SURAH AL-MU’MINOON English Translation & Roman Transliteration

Surah Mu’minun In Roman English

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

1. Qad Aflahal Mu’minoon
2. Allazeena Hum Fee Salaatihim Khaashi’oon
3. Wallazeena Hum ‘Anillaghwimu’ridoon
4. Wallazeena Hum Liz Zakaati Faa’iloon
5. Wallazeena Hum Lifuroo Jihim Haafizoon
6. Illaa ‘Alaaa Azwaajihim Aw Maa Malakat Aimaanuhum Fa Innahum Ghairu Maloomeen
7. Famanib Taghaa Waraaa’a Zaalika Fa Ulaaa’ika Humul ‘Aadoon
8. Wallazeena Hum Li Amaanaatihim Wa ‘Ahdihim Raa’oon
9. Wallazeena Hum ‘Alaa Salawaatihim Yuhaafizoon
10. Ulaaa’ika Humul Waarisoon
11. Allazeena Yarisoonal Firdawsa Hum Feehaa Khaalidoon
12. Wa Laqad Khalaqnal Insaana Min Sulaalatim Minteen
13. Summa Ja’alnaahu Nutfatan Fee Qaraarim Makeen
14. Summa Khalaqnan Nutfata ‘Alaqatan Fakhalaqnal ‘Alaqata Mudghatan Fakhalaq Nal Mudghata ‘Izaaman Fakasawnal ‘Izaama Lahman Summa Anshaanaahu Khalqan Aakhar; Fatabaarakal Laahu Ahsanul Khaaliqeen
15. Summa Innakum Ba’da Zaalika La Maiyitoon
16. Summa Innakum Yawmal Qiyaamati Tub’asoon
17. Wa Laqad Khalaqnaa Fawqakum Sab’a Taraaa’iqa Wa Maa Kunnaa ‘Anil Khalqi Ghaafileen
18. Wa Anzalnaa Minas Samaaa’i Maaa’am Biqadarin Fa-Askannaahu Fil Ardi Wa Innaa ‘Alaa Zahaabim Bihee Laqaa Diroon
19. Fa Anshaanaa Lakum Bihee Jannaatim Min Nakheelinw Wa A’naab; Lakum Feehaa Fawaakihu Kaseeratunw Wa Minhaa Taakuloon
20. Wa Shajaratan Takhruju Min Toori Sainaaa’a Tambutu Bidduhni Wa Sibghil Lil Aakileen
21. Wa Inna Lakum Fil An’aami La’ibrah; Nusqeekum Mimmaa Fee Butoonihaa Wa Lakum Feehaa Manaafi’u Kaseeratunw Wa Minhaa Taakuloon
22. Wa ‘Alaihaa Wa’alal Fulki Tuhmaloon (Section 1)
23. Wa Laqad Arsalnaa Noohan Ilaa Qawmihee Faqaala Yaa Qawmi’budul Laaha Maa Lakum Min Ilahin Ghairuhoo Afalaa Tattaqoon
24. Faqaalal Mala’ul Lazeena Kafaroo Min Qawmihee Maa Haazaaa Illaa Basharum Mislukum Yureedu Ai Yatafaddala ‘Alaikum Wa Law Shaaa’al Laahu La Anzala Malaaa’ikatam Maa Sami’naa Bihaazaa Feee Aabaaa’inal Awwaleen
25. In Huwa Illaa Rajulum Bihee Jinnatun Fatarabbasoo Bihee Hatta Heen
26. Qaala Rabbin Surnee Bimaa Kazzaboon
27. Fa Awhainaaa Ilaihi Anis Na’il Fulka Bi A’yuninaa Wa Wahyinaa Fa Izaa Jaaa’a Amrunaa Wa Faarat Tannooru Fasluk Feehaa Min Kullin Zawjainis Naini Wa Ahlaka Illaa Man Sabaqa ‘Alaihil Qawlu Minhum Walaa Tukhaatibnee Fil Lazeena Zalamooo Innaahum Mughraqoon
