Surah Al-Taghaabun English Translation & Roman Transliteration

Surah Al-Taghaabun English Translation & Roman Transliteration



(This Surah is Madani, containing
18 verses and 2 sections)

Allah’s Name to commence
with, the Most Gracious, the
Most Merciful.

64:1. Whatever is in the heavens
and whatever is in the earth
glorifies Allah; kingship belongs
only to Him, and only to Him
belongs (all) praise, and He is
Powerful over all things.

64:2. It is He Who has created
you, so amongst you someone
is a disbeliever and amongst
you someone is a Muslim. And
Allah is observing your actions.

64:3. He made the heavens and
the earth with the truth and
shaped you; so, He made your
shape excellent, and only
towards Him is the return.

64:4, He knows whatever is in
the heavens and in the earth,
and He knows what you hide



and what you disclose; and
Allah knows what is within the

64:5. Did the news of those who
disbelieved before you not
reach you? And they tasted the
evil outcome of their deeds (in
this world), and for them (in
the Hereafter) is a painful

64:6. This is because that their
Messengers would bring clear
proofs to them, so they said,
‘Will mankind show us the
way?’ Consequently, they
became disbelievers and turned
away, and Allah did not care
about them; and Allah is the
Independent, the Most

64:7. The disbelievers blabbered
that they will never be
resurrected. Say you (O
Beloved), ‘Why not? By my
Lord, you will definitely be
resurrected and you will then
be informed of your misdeeds;
and this is easy for Allah.”

64:8. Therefore, believe in Allah
and His Messenger (i.e. the
Beloved Prophet Muhammad)



and that light (ie. the Qur’aan)
which We have sent down; and
Allah is Aware of what you do.

64:9. The Day when He will
gather you on the Day of
gathering all, that is the Day of
exposing the loss of the losers.
And whosoever believes in
Allah and does good deeds,
Allah will remove his sins and
admit him into Gardens
beneath which rivers flow, that
they abide therein forever; only
this is the great success.

64:10. And those who
disbelieved and belied Our
verses, they are the people of
the Fire, remaining in it forever;
and what a wretched outcome.

64:11. No misfortune befalls
except by Allah’s command;
and whosoever believes in
Allah, Allah will guide his
heart; and Allah knows


64:12. And obey Allah and obey
His Messenger; then if you turn
your face away, so know that



upon Our Messenger is only to
convey (the message) clearly.

64:13. It is Allah except Whom
there is no one worthy of
worship; and upon only Allah
the believers should rely.

64:14. O believers! Some of
your wives and children are
your enemies (because they
stop you from migration),
therefore be wary of them; and
if you pardon and overlook and
forgive (their errors), so indeed
Allah is Most Forgiving, Most

64:15. Your wealth and your
children are just a trial (for
you); and with Allah is a
tremendous reward.

64:16. Therefore, fear Allah as
much as possible, and listen to
the command (of Allah), and
obey the command, and spend
in the path of Allah for your
own good. And whoever is
rescued from the greed of his
own soul, only they are the



64:17. If you lend a good loan to
Allah, He will double it for you
and forgive you; and Allah is
Most Appreciative, Most

64:18. The Knower of all hidden
and visible (aspects of

everything), the Most
Honourable, the Wise.











68. SURAH AL-QALAM a eh te
: (THE PEN) ¥ EK Tah Barn
(This Surah is Makkan, containing o –
52 verses and 2 sections) y ples or ra
Allah’s Name to commence
with, the Most Gracious, the he Shove CrP Sle dy
Most Merciful.
68:1. Noon. (This is an
individual letter of the Arabic
alphabet; Allah and _ His
Messenger know its exact
meaning.) By the oath of the
pen and of what it has written.

68:2. With the Benevolence of
your Lord, (O Beloved) you are



68:3. And definitely for you is
everlasting reward.

68:4. And (O Beloved), your
(excellent) character is
undoubtedly of a superb

68:5. So, very soon you (O
Beloved) will see and they too
will see.

68:6. That who amongst you
was insane.

68:7. Indeed, your Lord knows
well those who have strayed
from His path, and He knows
well those who are upon the
path (of guidance).

68:8. Therefore, do not listen to
those who belie.

68:9. They are wishing this that
in some way you may soften (i.e.
compromise on religious issues)
so they too might soften their

monger, disgraceful
person (ie. Waleed Bin Mugheerah).

