SURAH AL-QTYAAMAH English Translation & Roman Transliteration



(This Surah is Makkan, containing 40 verses and 2 sections)

Allah’s Name to commence with, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

75:1. I swear an oath by the Day of Resurrection.

75:2. And I swear an oath by the excessively self-blaming soul (of a pious believer).

75:3. Does man assume that We will never gather his bones?

75:4. Why not? We are (even) able to make all his finger joints (again), in a perfect order.

75:5. Rather, man desires to commit evil (by denying the Day of Judgement, which is) in front of his sight.

75:6. He (i.e., man) asks, “When will the Day of Resurrection be?”

75:7. Then, the Day when the eyes are dazzled.

75:8. And the moon will be eclipsed.

75:9. And the sun and the moon will be put together.

75:10. On that Day, mankind will say, “Where is the (place of) escape?”

75:11. Never! There is no refuge.

75:12. On that Day, the place of rest is towards your Lord only.

75:13. On that Day, man will be informed of all what he sent ahead and left behind.

75:14. Rather, man himself is a complete witness upon his own condition.

75:15. And even if he presents all the excuses he has, he will still not be heard.

75:16. You (O Beloved), do not move your tongue along with the Qur’an in order to memorise it.

75:17. Indeed, protecting it (in your chest) and (your) reciting (it) is Our responsibility.

75:18. So, when We have recited it (through Jibra’eel), you should thereupon follow what is being recited.

75:19. Then indeed, to explain its minute details is Our responsibility.

75:20. Not at all; rather, O disbelievers! You love this world (and its benefits).

75:21. And you have discarded the Hereafter.

75:22. On that Day, some faces will be bright.

75:23. Looking towards their Lord.

75:24. And on that Day, some faces will be horrified.

75:25. (They) will be thinking that some calamity is going to be inflicted upon them, which may break the back.

75:26. Yes, certainly! When the soul will reach up to the throat.

75:27. And people will say, “Is there any soothsayer (to restore him)?!”

75:28. And he will realise that this is the time of parting.

75:29. And one shin will intertwine with the other shin (i.e., the feet will be wrapped up in the shroud).

75:30. On that Day, (everyone) will be driven only towards your Lord.

75:31. (A disbeliever will be punished because) neither did he accept (Islam as) the truth, nor did he offer Salah.

75:32. Yes; he belied and turned his face away.

75:33. Then he went back to his house arrogantly.

75:34. Woe to you (at the time of death), and woe again (in the grave).

75:35. Again, woe to you (on the Day of Resurrection), and woe again (in Hell).

75:36. Does man assume that he will be let loose?

75:37. Was he not just a drop of that sperm that is discharged?

75:38. Then it became a clot of blood, so He created, then made him proper.

75:39. So, He made from it (i.e., the sperm-drop) two pairs: male and female.

75:40. Will He, Who has done all this, not be able to give life to the dead?



77. Al-Mursalaat Transliteration
78. An-Naba Transliteration
79. An-Naziat Transliteration
80. Abasa Transliteration
81. At-Takwir Transliteration
82. Al-Infitaar Transliteration
83. Al-Mutaffifin Transliteration
84. Al-Inshiqaq Transliteration
85. Al-Burooj Transliteration

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