SURAH AL-ZUMAR English Translation & Roman Transliteration



Surah Zumar In Roman English

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
1. Tanzeelul Kitaabi Minal Laahil ‘Azeezil Hakeem
2. Innaaa Anzalnaaa Ilaikal Kitaaba Bilhaqqi Fa’budil Laaha Mukhlisal Lahud Deen
3. Alaa Lillaahid Deenul Khaalis; Wallazeenat Takhazoo Min Dooniheee Awliyaaa’a Maa Na’buduhum Illaa Liyuqar Riboonaaa Ilal Laahi Zulfaa; Innal Laaha Yahkumu Baina Hum Fee Maa Hum Feehi Yakhtalifoon; Innal Laaha Laa Yahdee Man Huwa Kaazibun Kaffaar
4. Law Araadal Laahu Aiyattakhiza Waladal Lastafaa Mimmaa Yakhluqu Maa Yashaaa’; Subhaanahoo Huwal Laahul Waahidul Qahhaar
5. Khalaqas Samaawaati Wal Arda Bilhaqq; Yukawwirul Laila ‘Alan Nahaari Wa Yukawwirun Nahaara ‘Alaal Laili Wa Sakhkharash Shamsa Walqamara Kulluny Yajree Li Ajalim Musammaa; Alaa Huwal ‘Azeezul Ghaffaar
6. Khalaqakum Min Nafsinw Waahidatin Summa Ja’ala Minhaa Zawjahaa Wa Anzala Lakum Minal-An’aami Samaani Yata Azwaaj; Yakhlu Qukum Fee Butooni Ummahaatikum Khalqam Mim Ba’di Khalqin Fee Zulumaatin Salaas; Zaalikumul Laahu Rabbukum Lahul Mulk; Laaa Ilaaha Illaa Huwa Fa Annaa Tusrafoon


surah zumur aayat 7 - Wa In Tashkuroo Yardahu Lakum
surah zumur aayat 7 – Wa In Tashkuroo Yardahu Lakum

