SURAH BANI ISRAEEL English Translation & Roman Transliteration

Surah Isra In Roman English


Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

1. Subhaanal Lazeee Asraa Bi’abdihee Lailam Minal Masjidil Haraami Ilal Masjidil Aqsal-Lazee Baaraknaa Haw Lahoo Linuriyahoo Min Aayaatinaa;Innahoo Huwas Samee’ul-Baseer
2. Wa Aatainaa Moosal-Kitaaba Wa Ja’alnaahu Hudal-Libaneee Israaa’eel;
3. Allaa Tat-Takhizoo Min Doonee Wakeelaa.
4. Zurriyyata Man Hamalnaa Ma’a Noohin Innahoo Kaana ‘Abdan Shakooraa
5. Wa Qadainaaa Ilaa Baneee Israaa’eela Fil Kitaabi Latufsidunna Fil Ardi Marratain; Wa Lata’lunna’uluwwan Kabeeraa
6. Fa-Izaa Jaaa’a Wa’duoolaahumaa Ba’asnaaa ‘Alykum ‘Ibaadal-Lanaaa Ulee Baasin Shadeedin Fajaasoo Khilaalad Diyaar; Wa Kaana Wa’dam Maf’oolaa
7. Summa Radadnaa Lakumul Karrata ‘Alaihim Wa Amdad-Naakum-Bi Amwaalinuw Wa Baneen; Wa Ja’alnaakum Aksara Nafeeraa
8. In Ahsantum Ahsantum Li Anfusikum Wa In Asaatum Falahaa; Fa Izaa Jaaa’a Wa’dul Aakhirati Liyasooo’oo Wujoo Hakum Wa Liyadkhulul Masjida Kamaa Dakhaloohu Awwala Marratinw Wa Liyutabbiroo Maa A’law Tatbeera
9. ‘Asaa Rabbukum Anyyarhamakum; Wa In ‘Uttum ‘Udnaa; Wa Ja’alnaa Jahannama Lilkaafireena Haseera
10. Inna Haazal Quraana Yahdee Lillatee Hiya Aqwamu Wa Yubashshirul Mu’mineenal Lazeena Ya’maloonas Saalihaati Anna Lahum Ajran Kabeeraa
11. Wa Annal Lazeena Laa Yu’minoona Bil Aakhirati A’tadnaa Lahum ‘Azaaban Aleemaa (Section 1)
12. Wa Yad’ul Insaanu Bishsharri Du’aaa ‘Ahoo Bilkhayr; Wa Kaanal Insaanu ‘Ajoola
13. Wa Ja’alnal Laila Wannahaara Aayatayni Famahawnaaa Aayatal Laili Wa Ja’alnaaa Aayatan Nahaari Mubsiratal Litabtaghoo Fadlam Mir Rabbikum Wa Lita’lamoo ‘Adadas Sineena Walhisaab; Wa Kulla Shai’in Fassalnaahu Tafseelaa
14. Wa Kulla Insaanin Alzamnaahu Taaa’irahoo Fee ‘Unuqihee Wa Nukhriji Lahoo Yawmal Qiyaamati Kitaabany Yalqaahu Manshooraa
15. Iqra Kitaabaka Kafaa Bi Nafsikal Yawma ‘Alaika Haseebaa
16. Manihtadaa Fa Innamaa Yahtadee Linafsihee Wa Man Dalla Fa Innamaa Yadillu ‘Alaihaa; Wa Laa Taziru Waaziratunw Wizra Ukhraa; Wa Maa Kunnaa Mu’azzibeena Hatta Nab’asa Rasoola
17. Wa Izaaa Aradnaaa An Nuhlika Qaryatan Amarnaa Mutrafeehaa Fafasaqoo Feehaa Fahaqqa ‘Alaihal Qawlu Fadammarnaahaa Tadmeeraa
18. Wa Kam Ahlaknaa Minal Qurooni Min Ba’di Nooh; Wa Kafaa Bi Rabbika Bizunoobi ‘Ibaadihee Khabeeram Baseeraa
19. Man Kaana Yureedul ‘Aajilata ‘Ajjalnaa Lahoo Feehaa Maa Nashaaa’u Liman Nureedu Summa Ja’alnaa Lahoo Jahannama Yaslaahaa Mazmoomammad Hooraa
20. Wa Man Araadal Aakhirata Wa Sa’aa Lahaa Sa’yahaa Wa Huwa Mu’minun Fa Ulaaa’ika Kaana Sa’yuhum Mashkooraa
21. Kullan Numiddu Haaa ‘Ulaaa’i Wa Haaa’ulaaa’i Min ‘Ataaa’i Rabbik; Wa Maa Kaana ‘Ataaa’u Rabbika Mahzooraa