28. Fa Izas Tawaita Anta Wa Mam Ma’aka ‘Alal Fulki Faqulil Hamdu Lillaahil Lazee Najjaanaa Minal Qawmiz Zalimeen
29. Wa Qur Rabbi Anzilnee Munzalam Mubaarakanw Wa Anta Khairul Munzileen
30. Inna Fee Zaalika La Aayaatinw Wa In Kunnaa Lamubtaleen
31. Summaa Anshaana Mim Ba’dihim Qarnan Aakhareen
32. Fa Arsalnaa Feehim Rasoolam Minhum Ani’budul Laaha Maa Lakum Min Ilaahin Ghairuhoo Afalaa Tattaqoon (Section 2)
33. Wa Qaalal Mala-U Min Qawmihil Lazeena Kafaroo Wa Kazzaboo Bi Liqaaa’il Aakhirati Wa Atrafnaahum Fil Hayaatid Dunyaa Maa Haazaaa Illaa Basharum Mislukum Yaakulu Mimmaa Taakuloona Minhu Wa Yashrabu Mimmaa Tashraboon
34. Wa La’in At’atum Basharam Mislakum Innakum Izal Lakhaasiroon
35. A-Ya’idukum Annakum Izaa Mittum Wa Kuntum Turaabanw Wa Izaaman Annakum Mukhrajoon
36. Haihaata Haihaata Limaa Too’adoon
37. In Hiya Illaa Hayaatunad Dunyaa Namootu Wa Nahyaa Wa Maa Nahnu Bimab’ooseen
38. In Huwa Illaa Rajulunif Taraa ‘Alal Laahi Kazibanw Wa Maa Nahnuu Lahoo Bimu’mineen
39. Qaala Rabbin Surnee Bimaa Kazzaboon
40. Qaala ‘Ammaa Qaleelil La Yusbihunna Naadimeen
41. Fa Akhazat Humus Saihatu Bilhaqqi Faja’alnaahum Ghusaaa’aa; Fabu’dal Lilqaw Miz Zaalimeen
42. Summa Anshaanaa Mim Ba’dihim Quroonan Aakhareen
43. Maa Tasbiqu Min Ummatin Ajalahaa Wa Maa Yastaakhiroon
44. Summa Arsalnaa Rusulanaa Tatraa Kulla Maa Jaaa’a Ummatar Rasooluhaa Kazzabooh; Fa Atba’naa Ba’dahum Ba’danw Wa Ja’alnaahum Ahaadees; Fabu’dal Liqawmil Laa Yu’minoon
45. Summa Arsalnaa Moosaa Wa Akhaahu Haaroona Bi Aayaatinaa Wa Sultaanim Mubeen
46. Ilaa Fir’awna Wa Mala’ihee Fastakbaroo Wa Kaanoo Qawman ‘Aaleen
47. Faqaaloo Annu’minu Libasharaini Mislinaa Wa Qawmuhumaa Lanaa ‘Aabidoon
48. Fakazzaboohumaa Fakaanoo Minal Muhlakeen
49. Wa Laqad Aatainaa Moosal Kitaaba La’allahum Yahtadoon
50. Wa Ja’alnab Na Maryama Wa Ummahooo Aayatannw Wa Aawainaahumaaa Ilaa Rabwatin Zaati Qaraarinw Wa Ma’een (Section 3)
51. Yaaa Aiyuhar Rusulu Kuloo Minat Taiyibaati Wa’maloo Saalihan Innee Bimaa Ta’maloona ‘Aleem
52. Wa Inna Haaziheee Ummatukum Ummatanw Waahidatanw Wa Ana Rabbukum Fattaqoon
53. Fataqatta’ooo Amrahum Bainahum Zuburaa; Kullu Hizbim Bimaa Ladaihim Farihoon
54. Fazarhum Fee Ghamratihim Hattaa Heen
55. A-Yahsaboona Annnamaa Numiduhum Bihee Mimmaalinw Wa Baneen
56. Nusaari’u Lahum Fil Khairaat; Bal Laa Yash’uroon