7. In Takfuroo Fa Innal Laaha Ghaniyyun ‘Ankum; Wa Laa Yardaa Li’ibaadihil Kufra Wa In Tashkuroo Yardahu Lakum; Wa Laa Taziru Waaziratunw Wizra Ukhraa; Summa Ilaa Rabikum Marji’ukum Fa-Yunabbi’ukum Bimaa Kuntum Ta’maloon; Innahoo ‘Aleemum Bizaatissudoor
8. Wa Izaa Massal Insaana Durrun Da’aa Rabbahoo Muneeban Ilaihi Summa Izaa Khawwalahoo Ni’matam Minhu Nasiya Maa Kaana Yad’ooo Ilaihi Min Qablu Wa Ja’ala Lillaahi Andaadal Liyudilla ‘Ansabeelih; Qul Tamatta’ Bikufrika Qaleelan Innaka Min Ashaabin Naar;
9. Amman Huwa Qaanitun Aanaaa’al Laili Saajidanw Wa Qaaa’imai Yahzarul Aakhirata Wa Yarjoo Rahmata Rabbih; Qul Hal Yastawil Lazeena Ya’lamoona Wallazeena Laa Ya’lamoon; Innamaa Yatazakkaru Ulul Albaab (Section 1)
10. Qul Yaa ‘Ibaadil Lazeena Aamanut Taqoo Rabbakum; Lillazeena Ahsanoo Fee Haazihid Dunyaa Hasanah; Wa Ardul Laahi Waasi’ah; Innamaa Yuwaffas Saabiroona Ajrahum Bighayri Hisab
11. Qul Inneee Umirtu An A’budal Laaha Mukhlisal Lahud Deen
12. Wa Umirtu Li An Akoona Awwalal Muslimeen
13. Qul Inneee Akhaafu In ‘Asaitu Rabbee ‘Azaaba Yawmin ‘Azeem
14. Qulil Laaha A’budu Mukhlisal Lahoo Deenee
15. Fa’budoo Maa Shi’tum Min Doonih; Qul Innal Khaasireenal Lazeena Khasirooo Anfusahum Wa Ahleehim Yawmal Qiyaamah; Alaa Zaalika Huwal Khusraanul Mubeen
16. Lahum Min Fawqihim Zulalum Minan Naari Wa Min Tahtihim Zulal; Zaalika Yukhaw Wiful Laahu Bihee ‘Ibaadah; Yaa ‘Ibaadi Fattaqoon
17. Wallazeenaj Tanabut Taaghoota Ai Ya’budoohaa Wa Anaabooo Ilal Laahi Lahumul Bushraa; Fabashshir ‘Ibaad
18. Allazeena Yastami’oonal Qawla Fayattabi’oona Ahsanah; Ulaaa’ikal Lazeena Hadaahumul Laahu Wa Ulaaa’ika Hum Ulul Albaab
19. Afaman Haqqa ‘Alaihi Kalimatul ‘Azaab; Afa Anta Tunqizu Man Fin Naar
20. Laakinil Lazeenat Taqaw Rabbahum Lahum Ghurafum Min Fawqihaa Ghurafum Mabniyyatun Tajree Min Tahtihal Anhaar; Wa’dal Laah; Laa Yukhliful Laahul Mee’aad
21. Alam Tara Annal Laaha Anzala Minas Samaaa’i Maaa’an Fasalakahoo Yanaabee’a Fil Ardi Summa Yukhriju Bihee Zar’am Mukhtalifan Alwaanuhoo Summa Yaheeju Fatarahu Musfarran Summa Yaj’aluhoo Hutaamaa; Inna Fee Zaalika Lazikraa Li Ulil Albaab (Section 2)
22. Afaman Sharahal Laahu Sadrahoo Lil Islaami Fahuwa ‘Alaa Noorim Mir Rabbih; Fa Wailul Lilqaasiyati Quloobuhum Min Zikril Laah; Ulaaa’ika Fee Dalaalim Mubeen
23. Allahu Nazzala Ahsanal Hadeesi Kitaabam Mutashaa Biham Masaaniy Taqsha’irru Minhu Juloodul Lazeena Yakhshawna Rabbahum Summa Taleenu Julooduhum Wa Quloo Buhum Ilaa Zikril Laah; Zaalika Hudal Laahi Yahdee Bihee Mai Yashaaa’; Wa Mai Yudlilil Laahu Famaa Lahoo Min Haad
24. Afamai Yattaqee Biwaj Hihee Sooo’al ‘Azaabi Yawmal Qiyaamah; Wa Qeela Lizzaali Meena Zooqoo Maa Kuntum Taksiboon
25. Kazzabal Lazeena Min Qablihim Fa Ataahumul ‘Azaabu Min Haisu Laa Yash’uroon
26. Fa Azaaqahumul Laahul Khizya Fil Hayaatid Dunyaa Wa La’azaabul Aakhirati Akbar; Law Kaanoo Ya’lamoon
27. Wa Laqad Darabnaa Linnaasi Fee Haazal Qur-Aani Min Kulli Masalil La’allahum Yatazakkaroon
28. Qur-Aanan ‘Arabiyyan Ghaira Zee ‘Iwajil La’allahum Yattaqoon
29. Darabal Laahu Masalar Rajulan Feehi Shurakaaa’u Mutashaakisoona Wa Rajulan Salamal Lirajulin Hal Yastawi Yaani Masalaa; Alhamdu Lillaah; Bal Aksaruhum Laa Ya’lamoon
30. Innaka Maiyitunw Wa Inna Hum Maiyitoon
31. Summa Innakum Yawmal Qiyaamati ‘Inda Rabbikum Takhtasimoon (Section 3) (End Juz 23)


Ruku (Section 3)