22. Unzur Kaifa Faddalnaa Ba’dahum ‘Alaa Ba’d; Wa Lal Aakhiratu Akbaru Darajaatinw Wa Akbaru Tafdeelaa
23. Laa Taj’al Ma’al Laahi Ilaahan Aakhara Fataq’uda Mazoomam Makhzoolaa (Section 2)
24. Wa Qadaa Rabbuka Allaa Ta’budooo Illaaa Iyyaahu Wa Bilwaalidaini Ihsaanaa; Immaa Yablughanna ‘Indakal Kibara Ahaduhumaaa Aw Kilaahumaa Falaa Taqul Lahumaaa Uffinw Wa Laa Tanharhumaa Wa Qullahumaa Qawlan Kareemaa
25. Wakhfid Lahumaa Janaahaz Zulli Minar Rahmati Wa Qur Rabbir Hamhumaa Kamaa Rabbayaanee Sagheera
26. Rabbukum A’lamu Bimaa Fee Nufoosikum; In Takoonoo Saaliheena Fa Innahoo Kaana Lil Awwaabeena Ghafoooraa
27. Wa Aati Zal Qurbaa Haqqahoo Walmiskeena Wabnas Sabeeli Wa Laa Tubazzir Tabzeeraa
28. Innal Mubazzireena Kaanoo Ikhwaanash Shayaateeni Wa Kaanash Shaytaanu Li Rabbihee Kafooraa
29. Wa Immaa Tu’ridanna ‘Anhum Ubtighaaa’a Rahmatim Mir Rabbika Tarjoohaa Faqul Lahum Qawlam Maisooraa
30. Wa Laa Taj’al Yadaka Maghloolatan Ilaa ‘Unuqika Wa Laa Tabsut Haa Kullal Basti Fataq’uda Maloomam Mahsooraa
31. Inna Rabbaka Yabsuturrizqa Limai Yashaaa’u Wa Yaqdir; Innahoo Kaana Bi’ibaadihee Khabeeran Baseera (Section 3)
32. Wa Laa Taqtulooo Awlaadakum Khashyata Imlaaqin Nahnu Narzuquhum Wa Iyyaakum; Inna Qatlahum Kaana Khit ‘An Kabeeraa
33. Wa Laa Taqrabuz Zinaaa Innahoo Kaana Faahishatanw Wa Saaa’a Sabeelaa
34. Wa Laa Taqtulun Nafsal Latee Harramal Laahu Illaa Bilhaqq; Wa Man Qutila Mazlooman Faqad Ja’alnaa Liwaliyyihee Sultaanan Falaa Yusrif Fil Qatli Innahoo Kaana Mansooraa
35. Wa Laa Taqraboo Maalal Yateemi Illaa Billatee Hiya Ahsanu Hattaa Yablugha Ashuddah; Wa Awfoo Bil’ahd, Innal ‘Ahda Kaana Mas’oolaa
36. Wa Awful Kaila Izaa Kiltum Wa Zinoo Bilqistaasil Mustaqeem; Zaalika Khairunw Wa Ahsanu Ta’weelaa
37. Wa Laa Taqfu Maa Laisa Laka Bihee ‘Ilm; Innas Sam’a Walbasara Walfu’aada Kullu Ulaaa’ika Kaana ‘Anhu Mas’oolaa
38. Wa Laa Tamshi Fil Ardi Marahan Innaka Lan Takhriqal Arda Wa Lan Tablughal Jibaala Toola
39. Kullu Zaalika Kaana Sayyi’uhoo Inda Rabbika Makroohaa
40. Zaalika Mimmaaa Awhaaa Ilaika Rabbuka Minal Hikmah; Wa Laa Taj’al Ma’allaahi Ilaahan Aakhara Fatulqaa Fee Jahannama Maloomam Mad Hooraa
41. Afa Asfaakum Rabbukum Bilbaneena Wattakhaza Minal Malaaa’ikati Inaasaa; Innakum Lataqooloona Qawlan ‘Azeema (Section 4)
42. Wa Laqad Sarrafnaa Fee Haazal Quraani Liyazzakkaroo Wa Maa Yazeeduhum Illaa Nufooraa
43. Qul Law Kaana Ma’ahooo Aalihatun Kamaa Yaqooloona Izal Labtaghaw Ilaa Zil ‘Arshi Sabeela
44. Subhaanahoo Wa Ta’aalaa ‘Ammaa Yaqooloona ‘Uluwwan Kabeeraa
45. Tusabbihu Lahus Samaawaatus Sab’u Wal Ardu Wa Man Feehinn; Wa Im Min Shai’in Illaa Yusabbihu Bihamdihee Wa Laakil Laa Tafqahoona Tasbeehahum; Innahoo Kaana Haleeman Ghafooraa
46. Wa Izaa Qara’ Tal Quraana Ja’alnaa Bainaka Wa Bainal Lazeena Laa Yu’minoona Bil Aakhirati Hijaabam Mastooraa
