they (Le. the disbelievers
of Makkah) better (in might), or
the people of Tubba’ (a king of
Yemen) and those who were
before them (ie. before the people
of Tubba’). We destroyed them
(ie. the previous disbelievers); they
44:38. And We did not create
the heavens and the earth and
whatever is between them in
44:39. We did not create them
except with the truth (ie.
genuine purpose), but most of
them know not.
44:40. Indeed, the Day of
decision is the appointed time
for all of them.
44:41. The Day on which a
friend will not benefit a friend
at all, and nor will they be
44:42. Except him upon whom
Allah has mercy; indeed, only
He is the Honourable, the
44:43. Indeed, the tree of
44:44, It is the food of the
sinners (i.e. the disbelievers).
44:45. Like molten copper; it
boils in (their) bellies.
44:46. Like the
sizzling hot water.
boiling of
44:47, (The angels of Hell will
be ordered) ‘Seize him, take
him by force, dragging (him)
right to the Blazing Fire.’
44:48. ‘Then pour on his head
the punishment of boiling
44:49, (It will be said to him
sarcastically) ‘Taste! Yes,
certainly! Only you are the
most honourable, the dignified.’
44:50. ‘Indeed, this
(punishment) is that in which
you used to doubt.’
44:51. Indeed, the pious people
are in a place of safety.
44:52. In Gardens and water-
44:53. (They) will wear fine and
thick silk, (and will be) facing
each other.
44:54. This is how it is, and We
have got them married to the
maidens having pitch black and
big, bright (gorgeous) eyes.
44:55. Therein they will ask for
all kinds of fruits, in peace.
44:56. They will not taste death
in it (ie. in Paradise) except
their former death, and Allah
has saved them from the
punishment of the Fire.
44:57. As bounty from your
Lord; this is the great success.
44:58. So, We have made this
Qur’aan easy in your language;
that they may understand.
44:59. Therefore, you wait (O
Beloved, for their destruction),
they too are waiting (for your
passing away).