32. Faman Azlamu Mimman Kazaba ‘Alal Laahi Wa Kazzaba Bissidqi Iz Jaaa’ah; Alaisa Fee Jahannama Maswal Lilkaafireen
33. Wallazee Jaaa’a Bissidqi Wa Saddaqa Biheee Ulaaa’ika Humul Muttaqoon
34. Lahum Maa Yashaaa’oona ‘Inda Rabbihim; Zaalika Jazaaa’ul Muhsineen
35. Liyukaffiral Laahu ‘Anhum Aswa Allazee ‘Amiloo Wa Yajziyahum Ajrahum Bi Ahsanil Lazee Kaano Ya’maloon
36. Alaisal Laahu Bikaafin ‘Abdahoo Wa Yukhawwi Foonaka Billazeena Min Doonih; Wa Mai Yudlilil Laahu Famaa Lahoo Min Haad
37. Wa Mai Yahdil Laahu Famaa Lahoo Min Mudil; Alai Sal Laahu Bi’azeezin Zin Tiqaam
38. Wa La’in Sa Altahum Man Khalaqas Samaawaati Wal Arda La Yaqoolunal Laah; Qul Afara’aitum Maa Tad’oona Min Doonil Laahi In Araadaniyal Laahu Bidurrin Hal Hunna Kaashi Faatu Durriheee Aw Araadanee Birahmatin Hal Hunna Mumsikaatu Rahmatih; Qul Hasbiyal Laahu ‘Alaihi Yatawakkalul Mutawakkiloon
39. Qul Yaa Qawmi’maloo ‘Alaa Makaanatikum Innee ‘Aamilun Fasawfa Ta’lamoon
40. Mai Yaateehi ‘Azaabuny Yukhzeehi Wa Yahillu ‘Alaihi ‘Azaabum Muqeem
41. Innaa Anzalnaa ‘Alaikal Kitaaba Linnaasi Bilhaqq; Famanih Tadaa Falinafsihee Wa Man Dalla Fa Innamaa Yadillu ‘Alaihaa Wa Maaa Anta ‘Alaihim Biwakeel (Section 4)


Ruku (Section 4)

42. Allaahu Yatawaffal Anfusa Heena Mawtihaa Wallatee Lam Tamut Fee Manaamihaa Fa Yumsikul Latee Qadaa ‘Alaihal Mawta Wa Yursilul Ukhraaa Ilaaa Ajalim Musammaa; Inna Fee Zaalika La Aayaatil Liqawmai Yatafakkarroon
43. Amit Takhazoo Min Doonillaahi Shufa’aaa’; Qul Awalaw Kaanoo Laa Yamlikoona Shai’aw Wa Laa Ya’qiloon
44. Qul Lillaahish Shafaa’atu Jamee’aa; Lahoo Mulkus Samaawaati Wal Ardi Summa Ilaihi Turja’oon
45. Wa Izaa Zukiral Laahu Wahdahush Ma Azzat Quloobul Lazeena Laa Yu’minoona Bil Aakhirati Wa Izaa Zukiral Lazeena Min Dooniheee Izaa Hum Yastabshiroon
46. Qulil Laahumma Faatiras Samaawaati Wal Ardi ‘Aalimal Ghaibi Washshahaadati Anta Tahkumu Baina ‘Ibaadika Fee Maa Kaanoo Feehee Yakhtalifoon
47. Wa Law Anna Lillazeena Zalamoo Maa Fil Ardi Jamee’anw Wa Mislahoo Ma’ahoo Laftadaw Bihee Min Sooo’il Azaabi Yawmal Qiyaamah; Wa Badaa Lahum Minal Laahi Maa Lam Yakoonoo Yahtasiboon
48. Wa Badaa Lahum Saiyiaatu Maa Kasaboo Wa Haaqa Bihim Maa Kaanoo Bihee Yastahzi’oon
49. Fa Izaa Massal Insaana Durrun Da’aanaa Summa Izaa Khawwalnaahu Ni’matam Minna Qaala Innamaaa Ootee Tuhoo ‘Alaa ‘Ilm; Bal Hiya Fitna Tunw Wa Laakinna Aksarahum Laa Ya’lamoon
50. Qad Qaalahal Lazeena Min Qablihim Famaaa Aghnaa ‘Anhum Maa Kaanoo Yaksiboon
51. Fa Asaabahum Saiyi Aatu Maa Kasaboo; Wallazeena Zalamoo Min Haaa’ulaaa’i Sa Yuseebuhum Saiyi Aatu Maa Kasaboo Wa Maa Hum Bimu’jizeen
52. Awalam Ya’lamooo Annal Laaha Yabsutur Rizqa Limai Yashaaa’u Wa Yaqdir; Inna Fee Zaalika La Aayaatil Liqawminy Yu’minoon (Section 5)