47. Wa Ja’alnaa ‘Alaa Quloo Bihim Akinnatan Any Yafqahoohu Wa Feee Aazaanihim Waqraa; Wa Izaa Zakarta Rabbaka Fil Quraani Wahdahoo Wallaw ‘Alaaa Adbaarihim Nufooraa
48. Nahnu A’lamu Bimaa Yastami’oona Biheee Iz Yastami’oona Ilaika Wa Iz Hum Najwaaa Iz Yaqooluz Zaalimoona In Tattabi’oona Illaa Rajulam Mas Hooraa
49. Unzur Kaifa Daraboo Lakal Amsaala Fadalloo Falaa Yastatee’oona Sabeelaa
50. Wa Qaalooo ‘A Izaa Kunnaa ‘Izaamanw Wa Rufaatan ‘A Innaa Lamab’oosoona Khalqan Jadeedaa
51. Qul Koonoo Hijaaratan Aw Hadeedaa
52. Aw Khalqam Mimmaa Yakburu Fee Sudoorikum; Fasa Yaqooloona Mai Yu’eedunaa Qulil Lazee Fatarakum Awwala Marrah; Fasa Yunghidoona Ilaika Ru’oosahum Wa Yaqooloona Mataahoo; Qul ‘Asaaa Any Yakoona Qareeba
53. Yawma Yad’ookum Fatastajeeboona Bihamdihee Wa Tazunnoona Il Labistum Illaa Qaleela (Section 5)
54. Wa Qul Li’ibaadee Yaqoolul Latee Hiya Ahsan; Innash Shaitaana Yanzaghu Bainahum; Innash Shaitaana Kaana Lil Insaani ‘Aduwwam Mubeenaa
55. Rabbukum A’lamu Bikum Iny Yasha’ Yarhamkum Aw Iny Yasha’ Yu’azzibkum; Wa Maaa Arsalnaaka ‘Alaihim Wakeelaa
56. Wa Rabbuka A’lamu Biman Fis Samaawaati Wal Ard; Wa Laqad Faddalnaa Ba’dan Nabiyyeena ‘Alaa Ba’dinw Wa Aatainaaa Daawooda Zabooraa
57. Qulid ‘Ul Lazeena Za’amtum Min Doonihee Falaa Yamlikoona Kashfad Durri’ankum Wa Laa Tahweelaa
58. Ulaaa’ikal Lazeena Yad’oona Yabtaghoona Ilaa Rabbihimul Waseelata Ayyuhum Aqrabu Wa Yarjoona Rahmatahoo Wa Yakhaafoona ‘Azaabah; Inna ‘Azaaba Rabbika Kaana Mahzooraa
59. Wa In Min Qaryatin Illaa Nahnu Muhlikoohaa Qabla Yawmil Qiyaamati Aw Mu’az Ziboohaa ‘Azaaban Shadeedaa; Kaana Zaalika Fil Kitaabi Mastooraa
60. Wa Maa Mana’anaaa An Nursila Bil Aayaati Illaaa An Kazzaba Bihal Awwaloon; Wa Aatainaa Samoodan Naaqata Mubsiratan Fazalamoo Bihaa; Wa Maa Nursilu Bil Aayaati Illaa Takhweefaa
61. Wa Iz Qulnaa Laka Inna Rabbaka Ahaata Binnaas; Wa Maa Ja’alnar Ru’yal Lateee Arainaaka Illaa Fitnatal Linnaasi Washshajaratal Mal’oonata Fil Quraan; Wa Nukhaw Wifuhum Famaa Yazeeduhum Illa Tughyaanan Kabeeraa (Section 6)
62. Wa Iz Qulnaa Lil Malaaa’ikatis Judoo Li Aadama Fasajadooo Illaaa Ibleesa Qaala ‘A-Asjudu Liman Khalaqta Teena
63. Qaala Ara’aytaka Haazal Lazee Karramta ‘Alaiya La’in Akhartani Ilaa Yawmil Qiyaamati La Ahtanikanna Zurriyyatahooo Illaa Qaleelaa
64. Qaalaz Hab Faman Tabi’aka Minhum Fa Inna Jahannama Jazaaa’ukum Jazaaa’am Mawfooraa
65. Wastafziz Manis Tata’ta Minhum Bisawtika Wa Ajlib ‘Alaihim Bikhailika Wa Rajilika Wa Shaarik Hum Fil Amwaali Wal Awlaadi Wa ‘Idhum; Wa Maa Ya’iduhumush Shaitaanu Illaa Ghurooraa
66. Inna ‘Ibaadee Laisa Laka ‘Alaihim Sultaan; Wa Kafaa Bi Rabbika Wakeelaa
67. Rabbukumul Lazee Yuzjee Lakumul Fulka Fil Bahri Litabtaghoo Min Fadlih; Innahoo Kaana Bikum Raheemaa
