SURAH AL-NOOR English Translation & Roman Transliteration

Surah Noor In Roman English


Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

1. Sooratun Anzalnaahaa Wa Faradnaahaa Wa Anzalnaa Feehaaa Aayaatim Baiyinaatil La’allakum Tazakkaroon
2. Azzaaniyatu Wazzaanee Fajlidoo Kulla Waahidim Minhumaa Mi’ata Jaldatinw Wa Laa Taakhuzkum Bihimaa Raafatun Fee Deenil Laahi In Kuntum Tu’minoona Billaahi Wal Yawmil Aakhiri Wal Yashhad ‘Azaabahumaa Taaa’ifatum Minal Mu’mineen
3. Azzaanee Laa Yankihu Illaa Zaaniyatan Aw Mushrikatanw Wazzaaniyatu Laa Yankihuhaaa Illaa Zaanin Aw Mushrik; Wa Hurrima Zaalika ‘Alal Mu’mineen
4. Wallazeena Yarmoonal Muhsanaati Summa Lam Yaatoo Bi-Arba’ati Shuhadaaa’a Fajlidoohum Samaaneena Jaldatanw Wa Laa Taqbaloo Lahum Shahaadatan Abadaa; Wa Ulaaa’ika Humul Faasiqoon
5. Illal Lazeena Taaboo Mim Ba’di Zaalika Wa Aslahoo Fa Innal Laaha Ghafoorur Raheem
6. Wallazeena Yarmoona Azwaajahum Wa Lam Yakul Lahum Shuhadaaa’u Illaaa Anfusuhum Fashahaadatu Ahadihim Arba’u Shahaadaatim Billaahi Innahoo Laminas Saadiqeen
7. Wal Khaamisatu Anna La’natal Laahi ‘Alaihi In Kaana Minal Kaazibeen
8. Wa Yadra’u Anhal ‘Azaaba An Tashhada Arba’a Shahaa Daatim Billaahi Innahoo Laminal Kaazibeen
9. Wal Khaamisata Anna Ghadabal Laahi ‘Alaihaaa In Kaana Minas Saadiqeen
10. Wa Law Laa Fadlul Laahi ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatuhoo Wa Annal Laaha Tawwaabun Hakeem (Section 1)
11. Innal Lazeena Jaaa’oo Bilifki ‘Usbatum Minkum; Laa Tahsaboohu Sharral Lakum Bal Huwa Khairul Lakum; Likul Limri’im Minhum Mak Tasaba Minal-Ism; Wallazee Tawallaa Kibrahoo Minhum Lahoo ‘Azaabun ‘Azeem
12. Law Laaa Iz Sami’tumoohu Zannal Mu’minoona Walmu’minaatu Bi Anfusihim Khairanw Wa Qaaloo Haazaaa Ifkum Mubeen
13. Law Laa Jaaa’oo ‘Alaihi Bi-Arba’ati Shuhadaaa’; Fa Iz Lam Yaatoo Bishshuhadaaa’i Fa Ulaaa ‘Ika ‘Indal Laahi Humul Kaaziboon
14. Wa Law Laa Fadlul Laahi ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatuhoo Fiddunyaa Wal Aakhirati Lamassakum Fee Maaa Afadtum Feehi ‘Azaabun ‘Azeem
15. Iz Talaqqawnahoo Bi Alsinatikum Wa Taqooloona Bi Afwaahikum Maa Laisa Lakum Bihee ‘Ilmunw Wa Tahsaboo Nahoo Haiyinanw Wa Huwa ‘Indal Laahi ‘Azeem
16. Wa Law Laaa Iz Sami’tu Moohu Qultum Maa Yakoonu Lanaaa An Natakallama Bihaazaa Subhaanaka Haaza Buhtaanun ‘Azeem
17. Ya’izukumul Laahu An Ta’oodoo Limisliheee Abadan In Kuntum Mu’mineen
18. Wa Yubaiyinul Laahu Lakumul Aayaat; Wallaahu ‘Aleemun Hakeem
19. Innal Lazeena Yuhibboona An Tashee’al Faahishatu Fil Lazeena Aamanoo Lahum ‘Azaabun Aleemun Fid Dunyaa Wal Aakhirah; Wallaahu Ya’lamu Wa Antum Laa Ta’lamoon
20. Wa Law Laa Fadlul Laahi ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatuhoo Wa Annal Laaha Ra’oofur Raheem (Section 2)
21. Yaaa Aiyuhal Lazeena Aamanoo Laa Tattabi’oo Khutuwaatish Shaitaan; Wa Many-Yattabi’ Khutuwaatish Shaitaani Fa Innahoo Yaamuru Bilfahshaaa’i Walmunkar; Wa Law Laa Fadlul Laahi ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatuhoo Maa Zakaa Minkum Min Ahadin Abadanw Wa Laakinnal Laaha Yuzakkee Many-Yashaaa’; Wallaahu Samee’un ‘Aleem