surah zumur aayat 53 - Laa Taqnatoo Mirrahmatil Laah
surah zumur aayat 53 – Laa Taqnatoo Mirrahmatil Laah


Ruku (Section 5)

53. Qul Yaa’ibaadiyal Lazeena Asrafoo ‘Alaaa Anfusihim Laa Taqnatoo Mirrahmatil Laah; Innal Laaha Yaghfiruz Zunooba Jamee’aa; Innahoo Huwal Ghafoorur Raheem
54. Wa Aneebooo Ilaa Rabbikum Wa Aslimoo Lahoo Min Qabli Any Yaatiyakumul ‘Azaabu Summa Laa Tunsaroon
55. Wattabi’ooo Ahsana Maaa Unzila Ilaikum Mir Rabbikum Min Qabli Aiyaatiyakumal ‘Azaabu Baghtatanw Wa Antum Laa Tash’uroon
56. An Taqoola Nafsuny Yaahasrataa ‘Alaa Maa Farrattu Fee Jambil Laahi Wa In Kuntu Laminas Saakhireen
57. Aw Taqoola Law Annal Laaha Hadaanee Lakuntu Minal Muttaqeen
58. Aw Taqoola Heena Taral ‘Azaaba Law Anna Lee Karratan Fa Akoona Minal Muhsineen
59. Balaa Qad Jaaa’atka Aayaatee Fa Kazzabta Bihaa Wa Stakbarta Wa Kunta Minal Kaafireen
60. Wa Yawmal Qiyaamati Taral Lazeena Kazaboo ‘Alallaahi Wujoohuhum Muswaddah; Alaisa Fee Jahannama Maswal Lilmutakabbireen
61. Wa Yunajjil Laahul Lazee Nat Taqaw Bimafaazatihim Laa Yamassuhumus Sooo’u Wa Laa Hum Yahzanoon
62. Allaahu Khaaliqu Kulli Shai’inw Wa Huwa ‘Alaa Kulli Shai’inw Wakeel
63. Lahoo Maqaaleedus Sa Maawaati Wal Ard; Wallazeena Kafaroo Bi Ayaatil Laahi Ulaaa’ika Humul Khaasiroon (Section 6)


Ruku (Section 6)