57. Innal Lazeena Hum Min Khashyati Rabbihim Mushfiqoon
58. Wallazeena Hum Bi Aayaati Rabbihim Yu’minoon
59. Wallazeena Hum Bi Rabbihim Laa Yushrikoon
60. Wallazeena Yu’toona Maaa Aataw Wa Quloobuhum Wajilatun Annahum Ilaa Rabbihim Raaji’oon
61. Ulaaa’ika Yusaari’oona Fil Khairaati Wa Hum Lahaa Saabiqoon
62. Wa Laa Nukallifu Nafsan Illaa Wus’ahaa Wa Ladainaa Kitaabuny Yantiqu Bilhaqqi Wa Hum La Yuzlamoon
63. Bal Quloobuhum Fee Ghamratim Min Haazaa Wa Lahum A’maalum Min Dooni Zaalika Hum Lahaa ‘Aamiloon
64. Hattaaa Izaaa Akhaznaa Mutrafeehim Bil’azaabi Izaa Hum Yaj’aroon
65. Laa Taj’arul Yawma Innakum Minnaa Laa Tunsaroon
66. Qad Kaanat Aayaatee Tutlaa ‘Alaikum Fakuntum ‘Alaaa A’qaabikum Tankisoon
67. Mustakbireena Bihee Saamiran Tahjuroon
68. Afalam Yaddabbarrul Qawla Am Jaaa’ahum Maa Lam Yaati Aabaaa’ahumul Awwaleen
69. Am Lam Ya’rifoo Rasoolahum Fahum Lahoo Munkiroon
70. Am Yaqooloona Bihee Jinnnah; Bal Jaaa’ahum Bilhaqqi Wa Aksaruhum Lil Haqqi Kaarihoon
71. Wa Lawit Taba’al Haqqu Ahwaaa’ahum Lafasadatis Samaawaatu Wal Ardu Wa Man Feehinnn; Bal Atainaahum Bizikrihim Fahum ‘An Zikrihim Mu’ridoon
72. Am Tas’aluhum Kharjan Fakharaaju Rabbika Khairunw Wa Huwa Khairur Raaziqeen
73. Wa Innaka Latad’oohum Ilaa Siraatim Mustaqeem
74. Wa Innnal Lazeena Laa Yu’minoona Bil Aakhirati ‘Anis Siraati Lanaakiboon
75. Wa Law Rahimnaahum Wa Kashafnaa Maa Bihim Min Durril Lalajjoo Fee Tughyaanihim Ya’mahoon
76. Wa Laqad Akhaznaahum Bil’azaabi Famastakaanoo Li Rabbihim Wa Maa Yatadarra’oon
77. Hattaaa Izaa Fatahnaa ‘Alaihim Baaban Zaa ‘Azaabin Shadeedin Izaa Hum Feehi Mublisoon (Section 4)
78. Wa Huwal Lazeee Ansha A-Lakumus Sam’a Wal Absaara Wal Af’idah; Qaleelam Maa Tashkuroon
79. Wa Huwal Lazee Zara Akum Fil Ardi Wa Ilaihi Tuhsharoon
80. Wa Huwal Lazee Yuhyee Wa Yumeetu Wa Lahukh Tilaaful Laili Wannahaar; Afalaa Ta’qiloon
81. Bal Qaaloo Misla Maa Qaalal Awwaloon
82. Qaalooo ‘A-Izaa Mitnaa Wa Kunnaa Turaabanw Wa ‘Izaaman ‘A-Innaa Lamab ‘Oosoon
83. Laqad Wu’idnaa Nahnu Wa Aabaaa’unaa Haazaa Min Qablu In Haazaaa Illaaa Asaateerul Awwaleen
84. Qul Limanil Ardu Wa Man Feehaaa In Kuntum Ta’lamoon
85. Sa-Yaqooloona Lillaah; Qul Afalaa Tazakkkaroon
86. Qul Mar Rabbus Samaawaatis Sab’i Wa Rabbul ‘Arshil ‘Azeem
87. Sa Yaqooloona Lillaah; Qul Afalaa Tattaqoon