22. Wa Laa Yaatali Ulul Fadli Minkum Wassa’ati Ai Yu’tooo Ulil Qurbaa Walmasaakeena Walmuhaajireena Fee Sabeelillaahi Walya’foo Walyasfahoo; Alaa Tuhibboona Ai Yaghfiral Laahu Lakum; Wal Laahu Ghafoorur Raheem
23. Innal Lazeena Yarmoonal Muhsanaatil Ghaafilaatil Mu’minaati Lu’inoo Fid Dunyaa Wal Aakhirati Wa Lahum ‘Azaabun ‘Azeem
24. Yawma Tashhhadu ‘Alaihim Alsinatuhum Wa Aideehim Wa Arjuluhum Bimaa Kaanoo Ya’maloon
25. Yawma’iziny Yuwaf Feehimul Laahu Deenahumul Haqqa Wa Ya’lamoona Annal Laaha Huwal Haqqul Mubeen
26. Al Khabeesaatu Lil Khabeeseena Wal Khabeesoona Lil Khabeesaati Wat Taiyibaatu Lit Taiyibeena Wat Taiyiboona Lit Taiyibaat; Ulaaa’ika Mubarra’oona Mimma Yaqooloona Lahum Maghfiratunw Wa Rizqun Kareem (Section 3)
27. Yaaa Aiyuhal Lazeena Aamanoo Laa Tadkhuloo Buyootan Ghaira Buyootikum Hatta Tastaanisoo Wa Tusallimoo ‘Alaa Ahlihaa; Zaalikum Khairul Lakum La’allakum Tazakkaroon
28. Fa Il Lam Tajidoo Feehaaa Ahadan Falaa Tadkhuloohaa Hattaa Yu’zana Lakum Wa In Qeela Lakumurji’oo Farji’oo Huwa Azkaa Lakum; Wallaahu Bimaa Ta’maloona ‘Aleem
29. Laisa ‘Alaikum Junaahun Ann Tadkhuloo Buyootan Ghaira Maskoonatin Feeha Mataa’ul Lakum; Wallaahu Ya’lamu Maa Tubdoona Wa Maa Taktumoon
30. Qul Lilmu’ Mineena Yaghuuddoo Min Absaarihim Wa Yahfazoo Furoojahum; Zaalika Azkaa Lahum; Innallaaha Khabeerum Bimaa Yasna’oon
31. Wa Qul Lilmu’minaati Yaghdudna Min Absaarihinna Wa Yahfazna Furoojahunna Wa Laa Yubdeena Zeenatahunna Illaa Maa Zahara Minhaa Wala Yadribanna Bikhumurihinna ‘Alaa Juyoobihinna Wa Laa Yubdeena Zeenatahunna Illaa Libu’oolatihinna Aw Aabaaa’i Hinna Aw Aabaaa’i Bu’oolati Hinna Aw Abnaaa’ihinnaa Aw Abnaaa’i Bu’oolatihinnna Aw Ikhwaanihinnna Aw Baneee Ikhwaanihinna Aw Banee Akhawaatihinna Aw Nisaaa’i Hinna Aw Maa Malakat Aimaanuhunna Awit Taabi’eena Ghairi Ilil Irbati Minar Rijaali Awit Tiflillazeena Lam Yazharoo ‘Alaa ‘Awraatin Nisaaa’i Wala Yadribnna Bi Arjulihinna Liyu’lama Maa Yukhfeena Min Zeenatihinn; Wa Toobooo Ilallaahi Jammee’an Aiyuhal Mu’minoona La’allakum Tuflihoon
32. Wa Ankihul Ayaamaa Minkum Was Saaliheena Min ‘Ibaadikum Wa Imaa’ikum; Iny-Yakoonoo Fuqaraaa’a Yughni Himul Laahu Min Fadlih; Wal Laahu Waasi’un ‘Aleem
33. Wal Yasta’fifil Lazeena Laa Yajidoona Nikaahan Hatta Yughniyahumul Laahu Min Fadlih; Wallazeena Yabtaghoonal Kitaaba Mimmaa Malakat Aimaanukum Fakaatiboohum In ‘Alimtum Feehim Khairanw Wa Aatoohum Mimmaalil Laahil Lazeee Aataakum; Wa Laa Tukrihoo Fatayaatikum ‘Alal Bighaaa’i In Aradna Tahassunal Litabtaghoo ‘Aradal Hayaatid Dunyaa; Wa Mai Yukrihhunna Fa Innal Laaha Mim Ba’di Ikraahihinna Ghafoorur Raheem
34. Wa Laqad Anzalnaaa Ilaikum Aayaatim Mubaiyinaatinw Wa Masalam Minal Lazeena Khalaw Min Qablikum Wa Maw’izatal Lilmuttaqeen (Section 4)
