(This Surah is Makkan, containing 50 verses and 2 sections)
Allah’s Name to commence with, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
77:1. By the oath of those (winds) which are sent consecutively.
77:2. Then (by) those (winds) that push with strength.
77:3. Then by those (winds) which lift and carry (the clouds).
77:4. Then (by) the ones (i.e., the verses of the Qur’an) which clearly differentiate right from wrong.
77:5. Then, by the oath of those (i.e., the groups of angels) who instill the remembrance (of Allah) into the hearts.
77:6. To complete the argument or to warn (the disbelievers).
77:7. Indeed, what you are promised (i.e., resurrection, punishment, and the Day of Judgement) will definitely occur.
77:8. Then (it will occur) when the light of the stars is put out.
77:9. And when the sky is split apart.
77:10. And when the mountains are made into dust and blown away.
77:11. And when the time of the Messengers (to be assembled) arrives.
77:12. “For which day were they (i.e., the distressing events) postponed?”
77:13. (They are postponed) for the Day of Decision.
77:14. And what do you know what the Day of Decision is?
77:15. Woe to the beliers on that Day.
77:16. Did We not destroy the earlier people?
77:17. We shall then drive the latter ones after them.
77:18. This is how We deal with the criminals.
77:19. Woe to the beliers on that Day.
77:20. Did We not create you from an insignificant fluid?
77:21. We then kept it in a safe place (i.e., the womb).
77:22. Until a known extent (i.e., until the time of birth).
77:23. Then We measured, so how excellent We are in having Power (over everything).
77:24. Woe to the beliers on that Day.
77:25. Did We not make the earth a gathering place?
77:26. For your living and dead?
77:27. And We placed high (mountains as) anchors therein and gave you excellent sweet water to drink.
77:28. Woe to the beliers on that Day.
77:29. “Walk towards that (i.e., the punishment) which you used to belie.”
77:30. “Walk towards the shadow of the smoke which has three branches.”
77:31. “Which neither gives (the coolness of a) shade nor saves from the flame.”
77:32. Indeed, Hell shoots up sparks like high palaces.
77:33. As if they are camels of yellow color.
77:34. Woe to the beliers on that Day.
77:35. This is a Day in which they will not be able to speak.
77:36. Nor will they be given permission to present excuses.
77:37. Woe to the beliers on that Day.
77:38. This is the Day of Decision; We have gathered you and all of the former ones.
77:39. If you have any plot now, so (try to) use it against Me.
77:40. Woe to the beliers on that Day.
77:41. Indeed, the pious are in shades and springs.
77:42. And amongst fruits; whichever they may desire.
77:43. (They will be told) “Eat and drink with pleasure; the reward of your deeds.”
77:44. Indeed, this is how We reward the righteous.
77:45. Woe to the beliers on that Day.
77:46. “(O beliers!) Eat and enjoy yourselves for a little while; indeed, you are sinners.”
77:47. Woe to the beliers on that Day.
77:48. And when it is said to them, “Offer Salah,” they do not offer it.
77:49. Woe to the beliers on that Day.
77:50. So then, after this (i.e., the Qur’an), in which statement will they believe?