SURAH AL-TAKWEEER English Translation & Roman Transliteration




(This Surah is Makkan, containing
29 verses and 1 section)

Allah’s Name to commence
with, the Most Gracious, the
Most Merciful.

81:1. When the sunlight is
rolled up.

81:2. And when the stars shall
fall off.

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81:3. And when the mountains
are made to move (i.e. crushed
into very minute pieces).

81:4. And when the pregnant she-
camels (of ten months pregnancy)
roam around abandoned.

81:5. And when wild animals pine
are gathered. Press

81:6. And when the seas are set

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81:7. And when the souls are
paired (ie. pious with pious,
evil with evil, etc.)

81:8. And when the one who
was buried alive (ie. a baby
girl) is asked.

81:9. For which crime was she

81:10. And when the books of
deeds are opened.

81:11. And when the heaven is
pulled away from its place.

81:12. And when Hell is set


81:13. And when Paradise is
brought close.

81:14. Every soul will then
become aware of what it has
brought (of good or evil).

81:15. So, by the oath of those
(stars) that retreat.

81:16. (Stars which) move
straight, (then) stop moving.

81:17. And of the night when it

81:18. And of the morning
when it breathes.

81:19. This (i.e. the Qur’aan) is
indeed the recitation of an
honoured Messenger (ie. the
angel Jibra’eel).

81:20. The one who is powerful,
honoured in the Majestic Court
of the Owner of the Throne.

81:21. The one who is obeyed
there (ie. in the heavens by
other angels), he is trustworthy.

81:22. And your companion (ie.
the Beloved Prophet) is not insane.


81:23. And indeed, he (i.e. the
Beloved Prophet) saw him (ie.
the angel Jibraeel, in his original
form) on the edge of the clear
horizon (towards the East).

81:24. And this Prophet is not
miserly in revealing (the
knowledge of) the unseen.

81:25. And the Qur’aan is not
the recitation of Satan, the
banished one.

81:26. Then, where are you going
to (whilst leaving the Qur’aan)?

81:27. Only that (i.e. the Qur’aan)
is guidance to all the worlds.

81:28. For the one amongst you
who desires to become upright.

81:29. And (in reality) what can
you desire, unless it is willed
by Allah; the Lord of all the

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