35. Allaahu Noorus Samaawaati Wal Ard; Masalu Noorihee Kamishkaatin Feehaa Misbaah; Almisbaahu Fee Zujaajatin Azzujaajatu Ka Annahaa Kawkabun Durriyyuny Yooqadu Min Shajaratim Mubaarakatin Zaitoonatil Laa Shariqiyyatinw Wa Laa Gharbiyyatiny Yakaadu Zaituhaa Yudeee’u Wa Law Lam Tamsashu Naar; Noorun ‘Alaa Noor; Yahdil Laahu Linoorihee Mai Yashaaa’; Wa Yadribul Laahul Amsaala Linnaas; Wallaahu Bikulli Shai’in Aleem
36. Fee Buyootin Azinal Laahu An Turfa’a Wa Yuzkara Feehasmuhoo Yusabbihu Lahoo Feehaa Bilghuduwwi Wal Aasaal
37. Rijaalul Laa Tulheehim Tijaaratunw Wa Laa Bai’un ‘An Zikril Laahi Wa Iqaamis Salaati Wa Eetaaa’iz Zakaati Yakhaafoona Yawman Tataqallabu Feehil Quloobu Wal Absaar
38. Liyajziyahumul Laahu Ahsana Maa ‘Amiloo Wa Yazeedahum Min Fadlih; Wal Laahu Yarzuqu Mai Yashaaa’u Bighairi Hisaab
39. Wallazeena Kafarooo A’maaluhum Kasaraabim Biqee’atiny Yahsabuhuz Zamaanu Maaa’an Hattaaa Izaa Jaaa’ahoo Lam Yajid Hu Shai’anw Wa Wajadal Laaha ‘Indahoo Fa Waffaahu Hisaabah; Wallaahu Saree’ul Hisaab
40. Aw Kazulumaatin Fee Bahril Lujjiyyiny Yaghshaahu Mawjun Min Fawqihee Mawjun Min Fawqihee Sahaab; Zulumatun Ba’duhaa Fawqa Ba’din Izaaa Akhraja Yadahoo Lam Yakad Yaraahaa Wa Man Lam Yaj’alil Laahu Lahoo Nooran Famaa Lahoo Min Noor (Section 5)
41. Alam Tara Annal Laaha Yusabbihu Lahoo Man Fissamaawaati Wal Ardi Wat Tairu Saaaffaatim Kullun Qad ‘Alima Salaatahoo Wa Tasbeehah; Wallaahu ‘Aleemum Bimaa Yaf’aloon
42. Wa Lillaahi Mulkus Samaawaati Wal Ardi Wa Ilal Laahil Maseer
43. Alam Tara Annal Laaha Yuzjee Sahaaban Summa Yu’allifu Bainahoo Summa Yaj’aluhoo Rukaaman Fataral Wadqa Yakhruju Min Khilaalihee Wa Yunazzilu Minas Samaaa’i Min Jibaalin Feehaa Mim Baradin Fa Yuseebu Bihee Mai Yashaaa’u Wa Yasrifuhoo ‘Am Mai Yashaaa’u Yakkaadu Sanaa Barqihee Yazhabu Bil Absaar
44. Yuqallibul Laahul Laila Wannahaar; Inna Fee Zaalika La’ibratal Li Ulil Absaar
45. Wallaahu Khalaqa Kulla Daaabbatim Mim Maaa’in Faminhum Mai Yamshee ‘Alaa Batnihee Wa Minhum Mai Yamshee ‘Alaa Rijlaine Wa Minhum Mai Yamshee ‘Alaaa Arba’; Yakhluqul Laahu Maa Yashaaa’; Innal Laaha ‘Alaa Kulli Shai’in Qadeer
46. Laqad Anzalnaaa Aayaatim Mubaiyinaat; Wallaahu Yahdee Mai Yashaaa’u Ilaa Siraatim Mustaqeem
47. Wa Yaqooloona Aamannaa Billaahi Wa Bir Rasooli Wa Ata’naa Summa Yatawallaa Fareequm Minhum Mim Ba’di Zaalik; Wa Maaa Ulaaa’ika Bilmu’mineen
48. Wa Izaa Du’ooo Ilal Laahi Wa Rasoolihee Li Yahkuma Bainahum Izaa Fareequm Minhum Mu’ridoon
49. Wa Iny-Yakul Lahumul Haqqu Yaatooo Ilaihi Muz’ineen
50. Afee Quloobihim Maradun Amirtaabooo Am Yakhaafoona Any Yaheefallaahu ‘Alaihim Wa Rasooluh; Bal Ulaaa’ika Humuz Zaalimoon (Section 6)
51. Innamaa Kaana Qawlal Mu’mineena Izaa Du’ooo Ilal Laahi Wa Rasoolihee Li Yahkuma Bainahum Ai Yaqooloo Sami’naa Wa Ata’naa; Wa Ulaaa’ika Humul Muflihoon
52. Wa Mai Yuti’il Laaha Wa Rasoolahoo Wa Yakhshal Laaha Wa Yattaqhi Fa Ulaaa’ika Humul Faaa’izoon
53. Wa Aqsamoo Billaahi Jahda Aimaanihim La’in Amartahum La Yakhrujunna Qul Laa Tuqsimoo Taa’atum Ma’roofah Innal Laaha Khabeerum Bimaa Ta’maloon
