SURAH AL-RA’D English Translation & Roman Transliteration

Surah Rad in Roman English

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

1. Alif-Laaam-Meeem-Raa; Tilka Aayaatul Kitaab; Wallazee Unzila Ilaika Mir Rabbikal Haqqu Wa Laakinna Aksaran Naasi Laa Yu’minoon
2. Allaahul Lazee Raf’as Samaawaati Bighairi ‘Amadin Tarawnahaa Summas Tawaa ‘Alal ‘Arshi Wa Sakhkharash Shamsa Walqamara Kulluny Yajree Li Ajalim Musammaa; Yudabbirul Amra Yufassilil Aayaati La’allakum Biliqaaa’i Rabbikum Tooqinoon
3. Wa Huwal Lazee Maddal Arda Wa Ja’ala Feehaa Rawaasiya Wa Anhaaraa; Wa Min Kullis Samaraati Ja’ala Feehaa Zawjain Ithnayn; Yughshil Lailan Nahaar; Inna Fee Zaalika La Aayaatil Liqawminy Yatafakkaroon
4. Wa Fil Ardi Qita’um Muta Jaawiraatunw Wa Jannaatum Min A’naabinw Wa Zar’unw Wa Nakheelun Sinwaanunw Wa Ghairu Sinwaaniny Yusqaa Bimaaa’inw Waahid; Wa Nufaddilu Ba’dahaa ‘Alaa Ba’din Fil-Ukul; Inna Fee Zaalika La Aayaatil Liqawminy Ya’qiloon
5. Wa In Ta’jab Fa’ajabun Qawluhum ‘A-Izaa Kunna Turaaban ‘A-Inna Lafee Khalqin Jadeed; Ulaaa ‘Ikal Lazeena Kafaroo Bi Rabbihim Wa Ulaaa’ikal Aghlaalu Feee A’naaqihim Wa Ulaaa’ika Ashaabun Naari Hum Feehaa Khaalidoon
6. Wa Yasta’jiloonaka Bis Saiyi’ati Qablal Hasanati Wa Qad Khalat Min Qablihimul Masulaat; Wa Inna Rabbaka Lazoo Maghfiratil Linnaasi ‘Alaa Zulmihim Wa Inna Rabbaka Lashadeedul ‘Iqaab
7. Wa Yaqoolul Lazeena Kafaroo Law Laaa Unzila ‘Alaihi Aayatum Mir Rabbih; Innamaaa Anta Munzirunw Wa Likulli Qawmin Haad (Section 1)
8. Allaahu Ya’lamu Maa Tahmilu Kullu Unsaa Wa Maa Tagheedul Arhaamu Wa Maa Tazdaad, Wa Kullu Shai’in ‘Indahoo Bimiqdaar
9. ‘Aalimul Ghaibi Wash Shahaadatil Kaabeerul Muta’aal
10. Sawaaa’um Minkum Man Asarral Qawla Wa Man Jahara Bihee Wa Man Huwa Mustakhfim Billaili Wa Saaribum Binnahaar
11. Lahoo Mu’aqqibaatum Mim Baini Yadaihi Wa Min Khalfihee Yahfazoonahoo Min Amril Laah; Innal Laaha Laa Yughaiyiru Maa Biqawmin Hattaa Yughaiyiroo Maa Bianfusihim; Wa Izaaa Araadal Laahu Biqawmin Sooo’an Falaa Maradda Lah; Wa Maa Lahum Min Dooniheeminw Waal
12. Huwal Lazee Yureekumul Barqa Khawfanw Wa Tama’anw Wa Yunshi’us Sahaabas Siqaal
13. Wa Yusabbihur Ra’du Bihamdihee Walmalaaa’ikatu Min Kheefatihee Wa Yursilus Sawaa’iqa Fa Yuseebu Bihaa Mai Yashaaa’u Wa Hum Yujaadiloona Fil Laahi Wa Huwa Shadeedul Mihaal
14. Lahoo Da’watul Haqq; Wallazeena Yad’oona Min Doonihee Laa Yastajeeboona Lahum Bishai’in Illaa Kabaasiti Kaffaihi Ilal Maaa’i Liyablugha Faahu Wa Maa Huwa Bibaalighih; Wa Maa Du’aaa’ul Kaafireena Illaa Fee Dalaal
