Surah Al Maun English Translation And Transliteration

Surah Al Maun English Translation And Transliteration


Surah Al Maun in Roman English


Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

1. Ara ‘Aytal Lazee Yukazzibu Biddeen
2. Fazaalikal Lazee Yadu’ul-Yateem
3. Wa La Yahuddu ‘Alaa Ta’aamil Miskeen
4. Fa Wailul-Lil Musalleen
5. Allazeena Hum ‘An Salaatihim Saahoon
6. Allazeena Hum Yuraaa’oon
7. Wa Yamna’oonal Maa’oon

Surah Maa’oon English Translation



(This Surah is Makkan, containing
7 verses and 1 section)

Allah’s Name to commence
with, the Most Gracious, the
Most Merciful.

107:1. Do you see the one who
belies the religion?

107:2. Then it is him who
pushes away the orphan.

107:3. And does not encourage
(others) to feed the needy.

107:4. So, destruction is for
those performers of Salah.

107:5. Who are neglectful of
their Salah.

107:6. Those who show off.

107:7. And refuse to give (small)
things of use when asked.


Surah Maa’oon English Translation
Surah Maa’oon English Translation



105. Al-Fil Transliteration
106. Quraish  Transliteration
107. Al-Ma’un Transliteration
108. Al-Kauthar Transliteration
109. Al-Kafirun Transliteration
110. An-Nasr Transliteration
111. Al-Lahab Transliteration
112. Al-Ikhlas Transliteration
113. Al-Falaq Transliteration (THE DAYBREAK)

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