68. Wa Izaa Massakumuddurru Fil Bahri Dalla Man Tad’oona Illaaa Iyyaahu Falammaa Najjaakum Ilal Barri A’radtum; Wa Kaanal Insaanu Kafooraa
69. Afa Amintum Any Yakhsifa Bikum Jaanibal Barri Aw Yursila ‘Alaikum Haasiban Summa Laa Tajidoo Lakum Wakeelaa
70. Am Amintum Any Yu’eedakum Feehi Taaratan Ukhraa Fa Yursila ‘Alaikum Qaasifam Minar Reehi Fa Yugh Riqakum Bimaa Kafartum Summa Laa Tajidoo Lakum ‘Alainaa Bihee Tabee’aa
71. Wa Laqad Karramnaa Baneee Aadama Wa Hamalnaahum Fil Barri Walbahri Wa Razaqnaahum Minat Taiyibaati Wa Faddalnaahum ‘Alaa Kaseerim Mimman Khalaqnaa Tafdeelaa (Section 7)
72. Yawma Nad’oo Kulla Unaasim Bi Imaamihim Faman Ootiya Kitaabahoo Bi Yameenihee Fa Ulaaa’ika Yaqra’oona Kitaabahum Wa Laa Yuzlamoona Fateelaa
73. Wa Man Kaana Fee Haaziheee A’maa Fahuwa Fil Aakhirati A’maa Wa Adallu Sabeelaa
74. Wa In Kaadoo La Yaftinoonaka ‘Anil Lazeee Awhainaaa Ilaika Litaftariya ‘Alainaaa Ghairahoo Wa Izallat Takhazooka Khaleelaa
75. Wa Law Laaa An Sabbatnaaka Laqad Kitta Tarkanu Ilaihim Shai’an Qaleela
76. Izal La Azaqnaaka Di’fal Hayaati Wa Di’fal Mamaati Summa Laa Tajidu Laka ‘Alainaa Naseeraa
77. Wa In Kaadoo La Yastafizzoonaka Minal Ardi Liyukhri Jooka Minhaa Wa Izal Laa Yalbasoona Khilaafaka Illaa Qaleelaa
78. Sunnata Man Qad Arsalnaa Qablakamir Rusulinaa Wa Laa Tajidu Lisunnatinaa Tahweelaa
79. Aqimis Salaata Liduloo Kish Shamsi Ilaa Ghasaqil Laili Wa Quraanal Fajri Inna Quraa Nal Fajri Kaana Mashhoodaa
80. Wa Minal Laili Fatahajjad Bihee Naafilatal Laka ‘Asaaa Any Yab’asaka Rabbuka Maqaamam Mahmoodaa
81. Wa Qur Rabbi Adkhilnee Mudkhala Sidqinw Wa Akhrijnee Mukhraja Sidqinw Waj’al Lee Milladunka Sultaanan Naseeraa
82. Wa Qul Jaaa’al Haqqu Wa Zahaqal Baatil; Innal Baatila Kaana Zahooqaa
83. Wa Nunazzilu Minal Quraani Maa Huwa Shifaaa’unw Wa Rahmatullil Mu’mineena Wa Laa Yazeeduz Zaalimeena Illaa Khasaaraa
84. Wa Izaaa An’amnaa ‘Alal Insaani A’rada Wa Na-Aa Bijaani Bihee Wa Izaa Massahush Sharru Kaana Ya’oosaa
85. Qul Kulluny Ya’malu ‘Alaa Shaakilatihee Fa Rabbukum A’lamu Biman Huwa Ahdaa Sabeelaa (Section 9)
86. Wa Yas’aloonaka ‘Anirrooh; Qulir Roohu Min Amri Rabbee Wa Maaa Ooteetum Minal ‘Ilmi Illaa Qaleelaa
87. Wa La’in Shi’naa Lanaz Habanna Billazeee Awhainaaa Ilaika Summa Laa Tajidu Laka Bihee ‘Alainaa Wakeelaa
88. Illaa Rahmatam Mir Rabbik; Inna Fadlahoo Kaana ‘Alaika Kabeeraa
89. Qul La’inij Tama’atil Insu Waljinnu ‘Alaaa Any Ya’too Bimisli Haazal Quraani Laa Ya’toona Bimislihee Wa Law Kaana Ba’duhum Liba ‘Din Zaheeraa
90. Wa Laqad Sarrafnaa Linnaasi Fee Haazal Quraani Min Kulli Masalin Fa Abaaa Aksarun Naasi Illaa Kufooraa
91. Wa Qaaloo Lan Nu’mina Laka Hattaa Tafjura Lanaa Minal Ardi Yamboo’aa