15. Wa Lillaahi Yasjudu Man Fis Samaawaati Wal Ardi Taw ‘Anw Wa Karhanw Wa Zilaaluhum Bilghuduwwi Wal Aasaal (Make Sajda)
16. Qul Mar Rabbus Samaawaati Wal Ard; Qulillaah; Qul Afattakhaztum Min Dooniheee Awliyaaa’a Laa Yamlikoona Li Anfusihim Naf’anw Wa Laa Darraa; Qul Hal Yastawil A’maa Wal Baseeru Am Hal Tastawiz Zulumaatu Wannoor; Am Ja’aloo Lillaahi Shurakaaa’a Khalaqoo Kakhalqihee Fatashaa Bahal Khalqu ‘Alaihim; Qulil Laahu Khaaliqu Kulli Shai’inw Wa Huwal Waahidul Qahhar
17. Anzala Minas Samaaa’i Maaa’an Fasaalat Awdiyatum Biqadarihaa Fahtamalas Sailu Zabadar Raabiyaa; Wa Mimmmaa Yooqidoona ‘Alaihi Fin Naarib Tighaaa’a Bilyatin Aw Mataa’in Zabadum Misluh; Kazaalika Yadribul Laahul Haqqa Wal Baatil; Fa Ammaz Zabadu Fa Yazhabu Jufaaa’aa; Wa Ammaa Maa Yanfa’un Naasa Fa Yamkusu Fil Ard; Kazaalika Yadribul Laahul Amsaal
18. Lillazeenas Tajaaboo Lirabbihimul Husnaa; Wallazeena Lam Yastajeeboo Lahoo Law Anna Lahum Maa Fil Ardi Jamee’anw Wa Mislahoo Ma’ahoo Laftadaw Bih; Ulaaa’ika Lahum Sooo’ul Hisaab; Wa Ma’waahum Jahannamu Wa Bi’sal Mihaad (Section 2)
19. Afamai Ya’lamu Annamaaa Unzila Ilaika Mir Rabbikal Haqqu Kaman Huwa A’maa; Innamaa Yatazakkaru Ulul Albaab
20. Allazeena Yoofoona Bi’ahdil Laahi Wa Laa Yanqu Doonal Meesaaq
21. Wallazeena Yasiloona Maaa Amaral Laahu Bihee Ai Yoosala Wa Yakhshawna Rabbahum Wa Yakhaafoona Sooo’al Hisaab
22. Wallazeena Sabarub Tighaaa’a Wajhi Rabbihim Wa Aqaamus Salaata Wa Anfaqoo Mimmaa Razaqnaahum Sirranw Wa ‘Alaaniyatanw Wa Yadra’oona Bilhasanatis Saiyi’ata Ulaaa’ika Lahum ‘Uqbad Daar
23. Jannaatu ‘Adiny Yadkhu Loonahaa Wa Man Salaha Min Aabaaa’ihim Wa Azwaajihim Wa Zurriyyaatihim Walmalaaa’i Katu Yadkhuloona ‘Alaihim Min Kulli Baab
24. Salaamun ‘Alaikum Bimaa Sabartum; Fani’ma ‘Uqbad Daar
25. Wallazeena Yanqudoona ‘Ahdal Laahi Mim Ba’di Meesaaqihee Wa Yaqta’oona Maaa Amaral Laahu Biheee Ai Yoosala Wa Yufsidoona Fil Ardi Ulaaa’ika Lahumul La’natu Wa Lahum Sooo’ud Daar
26. Allaahu Yabsutur Rizqa Limai Yashaaa’u Wa Yaqdir; Wa Farihoo Bilhayaatid Dunyaa Wa Mal Hayaatud Dunya Fil Aakhirati Illaa Mataa’ (Section 3)
27. Wa Yaqoolul Lazeena Kafaroo Law Laaa Unzila ‘Alaihi Aayatum Mir Rabbih; Qul Innal Laaha Yudillu Mai Yashaa’u Wa Yahdeee Ilaihi Man Anaab
28. Allazeena Aamanoo Wa Tatma’innu Quloobuhum Bizikril Laah; Alaa Bizikril Laahi Tatma’innul Quloob
29. Allazeena Aamanoo Wa A’amilus Saalihaati Toobaa Lahum Wa Husnu Ma Aab
