Surah At-Takathur English Translation and Transliteration

Surah At-Takathur English Translation and Transliteration


Surah At-Takathur in Roman English

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Al haaku mut takathur
Hatta zurtumul-maqaabir
Kalla sawfa ta’lamoon
Thumma kalla sawfa ta’lamoon
Kalla law ta’lamoona ‘ilmal yaqeen
Latara-wun nal jaheem
Thumma latara wunnaha ‘ainal yaqeen
Thumma latus alunna yauma-izin ‘anin na’eem


Surah At-Takathur English Translation
Surah At-Takathur English Translation



(This Surah is Makkan, containing
8 verses and 1 section)

Allah’s Name to commence
with, the Most Gracious, the
Most Merciful.

102:1. The desire to seek more
wealth has kept you neglectful
(from the remembrance of Allah).

102:2. Until you (died and)
confronted the graves.

102:3. Yes, certainly! You will
soon come to know.

102:4. Again yes, certainly! You
will soon come to know.

102:5. Yes, certainly! If you had
known with knowledge of
certainty, so you would not
have loved wealth.

definitely see Hell.

102:7. Again, you will indeed
definitely see it with the sight
of certainty.

102:8. Then indeed, on that Day,
you will definitely be questioned
regarding the bounties (of Allah).





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