SURAH AL-HADEED English Translation & Roman Transliteration


(This Surah is Madani, containing
29 verses and 4 sections)

Allah’s Name to commence
with, the Most Gracious, the
Most Merciful.

57:1. Whatever is in the heavens
and in the earth glorifies Allah;
and only He is the Honourable,
the Wise.

57:2. Only for Him is the
kingdom of the heavens and
the earth, He gives life and
causes death, and He is Able to
do everything.



57:3. Only He is the First and
only He is the Last, and only
He is the Apparent and only He
is the Hidden, and it is only He
Who knows all things.

57:4, It is He Who created the
heavens and the earth in six
days, then established His
Authority upon the Throne. He
knows whatever goes into the
earth and whatever comes out
of it, and whatever comes
down from the sky and
whatever goes up into it. And
(by His knowledge and power)
He is with you wherever you
may be; and Allah is observing
your actions.

57:5. Only for Him is the
kingdom of the heavens and the
earth; and only towards Allah
is the return of all matters.

57:6. He brings the night in a
part of the day and brings the
day in a part of the night. And
He knows what is within the

57:7. Believe in Allah and His
(Beloved) Messenger, and
spend in His path out of that in
which He had made you
inheritors of others. So, those



amongst you who believed and
spent in His path, for them is a
great reward.

57:8. And what is the matter
with you that you do not believe
in Allah? While this Messenger
(ie. the Prophet Muhammad) is
inviting you to believe in your
Lord, and He has indeed taken
from you a covenant already (in
the world of the souls), if you
have certainty (of that covenant,
then you should accept Islam).

57:9. It is He Who sends down
clear verses upon His (special)
bondsman in order to take you
out from darknesses towards

light And indeed, Allah is
definitely Compassionate, Merciful
upon you.

57:10. And what is the matter
with you that you do not spend
in the way of Allah? Whereas,
only Allah is the Inheritor (i.e.
Owner) of all that is in the
heavens and in the earth. Those
(i.e. the Companions of the
Beloved Prophet) amongst you
who spent and fought before
the conquest of Makkah are not
equal to others, they are greater
in rank than those who spent
and fought after the conquest of
Makkah. And Allah has
promised Paradise to all of
them; and Allah is Aware of
your deeds.



57:11. Who will lend a good
loan to Allah so that He may
double it for him? And for him
is honourable reward.

57:12. The Day when you will
see the believing men and the
believing women, that their
light runs before them and on
their right. They are being told
that ‘This Day, the most joyous
matter for you is such Gardens
beneath which rivers flow; you
are to reside in them forever.
Only this is the great success.’

57:13. The Day when the
hypocrite men and the hypocrite
women will say to the Muslims;
that ‘Look towards us once, we
may have some of your light.’ It
will be said to them, ‘Turn back,
search for light over there.’ They
will turn around, whereupon
suddenly a wall will be put up
between them, in which is a
gate; mercy is inside it, and on
the outer side is punishment.

57:14. The hypocrites will call
out to the Muslims, ‘Were we
not with you?! They will answer,
Yes! Why not (ie. absolutely)!
But you had put your souls into
mischief, and you used to await



misfortune for the Muslims, and
you doubted, and false hope
deceived you until Allah’s
command came, and. the great
deceiver (ie. Satan) had kept
you in arrogance regarding the
command of Allah.’

57:15. ‘So, this Day, no ransom.
is to be taken from you (O
hypocrites) nor from the blatant
disbelievers. Your abode is the
Fire; that (Fire) is your
companion, and what a
wretched. outcome.’

57:16. Has the time not come for
the believers to humble their
hearts to Allah’s remembrance
and for this truth (ie. the
Qur’aan) which has come
down? And they (ie. the
Muslims) should not become
like those who were given the
Book before and when the term
was prolonged upon them, their
hearts therefore became hard.
And many of them (who were
given the Book) are sinners.

57:17. You should know that it
is Allah Who revives the earth
after its death. We have indeed
explained the signs for you that
you may understand.



57:18. Indeed, the charitable
men and the charitable women,
and those who lend a good loan
to Allah; for them is double (the
reward), and for them is an
honourable reward.

