SURAH AL-SHAMS English Translation & Roman Transliteration

surah shams ayat number 9


91. Surah Al-Shams (The Sun)
(This Surah is Makkan, containing 15 verses and 1 section)

Allah’s Name to commence with, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

91:1. By the oath of the sun and its light.
91:2. And by the moon, when it follows it (i.e., follows the sun).
91:3. And by the day, when it brightens the earth.
91:4. And by the night, when it hides it (i.e., hides the sun).
91:5. And by the oath of the sky and by Him Who made it.
91:6. And by the oath of the earth and by Him Who spread it.
91:7. And by the soul and by Him Who made it proper.
91:8. And instilled in it (i.e., in the human soul, the understanding of) its sins and its piety.

91:9. Indeed, successful is the one who made it (i.e., his soul) pure.
91:10. And unsuccessful is the one who covered it in sins.

91:11. The (nation of) Thamood denied (their Prophet Saalih) with their rebelliousness.
91:12. When the most wretched one amongst them stood up (in disobedience).
91:13. And the Messenger of Allah (i.e., the Prophet Saalih) said to them, ‘Refrain from the she-camel of Allah and (do not prevent her from drinking water).’

91:14. Consequently, they belied him and cut the lower veins of the legs of the she-camel, so Allah caused destruction to them because of their sin and flattened their town.
91:15. And He has no fear (at all) of going after (them to take revenge).


(This Surah is Makkan, containing
15 verses and 1 section)

Allah’s Name to commence
with, the Most Gracious, the
Most Merciful.

91:1. By the oath of the sun and
its light.

91:2. And by the moon, when it
follows it (i.e. follows the sun).

91:3. And by the day, when it


91:4. And by the night when it
hides it (ie. hides the sun).

91:5. And by the oath of the sky
and by Him Who made it.

91:6. And by the oath of the
earth and by Him Who spread it.

91:7. And by the soul and by
Him Who made it proper.

91:8. And instilled in it (ie. in the
human soul, the understanding
of) its sins and its piety.

91:9. Indeed, successful is the one
who made it (i.e. his soul) pure.

91:10. And unsuccessful is the
one who covered it in sins.

91:11. The (nation of) Thamood
denied (their Prophet Saalih)
with their rebelliousness.

91:12. When the most wretched
one amongst them stood up (in

91:13. And the Messenger of Allah
(ie. the Prophet Saalih) said to
them, ‘Refrain from the she-camel
of Allah and (do not prevent her


91:14. Consequently, they belied
him and cut the lower veins of
the legs of the she-camel, so
Allah caused destruction to
them because of their sin and
flattened their town.

91:15. And He has no fear (at
all) going after (them, to take



67. Al-Mulk Transliteration
68. Al-Qalam Transliteration
69. Al-Haqqah Transliteration
70. Al-Ma’arij Transliteration
71. Nuh Transliteration
72. Al-Jinn Transliteration
73. Al-Muzzammil Transliteration
74. Al-Muddaththir Transliteration
75. Al-Qiyamah Transliteration
76. Al-Insan Transliteration
77. Al-Mursalaat Transliteration

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