30. Kazaalika Arsalnaaka Feee Ummatin Qad Khalat Min Qablihaaa Umamul Litatluwa ‘Alaihimul Lazeee Awhainaaa Ilaika Wa Hum Yakfuroona Bir Rahmaaan; Qul Huwa Rabbee Laaa Ilaaha Illaa Huwa ‘Alaihi Tawakkaltu Wa Ilaihi Mataab
31. Wa Law Anna Quraanan Suyyirat Bihil Jibaalu Aw Qutti’at Bihil Ardu Aw Kullima Bihil Mawtaa; Bal Lillaahil Amru Jamee’aa; Afalam Yai’asil Lazeena Aamanooo Al Law Yashaaa ‘Ullaahu Lahadan Naasa Jamee’aa; Wa Laa Yazaalul Lazeena Kafaroo Tuseebuhum Bimaa Sana’oo Qaari’atun Aw Tahullu Qareebam Min Daarihim Hatta Ya’tiya Wa’dul Laah; Innal Laaha Laa Yukhliful Mee’aad (Section 4)
32. Wa Laqadis Tuhzi’a Bi Rusulim Min Qablika Fa Amlaitu Lillazeena Kafaroo Summa Akhaztuhum Fakaifa Kaana ‘Iqaab
33. Afaman Huwa Qaaa’imun ‘Alaa Kulli Nafsim Bimaa Kasabat; Wa Ja’aloo Lillaahi Shurakaaa’a Qul Samoohum; Am Tunabbi’oona Hoo Bimaa Laa Ya’lamu Fil Ardi; Am Bizaahirim Minal Qawl; Bal Zuyyina Lillazeena Kafaroo Makruhum Wa Suddoo ‘Anis Sabeel; Wa Mai Yudlilil Laahu Famaa Lahoo Min Haad;
34. Lahum ‘Azaabun Fil Hayaatid Dunyaa Wa La’azaabul Aakhirati Ashaq, Wa Maa Lahum Minal Laahi Min-Waaq
35. Masalul Jannatil Latee Wu’idal Muttaqoona Tajree Min Tahtihal Anhaaru Ukuluhaa Daaa’imunw Wa Zilluhaa; Tilka Uqbal Lazeenat Taqaw Wa ‘Uqbal Kafireenan Naar
36. Wallazeena Aatainaa Humul Kitaaba Yafrahoona Bimaa Unzila Ilaika Wa Minal Ahzaabi Mai Yunkiru Ba’dah; Qul Innamaa Umirtu An A’budal Laaha Wa Laaa Ushrika Bih; Ilaihi Ad’oo Wa Ilaihi Maab
37. Wa Kazaalika Anzalnaahu Hukman ‘Arabiyyaa; Wa La’init Taba’ta Ahwaaa ‘Ahum Ba’da Maa Jaaa’aka Minal ‘Ilmi Maa Laka Minal Laahi Minw Waliyinw Wa Laa Waaq (Section 5)
38. Wa Laqad Arsalnaa Rusulam Min Qablika Wa Ja’alnaa Lahum Azwaajanw Wa Zurriyyah; Wa Maa Kaana Lirasoolin Ai Ya’tiya Bi Aayatin Illaa Bi Iznil Laah; Likulli Ajalin Kitaab
39. Yamhul Laahu Maa Yashaaa’u Wa Yusbitu Wa ‘Indahooo Ummul Kitaab
40. Wa Im Maa Nurriyannaka Ba’dal Lazee Na’iduhum Aw Nata Waffayannaka Fa Innamaa ‘Alaikal Balaaghu Wa ‘Alainal Hisaab
41. Awalam Yaraw Annaa Na’til Arda Nanqusuhaa Min Atraafihaa; Wallaahu Yahkumu Laa Mu’aqqiba Lihukmih; Wa Huwa Saree’ul Hisaab
42. Wa Qad Makaral Lazeena Min Qablihim Falillaahil Makru Jamee’aa; Ya’lamu Maa Taksibu Kullu Nafs; Wa Sa Ya’lamul Kuffaaru Liman ‘Uqbad Daar
43. Wa Yaqoolul Lazeena Kafaroo Lasta Mursalaa; Qul Kafaa Billaahi Shaheedam Bainee Wa Bainakum Wa Man ‘Indahoo ‘Ilmul Kitaab (Section 6)