64. Qul Afaghairal Laahi Taamurooonneee A’budu Ayyuhal Jaahiloon
65. Wa Laqad Oohiya Ilaika Wa Ilal Lazeena Min Qablika La In Ashrakta La Yahbatanna ‘Amalu Ka Wa Latakoonanna Minal Khaasireen
66. Balil Laahha Fa’bud Wa Kum Minash Shaakireen
67. Wa Maa Qadarul Laaha Haqqa Qadrihee Wal Ardu Jamee ‘An Qabdatuhoo Yawmal Qiyaamati Wassamaawaatu Matwiyyaatum Biyameenih; Subhaanahoo Wa Ta’aalaa ‘Amma Yushrikoon
68. Wa Nufikha Fis Soori Fasa’iqa Man Fis Samaawaati Wa Man Fil Ardi Illaa Man Shaa’al Lahu Summa Nufikha Feehi Ukhraa Fa Izaa Hum Qiyaamuny Yanzuroon
69. Wa Ashraqatil Ardu Binoori Rabbihaa Wa Wudi’al Kitaabu Wa Jeee’a Bin Nabiyyeena Wash Shuhadaaa’i Wa Qudiya Bainahum Bilhaqqi Wa Hum Laa Yuzlamoon
70. Wa Wuffiyat Kullu Nafsim Maa ‘Amilat Wa Huwa A’lamu Bimaa Yaf’aloon (Section 7)
71. Wa Seeqal Lazeena Kafaroo Ilaa Jahannama Zumaraa Hattaaa Izaa Jaaa’oohaa Futihat Abwaabuhaa Wa Qaala Lahum Khazanatuhaaa Alam Ya’tikum Rusulun Minkum Yatloona ‘Alaikum Aayaati Rabbikum Wa Yunziroonakum Liqaaa’a Yawmikum Haazaa; Qaaloo Balaa Wa Laakin Haqqat Kalimatul ‘Azaabi ‘Alal Kaafireen
72. Qeelad Khuloo Abwaaba Jahannama Khaalideena Feeha Fabi’sa Maswal Mutakabbireen
73. Wa Seeqal Lazeenat Taqaw Rabbahum Ilal Jannati Zumaraa Hattaaa Izaa Jaaa’oohaa Wa Futihat Abwaabuhaa Wa Qaala Lahum Khazanatuhaa Salaamun ‘Alaikum Tibtum Fadkhuloohaa Khaalideen
74. Wa Qaalull Hamdulillaahil Lazee Sadaqanaa Wa’dahoo Wa Awrasanal Arda Natabaw Wa-U Minal Jannati Haisu Nashaaa’u Fani’ma Ajrul ‘Aamileen
75. Wa Taral Malaaa’ikata Haaaffeena Min Hawlil ‘Arshi Yusabbihoona Bihamdi Rabbihim Wa Qudiya Bainahum Bilhaqqi Wa Qeelal Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen (Section 8)

Ruku (Section 8)

(This Surah is Makkan, containing
75 verses and 8 sections)

Allah’s Name to commence
with, the Most Gracious, the
Most Merciful.

39:1. The revelation of the Book
is from Allah, the Most
Honourable, the Wise.


39:2. We have indeed revealed
this Book to you (O Beloved)
with truth; therefore, worship
Allah, as being His devoted

39:3. Pay heed! Worship is
exclusively for Allah only; and
those who have taken others as
their helpers except Him say,
‘We worship them only so that
they may bring us closer to
Allah! Allah will judge
between them regarding the
matter in which they are
disputing. Indeed, Allah does
not guide the one who is a liar,
extremely ungrateful.

39:4. Had Allah intended to
take a son for Himself, so He
would have chosen any one
from His creation. Purity is to
Him, only He is Allah, the One,
the Dominant on all.

39:5. He created the heavens
and the earth with truth, He
wraps the night over the day
and wraps the day over the
night, and He has subjected the
sun and the moon; each one
moves for its appointed term.
Pay heed! Only He is the Most


Honourable, the Most


39:6. He created you from a
single soul, and then from it,
created its spouse, and sent
down for you eight pairs of
animals. He creates you in your
mother’s wombs, then from one
sort (of creation) to another; in
darkness threefold (ie. the
stomach, womb and _ uterus).
This is Allah; your Lord, only
for Him is the kingdom; no one
is to be worshiped except Him.
So, where are you being turned

39:7. If you become ungrateful,
then (know that) indeed Allah
is Independent of you, and He
does not like the ungratefulness
of His bondsmen. And if you
give thanks, so He likes it for
you. And no burdened soul
will bear the burden of another,
you have to then return to your
Lord, so He will inform you of
what you used to do.
Undoubtedly, He knows what
is within the hearts.

39:8. And when some adversity
reaches man, he calls upon his
Lord, inclined only towards


Him; then when Allah grants
him a favour from Himself, he
forgets what he had beseeched
for earlier and appoints equals
of Allah in order to mislead
(people) from His way. Say you
(O Beloved), ‘Enjoy your
disbelief for a few days, you are
indeed of the dwellers of Hell.’