54. Qul Atee’ul Laaha Wa Atee’ur Rasoola Fa In Tawallaw Fa Innamaa ‘Alaihi Maa Hummila Wa ‘Alaikum Maa Hummiltum Wa In Tutee’oohu Tahtadoo; Wa Maa’alar Rasooli Illal Balaaghul Mubeen
55. Wa’adal Laahul Lazeena Aamanoo Minkum Wa ‘Amilus Saalihaati La Yastakhlifan Nahum Fil Ardi Kamastakh Lafal Lazeena Min Qablihim Wa La Yumakkinanna Lahum Deenahumul Lazir Tadaa Lahum Wa La Yubaddilannahum Mim Ba’di Khawfihim Amnaa; Ya’budoonanee Laayushrikoona Bee Shai’aa; Wa Man Kafara Ba’da Zaalika Fa Ulaaa’ika Humul Faasiqoon
56. Wa Aqeemus Salaata Wa Aatuz Zakaata Wa Atee’ur Rasoola La’allakum Turhamoon
57. Laa Tahsabannal Lazeena Kafaroo Mu’jizeena Fil Ard; Wa Maawaahumun Naaru Wa Labi’sal Maseer (Section 7)
58. Yaaa Aiyuhal Lazeena Aamanoo Li Yasta’zinkumul Lazeena Malakat Aimaanukum Wallazeena Lam Yablughul Huluma Minkum Salaasa Marraat; Min Qabli Salaatil Fajri Wa Heena Tada’oona Siyaa Bakum Minaz Zaheerati Wa Min Ba’di Salaatil Ishaaa’; Salaasu ‘Awraatil Lakum; Laisa ‘Alaikum Wa Laa ‘Alaihim Junaahun Ba’dahunn; Tawwaafoona ‘Alaikum Ba’dukum ‘Alaa Ba’d; Kazaalika Yubaiyinul Laahu Lakumul Aayaat; Wallahu ‘Aleemun Hakeem
59. Wa Izaa Balaghal Atfaalu Minkumul Huluma Fal Yasta’zinoo Kamas Ta’zanal Lazeena Min Qablihim; Kazaalika Yubaiyinul Laahu Lakum Aayaatih; Wallaahu ‘Aleemun Hakeem
60. Walqawaa’idu Minan Nisaaa’il Laatee Laa Yarjoona Nikaahan Fa Laisa ‘Alaihinna Junaahun Ai Yada’na Siyaabahunna Ghaira Mutabarrijaatin Bi Zeenah; Wa Ai Yasta’fif Na Khairul Lahunn; Wallaahu Samee’un ‘Aleem
61. Laisa ‘Alal A’maa Harajunw Wa Laa ‘Alal A’raji Harajunw Wa Laa ‘Alal Mareedi Harajun Wa Laa ‘Alaa Anfusikum ‘An Ta’kuloo Min Buyootikum Aw Buyooti Aabaaa’ikum Aw Buyooti Ummahaatikum Aw Buyooti Ikhwaanikum Aw Buyooti Akhawaatikum Aw Buyooti A’maamikum Aw Buyooti ‘Ammaatikum Aw Buyooti Akhwaalikum Aw Buyooti Khaalaatikum Aw Maa Malaktum Mafaatihahooo Aw Sadeeqikum; Laisa ‘Alaikum Junaahun ‘An Ta’kuloo Jamee’an Aw Ashtaata; Fa Izaa Dakhaltum Buyootan Fa Sallimoo ‘Alaaa Anfusikum Tahiyyatan Min ‘Indil Laahi Mubaarakatan Taiyibah; Kazaalika Yubai Yinul Laahu Lakumul Aayaati La’allakum Ta’qiloon (Section 8)
62. Innamal Mu’minoonal Lazeena Aamanoo Billaahi Wa Rasoolihee Wa Izaa Kaanoo Ma’ahoo ‘Alaaa Amrin Jaami’il Lam Yazhaboo Hattaa Yasta’zinooh; Innal Lazeena Yasta’zinoonaka Ulaaa’ikal Lazeena Yu’minoona Billaahi Wa Rasoolih; Fa Izas Ta’zanooka Li Ba’di Sha’nihim Fa’zal Liman Shi’ta Minhum Wastaghfir Lahumul Laah; Innal Laaha Ghafoorur Raheem
63. Laa Taj’aloo Du’aaa’ar Rasooli Bainakum Ka Du’aaa’i Ba’dikum Ba’daa; Qad Ya’lamul Laahul Lazeena Yatasallaloona Minkum Liwaazaa; Fal Yahzaril Lazeena Yukhaalifoona ‘An Amriheee ‘An Tuseebahum Fitnatun Aw Yuseebahum ‘Azaabun Aleem
64. ‘Alaaa Inna Lillaahi Maa Fis Samaawaati Wal Ardi Qad Ya’lamu Maaa Antum ‘Alaihi Wa Yawma Yurja’oona Ilaihi Fa Yunabbi’uhum Bimaa ‘Amiloo; Wallaahu Bikulli Shai’in ‘Aleem (Section 9)