(This Surah is Madani, containing
43 verses and 6 sections)

Allah’s Name to commence
with, the Most Gracious, the
Most Merciful.

13:1. Alif-Laam-Meem-Ra.
are individual letters of the Arabic


the Book, and that which has
come down upon you from your
Lord is the truth, but most people


13:2. Allah is (the One) Who
has raised up the heavens
without columns; that you may
see, then established His
Authority upon the Throne,
and made the sun and the
moon subservient; each one
runs in accordance to a fixed
term, Allah plans the work and
explains the signs in detail;
somehow, you may be certain
about meeting your Lord.

13:3. And it is He Who spread
out the earth and made
(mountains as) anchors and
rivers therein. And made in the
earth all kinds of fruits in pairs.
He covers the night with the
day; indeed, in this are signs for
the people who ponder.

13:4. And in the earth are various
regions and are alongside each
other, and gardens of grapes and
crops, and date trees; grew from
a single root and (grew)
separately. All are being given
one (kind of) water, and We
make some fruits better than
others (in taste, benefits and
looks); indeed, in this are signs
for the people of intellect.

13:5. And if you are amazed,
then indeed the amazing thing is


their saying that ‘Will we, after
having turned to dust, be created
anew?’ They are those who have
denied their Lord, and they are
those who will have shackles
around their necks, and they are
the dwellers of Hell; therein they
are to remain.

13:6. And they ask you to hasten
the punishment before mercy;

whereas, the punishments of
those before them have already
occurred. And your Lord indeed
gives people a type of pardon
(by delaying their punishment),
despite their injustice, and the

punishment from your Lord is

indeed severe.

13:7. And the disbelievers say,
‘Why has not a sign been sent
down upon him from his
Lord?’ (O Beloved) You are
purely a Warner, and a Guide
for all nations.

13:8. Allah knows whatever is
in the womb of any female, and
whatever the wombs decrease
and increase; and all things are
with Him in a fixed measure.

13:9. (He is) the Knower of all
the hidden and the visible; the


13:10. Equal are (in the
knowledge of Allah) the one
amongst you who speaks softly
and. the one who speaks aloud,
and the one who is hidden
during the night and the one who
walks the path during the day.

13:11. For mankind there are
alternating angels; in front and
behind him, who guard him by
Allah’s command. Indeed,
Allah does not change His
Favour upon any nation until
they change their own
condition. And when Allah

wills adversity for a nation, it
cannot therefore be turned way.
And they do not have any
supporter except Him.

13:12. It is He Who shows you
the (flash of) lightning; for fear
and for hope, and raises the
heavy clouds.

13:13. And the thunder proclaims
His Glory with praise, and (as
well as) the angels; out of His
fear. And He sends thunder, He
henceforth causes it to strike
upon whomever He wills, whilst
they (the disbelievers) are
disputing concerning Allah; and


13:14. Calling only Him (as
God) is the truth. And those
whom they call upon (as gods)
except Him, they do not hear
them at all, but like the one
who has his hands stretched
out in front of the water that it
may come into his mouth; and
it will never come. And every
supplication of the disbelievers
remains wandering.

13:15. And to only Allah;
prostrate all that are in the
heavens and the earth; happily,
or be it forcefully, and their
shadows also (prostrate to Him),
every morning and evening.

13:16. Say you (O Beloved), ‘Who
is the Lord of the heavens and
the earth?! You yourself proclaim,
‘Allah.’ Say you, ‘So, have you
taken those as supporters except
Him, who can neither benefit nor
harm themselves?’ Say you, ‘Will
the blind and the seeing become
equal? Or will (every) darkness
and light become equal?’ Have
they associated to Allah such
partners who created something
similar to what Allah has
created? So, to them, their
creation and His creation seemed


alike? You proclaim, ‘Allah is the
Creator of all things, and He
Alone is the Dominant upon all.’

13:17. He sent down water from
the sky, streams therefore
gushed according to their
capacity; the water flow thus
brought forth increasing foam.
And (similarly) upon which
they ignite the fire to make
ornaments or other items; from
that too emits similar foam.
Allah illustrates that this is the
example of truth and falsehood;
so, the foam bursts and
disappears, and that (water)
which is of use to the people
remains in the earth; this is how
Allah illustrates examples.

13:18. For those people who
obeyed the command of Allah;
only for them is goodness. And
those who disobeyed Him;
(their condition is such that) if
they owned all that is in the
earth, and more like it; being in
their possession, they would
have given it to save
themselves; it is they who will
have a terrible reckoning, and
their abode is Hell; and what a


13:19. So, will the one who

knows that what is sent down

upon you from your Lord is the

truth be like the one who is

blind? Only those who have pas Pog
intelligence accept advice. ? SMI ete}

13:20. (They are) those who fulfil
the pact of Allah and do not go
back on their word having

13:21. And those who join what
Allah has commanded to be
joined, and who fear their Lord
and have fear for the harsh

13:22. And those who were
patient in order to gain their
Lord’s contentment, and kept
Salah established and spent in
Our Way from what We
bestowed upon them; secretly
and openly, and repel evil with
goodness; only for them is the
benefit of the final abode.

13:23. The Gardens of living 27 -2<<|-42f% 2%
wherein they will enter, and Phegaslgize Us


(by means of them, will enter
Paradise) the deserving ones
from amongst their forefathers,
and their wives and _ their
offspring; the angels will come
to them from every gate whilst
saying this.