39:9, Will he, whose moments of
night pass in obedience while
prostrating and standing, fearing
the Hereafter and hoping for the
Mercy of his Lord, be equal to
the disobedient? Say you (O
Beloved), ‘Are those who know
and who do not know equal?! It
is only the people of intellect
who accept advice.

39:10. Say you (O Beloved), ‘O
my bondsmen who have
believed! Fear your Lord; for
those who do good deeds is
goodness in this world. And
Allah’s earth is spacious; it is
the patient ones who will be
paid their reward in full,
without measure.’

39:11. Say you (O Beloved), ‘I
am commanded that I must
worship Allah as only being


His devoted bondsman.’

39:12. ‘And I am commanded
that I be the first to submit (to
the order of Allah).’

39:13. Say you (O Beloved), ‘If,
hypothetically, I was to disobey
my Lord, I too would fear the
punishment of the great Day (of

39:14. Say you (O Beloved), ‘I
worship only Allah, solely as
His devoted bondsman.

39:15. So, you may worship
whoever you want other than
Him.’ Say you (O Beloved), ‘The
worst losers are those who lost
themselves and their family on
the Day of Resurrection. Yes,
certainly! Only this is clear loss.’

39:16. Above them are
mountains of fire and beneath
them are mountains (of fire).
With this, Allah warns His
bondsmen, ‘0 My bondsmen!
Fear Me.’


39:17. And those who refrained
from idol-worshipping and
inclined towards Allah, only for
them is glad tidings; so, give
glad tidings to those bondsmen
of Mine.

39:18. Whoever listens
attentively and follows the best
of it, it is these (people) whom
Allah has guided, and it is these
who have intelligence.

39:19. So, will the one upon
whom the Word of punishment
has proven true be equal to those
who are forgiven? (Never!) So,
will you save the one who
deserves the Fire by guiding him?

39:20. But those who fear their
Lord, for them are upper
chambers with more upper
chambers built above them,
rivers flowing beneath them; a
promise of Allah. Allah does
not break promise.

39:21. Did you not see that it is
Allah Who sent down water
from the sky, then with it made


springs in the earth, then with
it produces crops of various
colours, then it dries up, so you
see it has become yellow. He
then breaks them into small
pieces; indeed, in this is a
matter of paying attention for
the people of intellect.

39:22. Thus, will the one whose
chest Allah has opened for
Islam; so, he is upon a light
from his Lord, be equal to the
one who is_ stone-hearted?
(Never!) Therefore, destruction
is for those whose hearts have
become hardened towards the
remembrance of Allah; they are
in open error.

39:23. Allah has sent down the
best of books (ie. the Holy
Qur’aan), which is alike (in
excellence) from beginning to end,
the one with paired

(eg. promise and

reward and

Due to it, the hairs on the body
stand up for those who fear their
Lord, then their skin and hearts
soften, motivated towards the
remembrance of Allah. This is the
guidance of Allah, He may guide
whomsoever He wills (with it);
and whomever Allah causes to go
astray, there is no one to guide


39:24. So, will the one, who will
not find anything to shield him
except his own face against the
despicable punishment on the
Day of Resurrection, be equal to
the one who attained salvation?
(Never!) And it will be said to
the transgressors, ‘Taste what
you have earned.’

39:25. Those before them had
belied, so the punishment came
to them from a place they were
unaware of.

39:26. So, Allah made them
taste the flavour of humiliation
in the life of this world; and
indeed, the punishment of the
Hereafter is the most extreme.
It would have been good (for
them) if they knew.

39:27. And We have indeed
illustrated examples of all kinds
in this Qur’aan, so that they
may take heed.

39:28. (This is the) Qur’aan of
the Arabic language, in which
there is no deviation at all; that
they may fear (Allah).

39:29. Allah illustrates an example;
‘A slave having several bad-



mannered masters as partners
(owning this slave), and another
slave belonging exclusively to one
master; are the two equal in
condition?’ (No, they are not
equal) All praise is due to Allah.
Rather, most of them know not.