(This Surah is Madani, containing
64 verses and 9 sections)
Allah’s Name to commence
with, the Most Gracious, the

Most Merciful.

24:1. This is a chapter that We
have revealed and We have
made obligatory its commands,
and therein We have revealed
clear verses; that you may

24:2, Whichever adulteress and

adulterer; strike each of them
with a hundred lashes, and you


should not have pity on them
(regarding this punishment) in
the religion of Allah, if you
believe in Allah and the Last
Day. And a group of believers
should be present at the time of
their punishment.

24:3. The adulterer should not
marry except an adulteress or a
polytheist woman, and no one
shall marry an adulteress
except an adulterer or a
polytheist man; and this act (of
marring adulterers) is
forbidden for the believers.
(The ruling mentioned in this
verse is abrogated.)

24:4. And those who accuse
chaste women and do not bring
four eye witnesses, strike them
therefore with eighty lashes
and do not ever accept any of
their testimony; and it is they
who are the disobedient.

24:5. Except those who repent
after this and reform themselves;
Allah is henceforth indeed Most
Forgiving, Ever Merciful.


24:6. And those who accuse
their wives and do not have
witnesses except their own
statement; so, for such, the
testimony is that he should
declare the testimony four
times by taking the Name of
Allah that he is truthful.

24:7. And the fifth (testimony is
this); that the curse of Allah be
upon him if he is a liar.

24:8. And the punishment shall
be prevented from the woman;
that she bears testimony four
times by taking the Name of
Allah that the man is a liar.

24:9. And the fifth (testimony is
this); that the wrath of Allah be
upon her if the man is truthful.

24:10. And if the Bounty of
Allah and His Mercy had not
been upon you and that Allah
is the Acceptor of repentance,
Ever Wise, He would have then
exposed you.