13:24. ‘Peace be upon you; the
recompense of your patience.
So, what an excellent final
abode is achieved.’

13:25. And those who break the
pact of Allah after its
confirmation, and they break
what Allah has commanded to
be joined and spread turmoil
on the earth; their share is only
curse and their destiny is the
despicable abode.

world; and the life of this world,
in comparison to the Hereafter, is
nothing but a short-lived benefit.

13:27. And the disbelievers say,
‘Why was not a sign sent down
upon him from his Lord?’ Say
you (O Beloved), ‘Indeed, Allah
causes to go astray whomever
He wills, and guides towards


Himself the one who turns to

13:28. ‘Those who accepted
faith and whose hearts find
satisfaction in the remembrance
of Allah. Pay heed! Only in the
remembrance of Allah is the
satisfaction of hearts.’

13:29. ‘Those who believed and
did good deeds; for them is
bliss and a good outcome.’

13:30. Similarly, We sent you (O
Beloved) towards that
community, before which other
communities have passed on;
that you recite to them the
revelation We sent down to you,
and they are denying the Most
Gracious. Say you, ‘He is my
Lord; there is no one worthy of
worship except Him, I relied
upon only Him and towards
only Him is my return.

13:31. And if there would have
come such a Qur’aan by which
mountains could have moved,
or the earth could have burst,
or the dead could have spoken;
even then these disbelievers
would not have believed.
Rather, all matters are in only
Allah’s Authority. So, did the
Muslims not lose hope with it


(ie. for the disbelievers to
accept faith); that, had Allah
willed, He would have guided
all of mankind? Extreme
disasters will continue to strike
the disbelievers on account of
their (evil) deeds, or (a disaster)
will descend near their homes
until Allah’s promise comes;
indeed, Allah does not go
against (His) promise.

13:32. And the Messengers before
you were indeed also mocked at,
I henceforth gave the disbelievers
respite for some days and then
seized them; so, how (dreadful)
was My punishment.

13:33. So, is He Who keeps
watch over the deeds of every
soul (equal to the false deities)?
And (yet) they ascribe partners
to Allah. Say you (O Beloved),
Just name them (who are the

which, in His knowledge, does
not exist in the entire earth, or is
it just superficial talk?’ Rather,
the deceit of the disbelievers
seems good in their eyes and
they are prevented from the
(right) path; and whomever
Allah causes to go astray, there is
no one to guide him.


13:34. They will be punished in
the life of this world, and the
punishment of the Hereafter is
indeed the most severe; and
there is no one to save them
from Allah.

13:35. A description of that
Paradise which is promised to
the pious; rivers flow beneath
it, its fruits are endless, and its
shade (also); this is the reward
of those who fear, and the end
result of the disbelievers is the

13:36. And those to whom We
gave the Book (i.e. the Jews and
the Christians who accepted
Islam), they rejoice over what is
revealed to you. And amongst
those groups (of Jews and
Christians) are some who deny
part of it. Say you (O Beloved), T
am commanded only this; that I
worship Allah and not ascribe
any partner to Him; towards
only Him I invite, and towards
only Him is my return.’

13:37. And in this way We have
revealed (the Qur’aan as) an
Arabic commandment (of Allah),
and O listener! If you follow
their desires after knowledge has
come to you, you will therefore
neither have a supporter nor any


13:38. And We indeed sent
Messengers before you, and made
wives and children for them
(excluding the Prophet Yahya and
the Prophet ‘Eisa), and it is not
the task of any Messenger to
bring any sign except by Allah’s
command; and for each

there is a (period in) writing.

13:39. Allah erases and affirms
whatever He wills; and the
actual writing is with Him.

13:40. And (O Beloved), if We
show you any promise (i.e.
punishment) that is given to
them, or call you to Us fetare it;
so, in any case, upon you is just
the conveying (of the message),
and to take (their) account is
Our responsibility.

13:41. Do they not perceive that
We are reducing their land
from all directions? And Allah
gives command; there is no one
that can postpone’ His
command. And He does not
take long in taking account.

13:42. And those before them
had plotted; Allah Himself is
henceforth the Master of all
secret plans. He knows
whatever any soul earns, and


the disbelievers will soon
realise for whom is the (good)
final abode.

13:43. And the disbelievers say,
‘You are not a Messenger.’ Say
you (O Beloved), ‘Allah is
sufficient as a Witness between
me and you, and (so is) the one
who has knowledge of the Book.’

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