39:30. Indeed, you (O Beloved)
are to depart (from this world),
and they (the disbelievers) are
to die also.

39:31. Then (O people), you will
dispute before your Lord on the
Day of Resurrection.


39:32. So, who is more unjust
than the one who fabricates lie
against Allah and belies the
truth when it comes to him? Is
the abode of the disbelievers
not in Hell?

39:33. And the one who has
brought this truth and those
who endorsed him, only these
(people) are those who fear

39:34. For them with their Lord
is whatever they desire; this is
the reward of the virtuous.

39:35. In order that Allah may
remove from them their worst
deed and reward them for the
best deed that they used to do.

39:36. Is Allah not Sufficient for
His bondsmen? And _ they
frighten you with those (whom
they worship) other than Him.
And whomever Allah causes to
go astray, there is no one to
guide him.

39:37. And no one can mislead
to whomever Allah _ gives
guidance; is Allah not the Most
Honourable, the Owner of


39:38. And if you ask them, ‘Who
has created the heavens and the
earth?’ So, they will definitely
say, ‘Allah.’ Say you (O Beloved),
‘What is your opinion regarding
those whom you worship other
than Allah; if Allah wills to cause
me some hardship, so will they
avert the hardship sent by Him?
Or if He wills to have mercy
upon me, so will they restrain
His mercy?’ Say you (O
Beloved), ‘Allah is Sufficient for
me; the people who trust must
rely upon Him.’

39:39. Say you (O Beloved), ‘O
my people! Keep on working in
your positions; I do my work;
so, you will soon come to

39:40. ‘Whom does that
punishment come upon which
will disgrace him, and whom
does the punishment befall
which will be everlasting.’

39:41. We have indeed sent
down this Book (i.e. the Qur’aan)
to you with the truth, in order to
guide people. Hence, whosoever
attained guidance, so it is for his
own good; and whoever has
gone astray, he has only strayed
for his own harm. And you are
not at all responsible for them.


39:42. Allah takes away the
souls at the time of their death,
and also those who do not die
during their sleep; then He
withholds those on whom He
has passed the decree of death
and leaves the other till an
appointed term; there are
definitely signs in this for
people who reflect.

39:43. Have they chosen
intercessors against Allah? Say
you (O Beloved), ‘(Will they
intercede) even if they do not
own anything, nor do they
have intellect?’

39:44. Say you (O Beloved),
‘Only Allah has control of every
intercession. Only for Him is
the kingdom of the heavens
and the earth; and then it is
towards Him you are to return.’

39:45. And when One Allah is
mentioned, the hearts of those
who do not believe in the
Hereafter become diminished
(with resentment). And when
those other than Him (ie. false
deities) are mentioned,
thereupon they rejoice.


39:46. Submit you (O Beloved), ‘O
Allah; the Creator of the heavens
and the earth; the Knower of the
unseen and the seen, You will
judge between Your bondsmen
they used to differ.’

39:47. And if all that is in the
earth was for the transgressors,
and the likes of it with it (as
well), so they would have given
it in exchange for freedom from
the great punishment on the
Day of Resurrection; and a
matter which they had never
imagined appeared to them
from their Lord.

39:48. And the evils they earned
appeared to them, and the same
thing (ie. punishment) came
upon. them which they used. to

39:49. Thus, when some
hardship reaches man, so he
calls upon Us. Then later when
We bestow a favour upon him,
so he says, ‘I attained this
because of some knowledge.’
Rather, it is a test, but most of
them have no knowledge.

39:50. Those before them also
said the same, so their earnings
did not benefit them at all.


39:51. Therefore, the evils of their
earnings befell them; and those
who are unjust amongst them,
soon the evils of their earnings
will befall them, and they cannot
escape from the grip.

39:52. Do they not know that
Allah increases sustenance for
whomever He wills, and (also)
restricts it? Indeed, in this are
signs for the people who believe.

