(This Surah is Makkan, containing 36 verses and 1 section)
Allah’s Name to commence with, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Wailul lil-mutaffifeen.
Destruction is for those who weigh short.
Allazeena izaktaloo ‘alan-naasi yastawfoon.
(They are) those who, when they acquire from others, take full measurement.
Wa izaa kaaloohum aw wazanoohum yukhsiroon.
And when they give others by measuring or weighing, they give less.
Alaa yazzunnoo ulaaa’ika annahum mab’oosoon.
Do those people not perceive that they will be raised (after death)?
Li-yawmin ‘azeem.
For a Day of greatness.
Yawma yaqoomun naasu li-Rabbil ‘aalameen.
The Day when all the people will stand in the Majestic Court of the Lord of all the worlds.
Kallaa innna kitaabal fujjaari lafee Sijjeen.
Indeed, the record of the disbelievers is in the lowest place; Sijjeen.
Wa maa adraaka maa Sijjeen.
And what do you know how (despicable) Sijjeen is?
Kitaabum marqoom.
That record is a sealed text.
Wailuny yawma’izil lil mukazzibeen.
Destruction is for the deniers on that Day.
Allazeena yukazziboona bi-yawmid-deen.
Those who deny the Day of Justice.
Wa maa yukazzibu bihiii illaa kullu mu’tadin atheem.
And no one denies it except every transgressor, sinner.
Izaa tutlaa ‘alaihi aayaatunaa qaala asaateerul-awwaleen.
When Our verses are recited to him, he says, ‘(These) are stories of the people of the past.’
Kallaa bal raana ‘alaa quloobihim maa kaanoo yaksiboon.
Not at all! Rather, their earnings (i.e., their sins) have caused rust upon their hearts.
Kallaa innnahum ‘ar Rabbihim yawma’izil lamahjooboon.
Yes, certainly! They are indeed deprived of seeing their Lord on that Day.
Summa innnahum la-saalooul-jaheem.
Then they will indeed have to enter Hell.
Summa yuqaalu haazal lazee kuntum bihii tukazziboon.
It will then be said (to them), ‘This is that which you used to belie.’
Kallaaa innna kitaabal abraari lafee ‘Illiyyeen.
Yes, certainly! The record of the righteous is in the highest place; ‘Illiyyeen.
Wa maa adraaka maa ‘Illiyyeen.
And what do you know how ‘Illiyyeen is?
Kitaabum marqoom.
That record is a sealed text.
Which are the close ones (i.e., the angels) witness.
Innna abraara lafee na’eem.
Indeed, the righteous are definitely in serenity.
‘Alal-araa’iki yanzuroon.
(Reclining) on thrones, looking (at the bounties of Paradise).
Ta’rifu fee wujoohihim nadratan-na’eem.
You will recognize the freshness of serenity in their faces.
Yusqawna mir-raheeqim-makhtoom.
They will be given pure wine to drink, which is kept sealed.
Khitaamuhuu misk; wa fee zaalika falyatanaa-fasil mutanaafisoon.
Its seal is of musk; and let the desires long for only this.
Wa mizaa juhu min tasneem.
And its mixture is from (the water of) Tasneem.
‘Aynai yash-rabu bihal-muqarraboon.
(Tasneem is) a spring from which those who are close (to Allah) drink.
Innallazeena ajramoo kaanoo minal-lazeena aamanoo yadhakoon.
Indeed, the culprits (such as Abu Jahl, Waleed Bin Mugheerah, etc.) used to laugh at the believers (in this world).
Wa izaa marru bihim yataghaamazoon.
And when the believers used to pass by them, so they (i.e., the disbelievers) would wink at one another (in mockery).
Wa izan qalabooo ilaa ahlihimun qalaboo fakiheen.
And when returning to their homes, they used to return rejoicing (i.e., boasting about what they had done).
Wa izaa ra-awhum qaalooo innna haaa’ulaaa’i ladaaa’l.
And when they (i.e., the disbelievers) would see the Muslims, they would say, ‘Indeed, they have gone astray.’
Wa maa ursiloo ‘alaihim haafizeen.
Whereas, they (i.e., the disbelievers) have not at all been sent as guards over them (i.e., over the Muslims).
Fal-yawma allazeena aamanoo minal-kuffaari yadhakoon.
So, today (i.e., the Day of Resurrection) the believers laugh at the disbelievers.
‘Alal-araa’iki yanzuroon.
Seated on thrones, observing (the destruction of the disbelievers).
Hal suwwibal-kuffaari maa kaanoo yaf’aloon.
Have the disbelievers (not) been given some recompense (on this Day) for what they used to do?
(This Surah is Makkan, containing
36 verses and 1 section)
Allah’s Name to commence
with, the Most Gracious, the
Most Merciful.
83:1. Destruction is for those
who weigh short.
83:2. (They are) those who,
when they acquire from others,
take full measurement.
83:3. And when they give
others by measuring or
weighing, they give less.
83:4. Do those people perceive
not that they will be raised
(after death)?
83:5. For a Day of greatness.
83:6. The Day when all the people
will stand in the Majestic Court of
the Lord of all the worlds.
83:7. Indeed, the record of the
disbelievers are in the lowest
place; Sijjeen.
83:8. And what do you know
how (despicable) Sijjeen is?
83:9. That record is a sealed
83:10. Destruction is for the
beliers on that Day.
83:11. Those who deny the Day
of justice.
83:12. And no one will deny it
except for every transgressor,
83:13. When Our verses are
recited to him, he says, ‘(These)
are stories of the people of the
83:14. Not at all! Rather, their
earnings (ie. their sins) have
caused rust upon their hearts.
83:15. Yes, certainly! They are
indeed deprived of seeing their
Lord on that Day.
83:16. Then they will indeed
have to enter Hell.
83:17. It will then be said (to
them), ‘This is that which you
used to belie.’
83:18. Yes, certainly! The record
of the righteous is in the
highest place; ‘lliyyeen.
83:19. And what do you know
how ‘Illiyyeen is?
83:20. That record is a sealed
83:21. Which are the close ones (i.e.
the angels) witness.
83:22. Indeed, the righteous are
definitely in serenity.
83:23. (Reclining) on thrones,
looking (at the bounties of
83:24. You will recognize the
freshness of serenity in their
83:25. They will be given pure
wine to drink, which is kept
83:26. Its seal is of musk; and let
the desires long for only this.
83:27. And its mixture is from
(the water of) Tasneem.
83:28. (Tasneem is) a spring
from which those who are close
(to Allah) drink.
83:29. Indeed, the culprits (such
as Abu Jahl, Waleed Bin
Mugheerah, etc.) used to laugh
at the believers (in this world).
83:30. And when the believers
used to pass by them, so they (i.e.
the disbelievers) would wink at
one another (in mockery).
83:31. And when returning to
their homes, they used to
return rejoicing (i.e. boasting
about what they had done).
83:32. And when they (i.e. the
disbelievers) would see the
Muslims, they would say,
‘Indeed, they have gone astray.’
83:33. Whereas, they (ie. the
disbelievers) have not at all been
sent as guards over them (ie.
over the Muslims).
83:34. So, today (i.e. the Day of
Resurrection) the believers
laugh at the disbelievers.
83:35. Seated on _ thrones,
observing (the destruction of the
83:36. Have the disbelievers
(not) been given some
recompense (on this Day) for
what they used to do?