92. Aw Takoona Laka Jannatum Min Nakheelinw Wa ‘Inabin Fatufajjiral Anhaara Khilaalahaa Tafjeeraa
93. Aw Tusqitas Samaaa’a Kamaa Za’amta ‘Alainaa Kisafan Aw Ta’tiya Billaahi Wal Malaaa’ikati Qabeelaa
94. Aw Yakoona Laka Baitum Min Zukhrufin Aw Tarqaa Fis Samaaa’i Wa Lan Nu’mina Liruqiyyika Hatta Tunazzila ‘Alainaa Kitaaban Naqra’uh; Qul Subhaana Rabbee Hal Kuntu Illaa Basharar Rasoolaa (Section 10)
95. Wa Maa Mana’an Naasa Any Yu’minooo Iz Jaaa’ahumul Hudaaa Illaaa An Qaalooo Aba’asal Laahu Basharar Rasoolaa
96. Qul Law Kaana Fil Ardi Malaaa ‘Ikatuny Yamshoona Mutma’in Neena Lanazzalnaa ‘Alaihim Minas Samaaa’i Malakar Rasoolaa
97. Qul Kafaa Billaahi Shaheedam Bainee Wa Bainakum; Innahoo Kaana Bi’ibaadihee Khabeeram Baseeraa
98. Wa Mai Yahdil Laahu Fahuwal Muhtad; Wa Mai Yudlil Falan Tajida Lahum Awliyaaa’a Min Doonih; Wa Nahshuruhum Yawmal Qiyaamati ‘Alaa Wujoohihim Umyanw Wa Bukmanw Wa Summaa; Ma’waahum Jahannamu Kullamaa Khabat Zidnaahum Sa’eeraa
99. Zaalika Jazaa’uhum Bi Annahum Kafaroo Bi Aayaatinaa Wa Qaalooo ‘A Izaa Kunnaa ‘Izaamanw Wa Rufaatan ‘A Innaa La Mab’oosoona Khalqan Jadeedaa
100. Awalam Yaraw Annal Laahal Lazee Khalaqas Samaawaati Wal Arda Qaadirun ‘Alaaa Any Yakhluqa Mislahum Wa Ja’ala Lahum Ajalal Laa Raiba Fee; Fa Abaz Zaalimoona Illaa Kufooraa
101. Qul Law Antum Tamlikoona Khazaaa’ina Rahmati Rabbeee Izal La Amsaktum Khash Yatal Infaaq; Wa Kaanal Insaanu Qatooraa (Section 11)
102. Wa Laqad Aatainaa Moosaa Tis’a Aayaatim Baiyinaatin Fas’al Baneee Israaa’eela Iz Jaaa’ahum Faqaala Lahoo Fir’awnu Inee La Azunnuka Yaa Moosaa Mas Hooraa
103. Qaala Laqad ‘Alimta Maaa Anzala Haaa’ulaaa’i Illaa Rabbus Samaawaati Wal Ardi Basaaa’ira Wa Innee La Azun Nuka Yaa Fir’awnu Masbooraa
104. Fa Araada Any Yastafizzahum Minal Ardi Fa Aghraqnaahu Wa Mam Ma’ahoo Jamee’aa
105. Wa Qulnaa Min Ba’dihee Li Baneee Israaa’eelas Kunul Arda Fa Izaa Jaaa’a Wa’dul Aakhirati Ji’naa Bikum Lafeefaa
106. Wa Bilhaqqi Anzalnaahu Wa Bilhaqqi Nazal; Wa Maaa Arsalnaaka Illaa Mubash Shiranw Wa Nazeeraa
107. Wa Quraanan Faraqnaahu Litaqra Ahoo ‘Alan Naasi ‘Alaa Muksinw Wa Nazzalnaahu Tanzeelaa
108. Qul Aaminoo Biheee Aw Laa Tu’minoo; Innal Lazeena Ootul ‘Ilma Min Qabliheee Izaa Yutlaa ‘Alaihim Yakhirroona Lil Azqaani Sujjadaa
109. Wa Yaqooloona Subhaana Rabbinaaa In Kaana Wa’du Rabbinaa Lamaf’oolaa
110. Wa Yakhirroona Lil Azqaani Yabkoona Wa Yazeeduhum Khushoo’aa (Make Sajda)
111. Qulid’ul Laaha Awid’ur Rahmaana Ayyam Maa Tad’oo Falahul Asmaaa’ul Husnaa; Wa Laa Tajhar Bi Salaatika Wa Laa Tukhaafit Bihaa Wabtaghi Baina Zaalika Sabeela
112. Wa Qulil Hamdu Lillaahil Lazee Lam Yattakhiz Waladanw Wa Lam Yakul Lahoo Shareekun Fil Mulki Wa Lam Yakul Lahoo Waliyyum Minaz Zulli Wa Kabbirhu Takbeeraa (Section 12)