88. Qul Mam Bi Yadihee Malakootu Kulli Shai’inw Wa Huwa Yujeeru Wa Laa Yujaaru ‘Alaihi In Kuntum Ta’lamoon
89. Sa Yaqooloona Lillaah; Qul Fa Annaa Tus Haroon
90. Bal Atainaahum Bil Haqqi Wa Innahum Lakaaziboon
91. Mat Takhazal Laahu Minw Waladinw Wa Maa Kaana Ma’ahoo Min Ilaah; Izal Lazahaba Kullu Ilaahim Bimaa Khalaqa Wa La’alaa Ba’duhum ‘Alaa Ba’d; Subhaannal Laahi ‘Ammaa Yasifoon
92. ‘Aalimil Ghaibi Wash Shahhaadati Fata’aalaa ‘Ammaa Yushrikoon (Section 5)
93. Qur Rabbi Immmaa Turiyannee Maa Yoo’adoon
94. Rabbi Falaa Taj’alnee Fil Qawmiz Zaalimeen
95. Wa Innaa ‘Alaaa An Nuriyaka Maa Na’iduhum Laqaadiroon
96. Idfa’ Billate Hiya Ahsanus Saiyi’ah; Nahnu A’lamu Bimaa Yasifoon
97. Wa Qur Rabbi A’oozu Bika Min Hamazaatish Shayaateen
98. Wa A’oozu Bika Rabbi Ai-Yahduroon
99. Hattaaa Izaa Jaaa’a Ahada Humul Mawtu Qaala Rabbir Ji’oon
100. La’alleee A’malu Saalihan Feemaa Taraktu Kallaa; Innahaa Kalimatun Huwa Qaaa’iluhaa Wa Minw Waraaa’ihim Barzakhun Ilaa Yawmi Yub’asoon
101. Fa Izaa Nufikha Fis Soori Falaaa Ansaaba Bainahum Yawma’izinw Wa Laa Yatasaaa’aloon
102. Faman Saqulat Mawaazee Nuhoo Fa Ulaaa’ika Humul Muflihoon
103. Wa Man Khaffat Mawaa Zeenuhoo Fa Ulaaa’ikal Lazeena Khasiroo ‘Anfusahum Fee Jahannama Khaalidoon
104. Talfahu Wujoohahumun Naaru Wa Hum Feehaa Kaalihoon
105. Alam Takun Aayaatee Tutlaa ‘Alaikum Fakuntum Bihaa Tukazziboon
106. Qaaloo Rabbanaa Ghalabat ‘Alainaa Shiqwatunaa Wa Kunnaa Qawman Daaalleen
107. Rabbanaa Akhrijnaa Minhaa Fa In ‘Udnaa Fa Innaa Zaalimoon
108. Qaalakh Sa’oo Feehaa Wa Laa Tukallimoon
109. Innahoo Kaana Fareequm Min ‘Ibaadee Yaqooloona Rabbanaaa Aamannaa Faghfir Lanaa Warhamnaa Wa Anta Khairur Raahimeen
110. Fattakhaztumoohum Sikhriyyan Hattaaa Ansawkum Zikree Wa Kuntum Minhum Tadhakoon
111. Inee Jazaituhumul Yawma Bimaa Sabarooo Annahum Humul Faaa’izoon
112. Qaala Kam Labistum Fil Ardi ‘Adada Sineen
113. Qaaloo Labisnaa Yawman Aw Ba’da Yawmin Fas’alil ‘Aaaddeen
114. Qaala Il Labistum Illaa Qaleelal Law Annakum Kuntum Ta’lamoon
115. Afahasibtum Annamaa Khalaqnaakum ‘Abasanw Wa Annakum Ilainaa Laa Turja’oon
116. Fata’aalal Laahul Malikul Haqq; Laaa Ilaaha Illaa Huwa Rabbul ‘Arshil Kareem
117. Wa Mai Yad’u Ma’allaahi Ilaahan Aakhara Laa Burhaana Lahoo Bihee Fa Inna Maa Hisaabuhoo ‘Inda Rabbih; Innahoo Laa Yuflihul Kaafiroon
118. Wa Qul Rabbigh Fir Warham Wa Anta Khairur Raahimeen (Section 6)