3953. Say you (O Beloved), ‘O
those bondsmen of mine who
have committed excess upon their

sins (for the one who abstains from.
disbelief and repent thereafter);
indeed, only He is the Most
Forgiving, the Most Merciful.’

39:54. ‘And turn towards your
Lord and submit in His
Majestic Court, before this; that
the punishment comes upon
you and then you may not be

39:55. ‘And follow that (i.e. the
Qur’aan); the best of all, which
has been sent down towards
you from your Lord, before the
punishment suddenly comes


upon you, whilst you are

39:56. Lest a soul should say,
‘Alas! My regret be on those
shortcomings which I
committed regarding Allah,
and I indeed used to mock.’

39:57. Or it may say, ‘If Allah
had shown me the right path,
so I would have been amongst
those who fear (Allah).’

39:58. Or it may say, when it
looks at the punishment,
‘Somehow if I could be sent back,
so that I may do good deeds.’

39:59. (It will be said to him)
‘Yes, why not! Verily, My signs
came to you, so you belied
them, and you were arrogant
and you were a disbeliever.’

39:60. And you will see those
on the Day of Resurrection who
fabricated lie against Allah, that
their faces are darkened. Is Hell
not an abode of the arrogant?

39:61. And Allah will rescue the
pious, because of their place of


salvation (i.e. Paradise); neither
will the punishment touch
them, nor shall they grieve.

39:62. Allah is the Creator of all
things, and He is Authoritative
over all things.

39:63. Only to Him belong the
keys (of the treasures) of the
heavens and the earth; and
those who denied the verses of
Allah, it is they who are at loss.

39:64. Say you (O Beloved), ‘So,
do you instruct me to worship
other than Allah (ie. false
deities)? O, you ignorant ones!

39:65. And it was indeed
revealed to you and to those
before you; that ‘O listener! If
you had ascribed a partner to
Allah, so all your (good) deeds
will definitely go to waste and
you will certainly remain in loss.’

39:66. Rather, worship only
Allah, and be of the thankful

39:67. And they did not value

Allah as was His right; and on s ey neces

the Day of Resurrection, He
will roll up all the earths, and


the heavens will be rolled up by
His power. And Exalted is He
and High from what they
associate with Him.

39:68. And the Trumpet will be
blown, so everyone in the
heavens and everyone in the
earth will fall unconscious,
except whom Allah wills. It will
then be blown again; thereupon
they will get up, staring (in

39:69. And the earth will shine
bright by the light of its Lord,
and the book will be kept, and
the Prophets will be brought,
and this Prophet (ie. the
Beloved Muhammad) and his
nation would be witnesses upon
them, and it will be judged
between them with truth, and
they will not be wronged.

39:70. And every soul will be
repaid in full for its deeds, and
He knows well what they used
to do.

39:71. And the disbelievers will
be driven towards Hell in
groups, until when they will
reach it, its gates will be
opened, and its guards will say
to them, ‘Did the Messengers
not come to you from amongst


you, who used to recite to you
the verses of your Lord and
warn you of confronting this
Day?’ They will say, ‘Yes, why
not (i.e. for sure)!’ But the Word
of punishment was proven
accordingly upon the

39:72. It will be said, ‘Enter the
gates of Hell to remain therein
forever.’ So, what a despicable
dwelling for the arrogant.

39:73. And the conveyances of
those who feared their Lord
will be led towards Paradise, in
groups; until when they will
reach it, its gates will be kept
open and its guards will say to
them, ‘Salaam to you, you have
done well. Therefore, enter
Paradise to abide forever.’

39:74, And they will say, ‘All
praise is due to Allah Who has
made His promise with us
come true, and has made us
inheritors of this land, to stay in
Paradise wherever we wish.’
So, what an excellent reward
for the doers (of pious deeds).

39:75. And you will see the
angels gathered around the




their Lord with His praise. And a
true judgement will be delivered
amongst the people, and it will
be said that ‘All praise is due to
Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.’

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