24:11. Indeed, those who have
brought this excessive (and
fabricated) accusation (on
Sayyidah ‘Ayesha) are a group


from amongst you (O Beloved).
Do not consider it (ie. the
accusation as) bad for you; on
the contrary, it is good for you
(because you are rewarded for
the pain you went through, and
the Qur’aan will bear testimony
on her chastity). For each man
amongst them is that sin that he
has earned; and for the one
amongst them (‘Abdullah Bin
Ubayy) who took the greatest
share, for him is a_ great

24:12. Why was it not when you
heard it, that the believing men
and women had a_ good
perception of their own people
and should have said, ‘This is
an open accusation’?

24:13. Why did they not bring
four witnesses upon this
(matter)? Since they did not
bring witnesses, they
themselves are liars according
to Allah.

24:14, And if the Grace of Allah
and His Mercy had not been
upon you in this world and in the
Hereafter, a great punishment
would have consequently reached
you for publicising (the false
accusation) in which you plunged.


24:15. When you were bringing
such talks with your tongues
after hearing such a matter from
one another, and were uttering
with your mouths about which
you had no knowledge, and
you were considering it to be
light (ie. a minor issue); and
that, according to Allah, is a
great (sinful) thing.

24:16. And why was it not that,
when you heard it, you would
have said, ‘It does not befit us
to speak regarding this. Purity
is to You, O Allah, this is a
great accusation.

24:17, Allah advises you that
now you are never to speak like
this again, if you have faith.

24:18. And Allah clearly
explains the verses for you; and
Allah is All-Knowing, Ever

24:19. Indeed, those who wish
that scandal should spread
amongst the Muslims, for them
is a painful punishment in this
world and the Hereafter. And
Allah knows, and you know


24:20. And had it not been for the
Benevolence of Allah and His
Mercy upon you, and this; that
Allah is Forgiving, Most ete =
you would have

tasted its flavour (of Lierrniiy

24:21. O believers! Do not
follow the footsteps of the
Devil; and whoever follows the
Devil’s footsteps, he will thus
entice you only towards
indecency and evil. And if there
had not been the Benevolence
of Allah and His Mercy upon
you; so, no one amongst you
would have ever become pure.
Yes; Allah purifies whomsoever
He wills, and Allah is All-
Hearing, All-Knowing.

24:22. And those amongst you
who possess excellence and
have capacity should not take
oath (in not) giving to the
relatives, and the needy, and
the emigrants in the path of
Allah. And they should forgive
and overlook, do you not like
that Allah may forgive you?
And Allah is Most Forgiving,
Ever Merciful.


24:23. Indeed, those who accuse
believing virtuous women
(who are) unaware (of any
indecency); upon them is a
curse in this world and in the
Hereafter, and for them is a
great punishment.

24:24. On the Day when their
tongues, and their hands and
their feet will testify against
them, regarding what they
used to do.

24:25. On that Day, Allah will
give them their true punishment
in full, and they will know that
only Allah is the Manifest Truth.

24:26. Evil women are for evil
men, and evil men for evil
women, and virtuous women
for virtuous men, and virtuous
men for virtuous women. They
are pure from those utterances
that these (accusing people) are
saying; for them is forgiveness
and a respectable sustenance.

24:27. O believers! Do not enter
the houses except your own,
until you have obtained
permission and have conveyed
Salaam to its residents; this is
better for you, that you may


24:28. And if you do not find
anyone in them, even then do
not enter it without the
permission of (their) owners.
And if you are told, ‘Go back,’
then go back; this is much
purer for you. Allah knows
your deeds.

24:29, There is no sin upon you
to enter the houses which are not
made especially for someone’s
dwelling (e.g. guest houses), and

you may use them at your
discretion. And Allah knows
what you disclose and what you

24:30. Command the Muslim
men to keep their gaze
somewhat low and protect their
private parts; this is much
purer for them. Indeed, Allah is
Aware of their actions.

24:31. And command _ the
Muslim women to keep their
gaze slightly low, and to
protect their chastity, and not to
reveal their adornment except
what is apparent itself, and to



keep the head-covering
wrapped over their bosoms,
and not to reveal their
adornment except to their own
husbands, or fathers, or
husbands’ fathers; or their own
sons or their husbands’ sons; or
their brothers or their brothers’
sons or sisters’ sons; or women.
of their own religion, or the
handmaids whom they possess,
or servants provided that they
are not men of carnal desire, or
such children who do not yet
know women’s private aspects
of intimacy, and not to stamp
their feet forcibly on the ground
in order that their hidden
adornment be known. And O
Muslims! All of you turn
towards Allah in repentance, in
the hope of attaining success.