(THE BELIEVERS) Lr 8G O44 bear

(This Surah is Makkan, containing 2 :
ibprcee and 6 sections) 1 ples WA gL


Allah’s Name to commence 2 ay I2 Gn yo
with, the Most Gracious, the ses lye Ieiblanty
Most Merciful.

(18 },

23:1. Undoubtedly, the
believers reached their goals.

23:2. Those who totally humble
themselves in their Salah.

23:3. And who do not incline
towards vain talk.

23:4. And those that work to
pay Zakah (consistently).

23:5. And those who protect
their private parts.

23:6. Except from their wives or
the lawful handmaids whom
they possess; that there is no
blame upon them.

23:7. So, whoever desires
anything more than these two,
only they are the transgressors.


23:8. And those who take care
of their trusts and their

23:9. And those who guard
their Salah.

23:10. These people are the

23:11. That (they) will attain the
inheritance of Paradise; they
will abide therein forever.

23:12. Indeed, We created man
from selected soil.

23:13. Then made him a drop of
fluid in a strong resting place.

23:14. We then turned the drop
of fluid into a clot of blood, then
the clot of blood into a piece of
flesh, then the piece of flesh into
bones, then clothed the bones
with flesh, then developed it into
another form. So, Allah is the
Most Auspicious, the Best


23:15. Then, you are certainly to
die thereafter.

23:16. Then, you all will be raised
on the Day of Resurrection.

23:17. And We have indeed
created seven paths above you
and We are not unaware of

23:18. And We sent down water
from the sky in a measured
amount, then stored it in the
earth. And We indeed have
Power to take it away.

23:19. So, with it We produced
gardens of date trees and
grapes for you, therein is
abundant fruit for you, and you
eat therefrom.

23:20. And created the (olive) tree
that comes forth from Mount
Sinai, which grows containing oil
and gravy for the eaters.

23:21. And in the cattle is indeed
a lesson for you. We make you
drink from that which is in their
bellies, and there are many


benefits for you in them, and in
them is food for you.

23:22. And on them and on ship
you are carried.

23:23. And We indeed sent
Nooh towards his nation; so, he
said, ‘O0 my people! Worship
Allah; you do not have any
other god except Him, do you
hence not have fear?!

23:24. So, the disbelieving
chiefs of his people said, ‘He is
not but a human like you; he
wishes to become your
superior. And had Allah willed,
He would have sent down
angels. We did not hear about
this from our early forefathers.’

23:25. ‘He is not but an insane
man; therefore, wait for some
time concerning him.

23:26. Nooh submitted, ‘O my
Lord, help me (by destroying
them), on this (reason); that
they belied me.


23:27. We henceforth sent him the
revelation that In front of Us and
by Our command, construct the
Ark; then, when Our command
comes and the clay oven gushed
forth water, so, take into it a pair
(male and female) of each
species, and your family, except
those upon whom the Word has
already been decreed. And do
not speak to Me regarding these
unjust people (ie. do not plead
on their behalf); these (people)
will definitely be drowned.

23:28. ‘And when you and those
with you have firmly boarded
the Ark, then say, ‘All praise is
due to Allah Who has rescued
us from these unjust people.’

23:29. And submit, ‘O my Lord,
cause me to disembark at a
blessed place, and You are the
Best to bring to Jand.’

23:30. Indeed, in this are
definitely signs, and We were
indeed definitely testing.

23:31. Then, after them, We
created another generation.

23:32. So, We sent among them
a Messenger (Hood) from them
(who said), ‘Worship Allah; you
have no god except Him, so, do




23:33. And said the leaders of
his people who disbelieved and
denied being present in the
Hereafter, and We gave them
comfort in this worldly life; that
‘He is nothing but a human like
you, he eats from what you eat
and drinks from what you

23:34. ‘If you were to obey a
human like yourselves, you
will thus definitely be in loss.’

23:35. ‘Does he (the Prophet
Hood) promise you that when.
you die and turn into dust and
bones, you will be raised again?’

23:36. ‘How far away is it, how
far away is it; the promise that
you are given?!

23:37. ‘There is nothing except _ 3 394-2 6 sdl– “yp?
our life of this world; that, we 7 PAGANS SS)
die and we live, and we are not es a Pr
to be brought back to life.’ bc : os shes


23:38. ‘He is not but just a man,
who has fabricated lie against
Allah, and we are not to believe

23:39. He submitted, ‘0 my
Lord, help me on this; that, they
have belied me.’

23:40. Said Allah, ‘After a little
while, in the morning, they will
become regretful.’

23:41. So, the true scream
seized them, We consequently
made them (like the) rubbish of
dry grass; away therefore with
the unjust people.

23:42. Then, after them, We
created other generations.