57:19. And those who believe in
Allah and all His Messengers,
only they are completely truthful
and are witnesses over others in
the Majestic Court of their Lord;
for them is their (promised)
reward and their light. And
those who disbelieved and
belied Our verses, they are the
inmates of Hell.

57:20. You should know that the
life of this world is nothing but
play and amusement, and
adornment, and your boasting
amongst yourselves, and the
desire to surpass each other in
wealth and children. It is like
the rain whose produce pleased
the farmer, then dried up; that
you see it yellow, then turned
into dry trampled grass (same is
the state of the life of the lover
of this world). And in the
Hereafter (for the disbelievers) is
severe punishment, and (for the
believers is) forgiveness from
Allah and His contentment, and
the life of this world is nothing
but the goods of deception.



57:21. Surpass one another in
hastening towards forgiveness
from your Lord, and towards
that Paradise, the width of which
is like the distance of the heaven
and the earth, prepared for those
who believed in Allah and all His
Messengers. This is the Grace of
Allah which He bestows upon
whom He wills; and Allah is
Extremely Bountiful.

57:22, No calamity befalls the
earth nor upon yourselves but it
is (mentioned) in a Book (ie. Al-
Lawh Al-Mahfooz – the Preserved
Tablet), before this that We create
it; verily, this is easy for Allah.

57:23. In order that you may
not grieve over losing
something nor rejoice upon that
which you are given; and Allah
does not like any boastful
arrogant person.

57:24. Those who indulge in
miserliness and urge others to
indulge in miserliness. And
whoever turns away (from
spending in the path of Allah), so
(know that) Allah is indeed the
Independent, the Praiseworthy.



57:25. Indeed, We sent Our
Messengers with proofs, and
sent down the Book and the
Scale of Justice along with them,
that people may be firm upon
justice. And We sent down iron,
in which there is extreme
strength and benefits for people.
And for this reason, that Allah
may see him who without
seeing helps Him (ie. His
religion) and His Messengers.
Indeed, Allah is Almighty, All-

57:26. And indeed, We sent
Nooh and Ibrahim, and placed
Prophethood and the Book
amongst their offspring, so
some among them are guided;
and many of them are

57:27. We then sent Our other
Messengers after them
following in their footsteps, and
after them We sent ‘Eisa; the
son of Maryam, and bestowed
the Injeel upon him. And We
instilled compassion and mercy
in the hearts of his followers.
And so, they invented
Monkhood (i.e. being cut-off
from worldly matters) in the
religion from their own selves;
We had not ordained (this)



upon them. Yes, they made this
innovation in order to seek
Allah’s contentment, then they
did not properly observe it as it
should have been rightfully
observed (ie. they became
misguided by believing the
Prophet ‘Eisa to be the son of
Allah). We henceforth bestowed
upon the believers amongst
them (ie. the Christians who
believed in the Prophethood of
the Beloved Prophet
Muhammad) their reward; and
many of them are disobedient.

57:28. O you who believe! Fear
Allahand believe in His Messenger
(ie. the Beloved Prophet
Muhammad), He will give you
two portions of His Mercy and (on
the Day of Judgment) will create a
light for you to walk therein (Le. on
the bridge of Siraat), and will
forgive you; and Allah is Most
Forgiving, the Merciful.

57:29. This is in order that the
disbelievers amongst the People
of the Book may know that they
do not have any control
whatsoever over the Benevolence
of Allah, and this; that the
Benevolence is (entirely) in
Allah’s Hand (of power), (He)
bestows it upon whomsoever He
wills; and Allah is the Possessor


58. Al-Mujadilah Transliteration
59. Al-Hashr Transliteration
60. Al-Mumtahanah Transliteration
61. As-Saff Transliteration
62. Al-Jumu’ah Transliteration
63. Al-Munafiqoon Transliteration
64. At-Taghabun Transliteration
65. At-Talaq Transliteration
66. At-Tahrim Transliteration
67. Al-Mulk Transliteration
68. Al-Qalam Transliteration
69. Al-Haqqah Transliteration
70. Al-Ma’arij Transliteration
71. Nuh Transliteration
72. Al-Jinn Transliteration


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