24:32. And conduct the marriage
of those amongst you who are
not married, and of your pious
slaves and bondswomen. If they
are poor, Allah will henceforth
make them wealthy because of
His Benevolence, and Allah is
Plenteous, All-Knowing.


24:33. And those who do not
have the means to get married
must remain chaste until Allah
provides them the resources by
His Benevolence. And the
bondsmen and the bondswomen
in your possession who wish
this; that on the condition of
earning some wealth, you write
freedom for them; so, write it
(for them) if you know some
good in them. And help them in
their cause with Allah’s wealth
which He has bestowed upon
you, and do not force your
bondswomen into indecent acts
whilst they wish to save
themselves (from this), so that
you earn some riches of the
worldly life. And whoever will
force them, then after this, Allah
is indeed Most Forgiving, Ever
Merciful upon their state of
being compelled.

24:34. And We have indeed
revealed to you clear verses,
and some account of those who
preceded you, and advice for
those who fear (Allah).

24:35. Allah is the Light of the
heavens and the earth; the
example of His light is like a
niche in which there is a lamp;
the lamp is within a glass
vessel; the glass vessel is as if it
were a star shining like a pearl,


kindled by the blessed olive
tree, which is neither of the East
nor of the West. It is close that
its oil lights up, although the
fire does not touch it; light is
upon light. Allah guides
towards His light whomsoever
He wills, and Allah illustrates
examples for people, and Allah
knows everything.

24:36. In those houses (i.e.
Mosques) which Allah has
commanded to be elevated and
in them His Name is mentioned,
praising Allah therein; morning
and evening.

24:37. Those men whom neither
any trade nor any sale distracts
from the remembrance of Allah
and from keeping Salah
established and from paying
Zakah; they fear the Day when
the hearts and the eyes will be
turned about.

24:38. In order that Allah may
reward them for the best of their
deeds, and by His Benevolence,
bestow upon them an increased
reward; and Allah grants


sustenance to whomsoever He
wills, without measure.

24:39. And those who became
disbelievers, their deeds are
like a mirage in the desert, the
thirsty may hence think it to be
water; to the extent that when
he came close to it, he found it
to be nothing and found Allah
close to him, He henceforth
filled his account in full; and
Allah is Swift in taking account.

24:40. Or like the darkness in a
deep sea, which is covered by a
wave, the wave covered by
another wave, and above it is a
cloud; layers of darkness are
upon one another. When he
puts out his hand, it does not
seem visible; and for whom
Allah does not provide light,
there is no light for him

24:41. Have you not seen that
all those who are in the heavens
and the earth glorify Allah, and
the birds with their wings
spread (also glorify Him)? Each
one has learnt its Salah and its
way of glorifying, and Allah
knows their deeds.


24:42, And only for Allah is the
kingship of the heavens and the
earth, and only towards Allah
is the return.

24:43. Have you not seen that
Allah drives the cloud softly,
then joins them together, (and)
then piles them one over the
other; you see the rain hence
emerge from within them? And
from the sky wherein are
mountains of ice, He sends
down from those (mountains of
ice) some hailstone, then sends
them upon whomever He wills,
and averts them from
whomsoever He wills. It is
close that the flash of its

lightning takes away eyesight.

24:44, Allah alternates the night
and the day; indeed, in this is a
lesson for those who can

24:45. And Allah created every
(living) creature that walks on
the earth from water. So,
amongst them is the one that
walks upon its belly, and
amongst them is the one that
walks upon two legs, and
amongst them is the one that
walks upon four legs; Allah
creates whatever He wills.
Indeed, Allah is Able to do all


24:46. And We indeed sent
down clear explanatory verses,
and Allah shows the Straight
Path to whomsoever He wills.

24:47. And they (the hypocrites)
say, ‘We believed in Allah and
His Messenger, and obeyed the
order.’ Then, after that, some
amongst them turn away; and
(in reality) they are not Muslims.

24:48. And when they are called
towards Allah and His
Messenger in order that the
Messenger may judge between
them; so, a group amongst
them instantly turns away.

24:49. And if the judgement is
in their favour, they therefore
come towards it acceptingly.

24:50. Is there a disease in their
hearts? Or do they have doubt?
Or do they fear that Allah and
His Messenger will oppress
them? Rather, they themselves
are unjust.