23:43. No nation can go ahead
of its period (of death) nor stay

23:44. We then sent our
Messengers one after the other.
Whenever a nation’s Messenger
came to it, they belied him. We
consequently joined (their)
latter ones with the former ones
(in destruction) and made them


stories (of the past); away
therefore with the people who
do not believe.

23:45. We then sent Moosa and
his brother Haaroon with Our
signs and clear authority.

23:46. Towards Fir’awn and his
courtiers; they were therefore
arrogant, and they were in a
position of dominance.

23:47. So, they said, ‘Shall we
believe in two humans like
ourselves; whereas, their nation
for us is in servitude?’

23:48. So, they belied them
both, they therefore became of
those who were destroyed.

23:49. And We indeed gave
Moosa the Book; that they may
attain guidance.

23:50. And We made Maryam
and her son a sign, and We
gave them shelter on an
elevated land; a place to stay
and running water before
(their) sight.



23:52. ‘And indeed, this religion e Pan ig
of yours is only one religion Sb cot SES nA\
(which is Islam), and I am your

Lord; therefore, fear Me.’

23:53. But their nations broke
their matter (i.e. their religion)
into pieces; every group is
happy with what it has.

23:54. Leave them therefore in
their intoxication (of misguidance)
until a (certain) time.

23:55. Do they assume that We
are helping them by giving
them wealth and sons.

23:56. (Because We) hasten to
give them good things (in the
earth)? (Never!) Rather, they

are unaware.

23:57. Indeed, those who are in
panic due to the fear of their


23:58. And those who believe in
the verses of their Lord.

23:59. And those who do not
ascribe any partner to their Lord.

23:60. And those who give
whatever they give, and their
hearts are fearing because (it is
their firm belief that) they have
to return to their Lord.

23:61. These people hasten to
perform goodness, and it is
they who are first to attain
them (i.e. the good deeds).

23:62. And We do not burden
any soul but according to its
capacity, and with Us is a Book
(ie. the Preserved Tablet) that
speaks the truth, and they will
not be wronged.

23:63. Rather, their hearts are in
negligence of this (ie. the
Qur’aan) and their works (i.e.
the works of the disbelievers)
are different from those (of the
believers) that they are doing.

23:64. Until, when We seized
the wealthy amongst them with
punishment, they immediately


began pleading.

23:65. ‘Do not plead this Day;
you will not be helped from
Our side.’

23:66. ‘Indeed, My verses were
being recited to you, you
consequently used to turn back
on your heels.’

23:67. ‘You boast on serving the
Sacred Mosque; at night
blabbering absurd stories therein,
(whilst) discarding the truth.’

23:68. Have they not pondered
over the Word (ie. the Qur’aan),
or did that come to them which
did not come to their forefathers?

23:69. Or did they not recognise
their Messenger; consequently,
they think of him as an alien
(denying him for this reason)?

23:70. Or they say, ‘He is suffering
from madness. Rather, he brought
the Truth (ie. the Qur’aan) to them,
and most of them dislike the truth.
23:71. And had the Truth (ie. the

Qur’aan) followed their desires,
the heavens, and the earth and all


those who are in between. them
would have henceforth definitely
been destroyed. Rather, We have
brought to them such a thing, in
which there was fame for them;
so, they are those who have
actually turned away their faces
from their own prestige.

23:72. Do you (O Beloved) ask
any recompense from them? So,
the reward of your Lord is the
best; and He is the Best
Provider of sustenance.

23:73. And indeed, you call
them to the Straight Path.

23:74, And indeed, those who
do not believe in the Hereafter
have definitely deviated from
the Straight Path.

23:75. And if We have mercy
upon them and remove the
calamity which has befallen them,
they would still stubbornly persist,
wandering in their rebellion.

23:76. And We indeed seized them
in punishment hence neither did
they submit themselves in the
Majestic Court of their Lord, nor


23:77. To the extent that when
We opened the gate of any
severe punishment upon them,
they are lying in despair therein.

23:78. And it is He Who created
ears, and eyes, and hearts for
you; you appreciate very little.

23:79. And it is He Who has
spread you on the earth, and
only towards Him you are to be

23:80. And it is He Who gives
life and causes death, and in
His authority is the alternation
of night and day; do you not
therefore have sense?

23:81. Rather, they said the
same as what the former people
used to say.