(This Surah is Makkan, containing
111 verses and 12 sections)

Allah’s Name to commence
with, the Most Gracious, the
Most Merciful.

17:1. Glory be to Him Who took
His bondsman by the night
from the Sacred Mosque (the
Ka’bah) to Al-Aqsa Mosque
around which We have placed
blessing, in order that We may
show him Our great signs.
Indeed, He is the All-Hearing,
the All-Seeing.

17:2. And We granted Moosa
the Book and made it guidance
for the Descendants of Israel;
that ‘Do not appoint anyone as
a Guardian other than Me.’

17:3. O descendants of those
whom We carried (in the Ark)
along with Nooh; he was
indeed a grateful bondsman.

17:4. And We revealed to the
Descendants of Israel in the
Book that ‘Indeed, you will

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create great turmoil in the earth
twice, and you will definitely
become extremely arrogant.’

17:5. Then, when the first of the
(two) promises came, We sent
upon you some of Our fiercely
fighting bondsmen, they
therefore entered the cities in
your search; and this was a
promise that was to be fulfilled.

17:6. We then reversed your
attack upon them (i.e. made
you dominant over them), and
aided you with wealth and sons
and increased you in number.

17:7. If you do good, you will
do good to yourselves; and if
you do bad, it is hence for
yourselves. Then, when the
second promise came; that
enemies may sadden your
faces, and enter the Mosque
(causing destruction) just as
they had entered it the first
time, and whatever they gain
control of, they may cause utter
destruction (to it).


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17:8. Your Lord may have
mercy upon you soon, and if
you repeat the mischief, We
will henceforth punish you
again. And We have made Hell
a prison for the disbelievers.

17:9. Indeed, this Qur’aan
shows that path which is the
most straight (ie. Islamic
Shari’ah), and gives glad
tidings to the believers who do
good deeds; that for them is a
great reward.

17:10. And this; that those who
do not believe in the Hereafter,
We have kept prepared for
them a painful punishment.