68:11. The excessive taunter going
about excessively slandering.

68:12. The excessive hinderer of
goodness; transgressor; sinner.



68:13. With immoral character;
besides all that, (he is) of an
illegitimate birth.

68:14. Because he has some
wealth and sons.

68:15. When Our verses are
recited to him, he says, ‘These
are the stories of the earlier

68:16. We will soon brand him
over his pig-like snout.

68:17. We have indeed tested
them (ie. the people of Makkah)
the way We had tested the ones
of that garden when they swore
an oath that they would
definitely cut its crop in the

68:18. And (they) did not say, ‘If
Allah wills.”

68:19. So, a twister (ie. severe
storm) from your Lord completed
its round (destroying the harvest)
whilst they were sleeping.

68:20. So, in the morning it
became like a destroyed fruit



68:21. Then, they called out to
each other at daybreak.

68:22. That ‘Go to your farms in
the early morning, if you want
to pluck (fruit).’

68:23. So, they walked while
whispering to one another.

68:24. That ‘Today, no needy
person should enter your
garden at all.’

68:25. And they proceeded
early in the morning, assuming
they have power over their
intention (to prevent the poor
taking fruits therefrom).

68:26. Then when they saw it
(Le. the devastated garden), they
said, ‘We have indeed strayed.’

68:27. ‘Rather, we have become

68:28. The most reasonable
amongst them said, ‘Did I not
tell you that why do you not

glorify (Allah)?’

68:29. They said, ‘Glory be to
our Lord; indeed, we were



68:30. Now, one approached 02-7 Ne 28 2m Cais
the other (while) blaming. ere eta 556



68:31. They said, ‘Woe to us!

Indeed, we were rebellious. ocastis gy Egands

68:32. ‘Hopefully, our Lord may 2 rae 516 = gig Pic
give us a better replacement Ut Veeatze A gob
(ie. garden) than this; we turn

ae 1

towards our Lord.’ ed og Gv}

68:33. Such is the punishment; “Ak 9
and indeed, the punishment of 2 Pits) s rs Cie gy
the Hereafter is the greatest,

how good (it would have been 66 puer 336 ig 5 Feo

for them) if they knew.


68:34. Indeed, for the pious (+ ber > wer? os os
ones with their Lord are PG a Chee
Gardens of Bliss.

68:35. Should We make the 2IAY 22 | 299) 196eF
Muslims equal to the criminals @ Cha rel® Chshied \ Sages
(in treatment)?

68:36. What is the matter with

you? How (unwisely) do you 66 Fitey a ” pasie


68:37. Is there a (Divine) Book
for you from which you read?



68:38. That for you therein is
(such writing) what you choose?

68:39. Or do you have some
oaths (binding) upon Us,
stretching until the Day of
Resurrection, that you will get
whatever you claim?

68:40. You should ask them,
who amongst them is a
guarantor for that (claim)?

68:41. Or do they have partners
(who may support them in
their claim)? So, they should
bring their partners, if they are

68:42, On the Day when a Shin
will be exposed (the meaning of
which only Allah knows) and
they will be called to prostrate,
so they will be unable to do so.

68:43. With lowered eyes,
humiliation will be overcoming
them; and indeed, they used to
be called in this world to
prostrate whilst they were

68:44, Therefore, the one who
belies this discourse (ie. the
Qur’aan), leave him to Me; it is



close that We will gradually take
them from where they know not.

68:45. And I will give them
respite; indeed, My hidden plan
is very solid.

68:46. Or is it that you (O
Beloved) ask for compensation
from them, that they are
burdened with the penalty?

68:47. Or that they possess the
(knowledge of the) unseen; that
(with it) they are writing it down
(that they are successful)?

68:48. Therefore, wait for the
command of your Lord, and do
not be like the one associated with
the fish (ie. the Prophet Yunus)
who called (upon his Lord) in a
state when he was in distress.

68:49. Had the favour of his
Lord not reached in order to
take care of him, so he would
have certainly been thrown
onto the bare shore,
condemned (by his people).

68:50. His Lord henceforth
chose him and made him
amongst those who deserve His
special closeness.



68:51. And the disbelievers
definitely seem as if they would
make you fall down by casting
their evil eyes when they hear
the Qur’aan, and they say, ‘This
(Prophet Muhammad) is far
from intelligence.’

68:52. And that (i.e. the Qur’aan
or the Beloved Prophet) is not
but advice to all the worlds.










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