23:82. They said, ‘What! When
we die and turn into dust and
bones, will we be raised again?’

23:83. ‘Indeed, this promise was
given to us and before us to our
forefathers; this is nothing but




the same former (fabricated)

23:84. Say you (O Beloved), ‘To
whom does the earth and all
that is therein belong, if you

23:85. They will now say, ‘To
Allah.’ Say you (O Beloved),
‘Why do you not then ponder?’

23:86. Say you (O Beloved),
‘Who is the Owner of the seven
heavens and the Owner of the
Great Throne?!

23:87. They will now say, ‘This
is the Grandeur of Allah.’ Say
you (O Beloved), ‘Why do you
not then fear?!

23:88. Say you (O Beloved), ‘In
whose hand is the control of all
things? And He _ provides
refuge, and no one can provide
refuge against Him; if you

23:89. They will now say, ‘This is
the Grandeur of Allah.’ Say you
(O Beloved), ‘Then by what type
of magic are you deceived?!


23:90. Rather, We brought the
truth to them, and they are
indeed liars.

23:91. Allah did not take (for
Himself) any child, nor is there
any other god with Him; if it was
so, each god would have
therefore taken away his creation,
and each one would certainly
seek superiority over the other.
Purity is to Allah from those
things which they fabricate.

23:92. (Allah is) the Knower of
every concealed and visible; so,
Supreme is He from what they

23:93. Submit you (O Beloved);
that ‘O my Lord, if You show
me what they are promised.

23:94. ‘So, O my Lord, do not
include me amongst the unjust.’

23:95. And We indeed have
Power to show you what We
are promising them.

23:96. Repel evil with that
which is the best goodness; We


know well the matters that they

23:97. And you (O Beloved),
submit (to educate your
nation), ‘O my Lord, I seek
Your refuge from the evil
suggestions of the Devil.’

23:98. ‘And O my Lord, I seek
Your refuge; that lest they come
to me.’

23:99. Until when death comes
to any one of them (i.e. the
disbelievers), he hence says, ‘O
my Lord, send me back.’

23:100. ‘Perhaps now I may do
some good deeds which I have
left behind therein (ie.
previously neglected).’ Never!
This is just a word that he utters
from his mouth, and in front of
them is a barrier until the Day in
which they will be raised.

23:101. Thus, when the Trumpet
will be blown, there will therefore
neither be any relationship
amongst them that Day, nor are
they to ask about one another.

23:102. So, the ones whose
scales prove to be heavy (with
good deeds), only they are the


23:103. And the ones whose
scales prove light, it is they
who had put their lives into
ruin; they shall remain in Hell
forever (due to their disbelief).

23:104. The Fire shall strike
their faces, and they will
remain therein with faces
pulled up.

23:105. ‘Were My verses not
recited upon you, you
consequently used to belie

23:106. They will say, ‘O our
Lord! Our misfortune overcame
us, and we were people gone

23:107. ‘O our Lord! Remove us
from Hell; if we then do the
same (evil acts), we are
therefore unjust.’

23:108. Allah will say, ‘Remain
accursed therein, and do not
speak to Me.’

23:109. Indeed, there was a
group amongst My bondsmen
who used to say, ‘O our Lord,
we have believed, forgive us
therefore and have mercy upon


us, and You are the Best to
bestow mercy.’

23:110. “You hence made them a
laughingstock, until in making
them (a laughingstock) you
forgot My remembrance, and
you used to laugh at them.’

23:111. ‘Indeed, this Day for
their patience I have rewarded
them this; that only they are the
successful ones.’

23:112. He (Allah) said, ‘How
long did you stay on earth,
according to the number of

23:113. They said, ‘We stayed
one day or part of a day; so, ask
those who keep count (i.e. the

23:114. He said, ‘You stayed not
but only a little while, if you

23:115. So, do you think that
We have created you in vain,
and that you are not to return


23:116. Hence, Most Supreme is
Allah; the True King; there is
no one worthy of worship
except Him; Owner of the
Throne of Honour.

23:117. And the one who worships
any other god along with Allah, of
which he does not have any
authority, his account is therefore
with his Lord; indeed, there is no

23:118. And submit you (O
Beloved), ‘O my Lord, forgive
(the believers) and have mercy,
and You are the Best to bestow


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