17:11. And (sometimes) man
prays for evil just as he seeks
goodness, and mankind is very

17:12. And We created the night
and the day as two signs; We
henceforth kept the sign of the
night wiped out, and the sign
of the day sight-giving; that
you may seek the Bounty of
your Lord, and come to know
the calculation of the years and
the counting (of time). And We


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have thoroughly explained all
things separately in detail.

17:13. And We have attached
the destiny of every human
being to his neck, and We shall
bring forth a register for him on
the Day of Resurrection, which
he will find open.

17:14. It will be said (to him),
“Read your own book (of
deeds); this Day you are
sufficient enough to take
account of yourself.’

17:15. Whosoever came
towards guidance has come to
guidance only for his own
good, and whoever went astray
has gone astray only for his
own ruin. And no burdened
soul will bear the burden of
another soul, and We do not
punish until We have sent a

17:16. And when We will to
destroy a town, We (first) send
the commands to its prosperous
people, they then become
disobedient therein, the Word (of
punishment) is consequently
proven upon it (ie. upon the
people of that town); We
henceforth utterly destroy it.


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17:17. And many generations
We destroyed after Nooh. And
your Lord is Sufficient, Aware
of the sins of His bondsmen,

17:18. Whoever desires this
quick-passing (enjoyment of
this world), We may give him
quickly whatever We will, to
whomever We will, then assign
Hell for him; that therein he
enters condemned, pushed

17:19, And whosoever desires
the Hereafter, and strives for it
as it should be striven for and is
a believer; so, only their effort
is appreciated.

17:20. We provide help to all; to
these (seekers of this world) and
to those (seekers of the Hereafter),
by the Bestowal of your Lord;
and there is no stoppage on the
Bestowal of your Lord.

17:21. Observe how We have
given superiority to one over
the other. And the Hereafter is
indeed the greatest in rank and
the highest in excellence.



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17:22. O listener! Do not appoint
another god with Allah;
otherwise, you will then remain
sitting condemned, helpless.

17:23. And your Lord has
commanded not to worship
anyone except Him, and treat
parents with goodness; if one of
them or both reach old age in
front of you, so, do not say
(even) ‘Ugh’ to them and do not
scold them, and speak to them
words of respect.

17:24. And spread for them the
arm of humbleness with a soft
heart, and request humbly that
‘O my Lord, have mercy on
them both, just as they brought
me up in my childhood.’

17:25. Your Lord is Well Aware
of what is in your hearts. If you
are righteous, He is henceforth
indeed Forgiving to those who

17:26. And give relatives their
right, and (give) to the needy
and to the traveller, and do not
spend wastefully.



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17:27. Those who _ spend
wastefully are indeed the
brothers of the devils, and the
Devil is extremely ungrateful to
his Lord.

17:28. And if (due to poverty)
you turn your face away from
(helping) them, expecting the
mercy of your Lord (as a means
to help them) which you are
hopeful for; so, speak to them
in gentle words.

17:29. And do not keep your
hand tied to your neck (i.e. do
not be miserly) nor open it
completely (ie. do not be

wasteful), lest you sit down
criticised, tired.

17:30. Indeed, your Lord
increases the livelihood for
whom He wills and restricts it;
no doubt, He knows, sees His
bondsmen well.

17:31. And do not kill your
children due to the fear of
poverty; We will provide
sustenance to them and to you
as well, indeed, killing them is
a big mistake.




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17:32. And do not even go near
Zina (fornication/adultery i.e.
unlawful intercourse); it is
indeed shamelessness, and a
very evil way.

17:33. And do not unjustly kill
any soul, (the killing) of which
Allah has made unlawful. And
whoever is slain unjustly; so,
We have undoubtedly given
the authority (ie. rights of legal
retribution) to his heir. So, he
should not cross the limit in
slaying; he will definitely be
helped (by the Divine Law).

17:34, And do not even
approach the wealth of the
orphan except in the best way,
until he reaches the age of
maturity. And fulfil (your)
promise; indeed, (every)
promise will be asked about (on
the Day of Judgement).

17:35. And (when) you
measure, measure fully, and
weigh correctly with the scale;
this is better, and its outcome is

17:36. And do not pursue the
matter of which you do not
have knowledge; indeed, the
ear, the eye, and the heart; all of

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these are

going to be

17:37. And do not walk
arrogantly on the earth;
undoubtedly, you will indeed
never tear the earth apart and
will never reach the mountains
in height.