24:51. The saying of the
Muslims is only this; when they


are called towards Allah and
the Messenger, that the
Messenger may judge between
them, they hence submit, ‘We
have heard and obeyed the
command.’ And it is only these
(people) who are successful.

24:52. And whosoever obeys the
command of Allah and His
Messenger, and fears Allah, and
observes piety; so, it is these
(people) who are successful.

24:53. And they swore by Allah
in their oaths with much
emphasis that if you order them,
they will therefore definitely go
forth for war. Say you (O
Beloved), ‘Do not take oaths;
(instead) obedience according to
the Law of Shari’ah is required.
Allah is Aware of what you do.’

24:54, Say you (O Beloved), ‘Obey
the command of Allah and obey
the command of the Messenger;
so, if you turn away, then in the
responsibility of the Messenger is
only that which is made
obligatory upon him, and upon
you is that burden of (obedience)
which is placed upon you.’ And
if you will obey the Messenger,
you will attain guidance; and the

Messenger is not liable except to
convey clearly.


24:55. Allah has promised those
amongst you who believed and
did good deeds that He will
certainly give them the Caliphate
(power to rule) in the earth the
way He gave to those before
them. And that He will certainly
establish for them their religion
which He has chosen for them
and will definitely turn their
prior (condition of) fear into
peace. They must worship Me
and not ascribe anyone as a
partner to Me; and whoever is
ungrateful after this, it is they
who are the disobedient.

24:56. And keep Salah
established, and pay Zakah and
obey the Messenger; in the
hope that you attain mercy.

24:57. Do not ever think that the
disbelievers can escape from Our
control in the land. And their
abode is the Fire; and indeed,
what a wretched outcome.

24:58. O believers! The slaves you
possess and those (boys) amongst
you who have not attained
adulthood must seek your
permission on three occasions;
before the morning prayer, and


when you remove your garments
at noon, and after the night
prayer; these three times are of
privacy for you. Other than these
three times, it is no sin for you or
for them; they come and go
about (to assist) one another. And
this is how Allah explains (His)
verses for you, and Allah is All-
Knowing, Ever Wise.

24:59. And when the boys
amongst you reach adulthood,
they too must hence seek
permission like those before
them had sought permission
(after reaching adulthood); this
is how Allah explains His
verses to you, and Allah is All-
Knowing, Ever Wise.

24:60. And the elderly domestic
women who do not have hope
of marriage, there is no sin for
them if they remove their
upper garments (ie. extra
coverings, etc.) provided they
do not display their adornment,
and to refrain from this is even
better for them. And Allah is
All-Hearing, All-Knowing.


24:61. There is no restriction
upon the blind, nor any
restraint upon the handicapped,
nor any constraint upon the
sick, nor on any amongst you
that you eat from the houses of
your children, or the houses of
your fathers, or the houses of
your mothers, or the houses of
your brothers, or the houses of
your sisters, or the houses of
your father’s brothers, or the
houses of your father’s sisters,
or the houses of your mother’s
brothers, or the houses of your
mother’s sisters, or (from the
houses) of which the keys are in
your possession, or (in the
house) of your friend. There is
no blame upon you if you eat
together or separately, when
you then enter any of the
houses, say ‘Salaam’ therefore to
your people; an_ excellent
supplication at the time of
meeting; blessed and pure from
Allah. This is how Allah
explains the verses to you, in
order that you may understand.

24:62. The believers are only
those who believed in Allah and
His Messenger, and when they
are present in the august court of
the Messenger regarding any
such matter for which they have


therefore go away until they have
taken his permission. Those who
seek your permission (O Beloved)
are only those who believe in
Allah and His Messenger; so, if
they seek your permission for
some matter of theirs, gi

wish amongst them, and seek the
forgiveness of Allah for them;
indeed, Allah is Most Forgiving,
Ever Merciful.

24:63. (O people!) Do not make

the calling of the Messenger
amongst yourselves just like one

away quietly taking the cover of
some excuse; so, those who go
against the orders of the (Beloved)
Messenger should fear that a trial
may reach them or a painful
punishment befall them.

24:64. Pay heed! Indeed, only to
Allah belongs whatever is in
the heavens and in the earth.
Undoubtedly, He knows the
condition you are in, and (He
knows) that Day when they
will be returned to Him; He
will then inform them of
whatever they did, and Allah
knows everything.



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