69. Surah Al-Haqqah (The Inevitable)
(This Surah is Makkan, containing 52 verses and 2 sections)
Allah’s Name to commence with, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
69:1. That Inevitable Occurrence (i.e., the Day of Judgement).
69:2. What is that Inevitable Occurrence?
69:3. And what have you understood about how that Inevitable Occurrence is?
69:4. The (tribes of) Thamood and ‘Aad belied that grief-striking calamity (i.e., the Day of Resurrection).
69:5. So, the (tribe of) Thamood was destroyed by a violent blast of sound.
69:6. And as for the (tribe of) ‘Aad, they were destroyed by a severe thundering windstorm.
69:7. He (Allah) forced it upon them with strength, consecutively for seven nights and eight days, so (O listener! If you were there), you would have seen those people lying around, like hollow trunks of collapsed date trees.
69:8. So, do you see any survivor amongst them?
69:9. And Fir’awn, and those before him, and (the people of) the dwellings which were overturned had committed a (big) sin.
69:10. So, they disobeyed the Messengers of their Lord; He consequently seized them with an intense grip.
69:11. Indeed, when the water rose beyond the limit (i.e., the flood at the time of the Prophet Nooh), We caused you (O people) to sail in the ship.
69:12. In order to make it a remembrance for you, and in order that the memorising ear may keep it preserved by listening.
69:13. So, when the Trumpet will be blown with a single blow.
69:14. And the earth and the mountains are lifted up and crushed at once.
69:15. That is the Day when the (great) occurrence will occur.
69:16. And the sky will burst apart, so on that Day, it will be frail.
69:17. And the angels will be standing on its sides; and on that Day, eight angels will carry the Throne of your Lord above themselves.
69:18. On that Day, all of you will be brought forth, so no soul amongst you wishing to hide will be able to hide.
69:19. So, whosoever is given his book in his right hand will say, ‘Take (it), read my book of deeds.’
69:20. ‘I was certain that I will confront my account.’
69:21. He is therefore in desired tranquillity.
69:22. In a Lofty Garden.
69:23. The fruit clusters of which are hanging down.
69:24. ‘Eat and drink with pleasure; the reward of what you sent ahead in the past days.’
69:25. And whoever is given his book of deeds in his left hand will say, ‘Alas! If only my book of deeds was not given to me.’
69:26. ‘And I would not have known what my account is.’
69:27. ‘Alas! If only death had put an end (to me).’
69:28. ‘My wealth did not benefit me in the least.’
69:29. ‘All my power has gone (from me).’
69:30. (It will be said) ‘Seize him, and shackle him.’
69:31. ‘Then shove him into the Blazing Fire.’
69:32. ‘Then stitch him in a chain, the length of which is seventy forearms.’
69:33. ‘Indeed, he did not use to believe in Allah, the Great.’
69:34. ‘And did not motivate feeding the needy.’
69:35. ‘So, this Day, he does not have any friend here.’
69:36. ‘Nor any food except the pus (discharged) from the dwellers of Hell.’
69:37. ‘No one will eat it except the criminals.’
69:38. So, I swear an oath by those things which you see.
69:39. And which you do not see.
69:40. Indeed, this Qur’an is the Speech (of Allah) with a revered Messenger.
69:41. And it is not the speech of any poet; how little do you believe.
69:42. Nor is it the speech of any soothsayer; how little do you ponder.
69:43. He Who is the Lord of all the worlds has sent down (the Qur’an).
69:44. And if (hypothetically) he (i.e., the Beloved Prophet Muhammad) fabricated just one matter upon Us.
69:45. We would have certainly taken revenge on him with force.
69:46. Then We would have cut off his life-artery (i.e., the Aorta).
69:47. Then no one amongst you would have been his saviour.
69:48. And indeed, this Qur’an is advice for those who fear (Allah).
69:49. And indeed, We know that some amongst you are beliers (of the Qur’an).
69:50. And indeed, it (i.e., the Qur’an) is a (cause of) regret for the disbelievers.
69:51. And indeed, it is certain truth.
69:52. Therefore, O Beloved, glorify the Name of your Lord, the Great.