17:38. Whatever of this was
mentioned (in the previous
verses), the evil of it is disliked
by your Lord.

17:39. This is part of the
revelations of wisdom that
your Lord has revealed to you
(O Beloved). And O listener! Do
not appoint another god with
Allah, lest you will be thrown
into Hell; taunted, pushed

17:40. Has your Lord chosen
sons for you, and created
daughters for Himself from
amongst the angels? Indeed,
you utter immense (ie. greatly
despicable) words.

17:41. And We have indeed
explained (matters) in this
Qur’aan in various ways; that
they may understand, and
because of this (ie. the



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Qur’aan), nothing increases in
them except hatred.

17:42. Say you (O Beloved), Tf
there were other gods except
Him,’ as they rant, ‘they would
have hence found a way towards
the Owner of the Throne (in
order to challenge Him).’

17:43. Purity and Superiority
are to Him from what they
utter; a Great Superiority.

17:44, The seven heavens, and
the earth, and all those in them
glorify Him. And there is not a
thing that does not proclaim
His Purity whilst praising Him.
Yes; you do not understand
their (method of) glorification.
Indeed, He is Most Forbearing,
Ever Forgiving.

17:45. And O Beloved, (when)
you recited the Qur’aan, We
created an _ invisible veil
between you and those who do
not believe in the Hereafter.

17:46. And We placed covers
upon their hearts so that they

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may not understand it and
heaviness (i.e. a barrier) in their
ears (due to their firmness upon
disbelief), And when you
remember your only Lord in the
Qur’aan, they flee in hatred
turning their backs.

17:47. We know well the reason
they listen when they give ears
to you and when they consult
each other; whereas, the unjust
say, ‘You have not followed
except a man who is affected by

17:48. See the kinds of similarities
they put forward for you, they
have therefore gone astray; that
(they) cannot find the (right) path.

17:49. And they said, ‘What!
When we have become bones
and crushed particles, will we
really be raised up anew?’

17:50. Say you (O Beloved),
‘Become stone or iron.’

17:51. ‘Or some other creation
which you deem great.’ So, they
will now say, ‘Who will create
us again?’ Say you (O Beloved),
‘Only He Who created you for
the first time.’ So, now they will
say mockingly shaking their


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heads at you, ‘When is it (going
to occur)?’ Say you, ‘Perhaps it
could be soon.

1752 ‘The Day when He will call
you; so, you will come praising
Him and will think that you have
stayed (on this earth) only a little.’

17:53. And tell My bondsmen to
speak that which is_ best.
Undoubtedly, the Devil causes
mischief amongst them; indeed,
the Devil is an open enemy of

17:54. Your Lord knows you
well; if He wills, He may show
mercy upon you; or if He wills,
He may punish you. And We
have not sent you (O Beloved)
as responsible over them.

17:55. And your Lord knows
well whoever is in the heavens
and the earth, and amongst the
Prophets We indeed made one
to excel over the other, and We
gave the Zaboor (Psalms) to

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17:56. Say you (O Beloved),
‘Call upon those whom you
assume (as deities) other than
Allah; so, they do not have
power to remove misfortune
from you, nor to avert it.’

17:57. The devoted bondsmen
whom these disbelievers worship;
they themselves seek the medium
(Waseelah) to their Lord from the
one amongst them as to who is
nearest (to his Lord), and they
hope for His Mercy and fear His
punishment; indeed, the
punishment of your Lord is
something to be afraid of.

17:58. And there is no town but
We shall destroy it before the
Day of Resurrection, or punish
it (Le. its disbelieving people)
severely; this is written in the
Book (i.e. the Preserved Tablet).

17:59. And We refrained from
sending such signs because the
former people belied them. And
We gave (the nation of)
Thamood the she-camel as an
eye-opener; so, they did injustice
to her. And We do not send such
signs except to cause fear.



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17:60. And when We stated to
you (O Beloved) that ‘All
mankind is in the control of your
Lord.’ And We did not grant the
vision (Le. the wonders of Allah’s
signs) which We showed you (on
the night of Mi’raaj) except to test
people, and the Tree (ie. the
Zaqgoom tree which grows in
Hell) which is cursed in the
Qur’aan. And We warn them,
nothing henceforth increases for
them except extreme rebellion.

17:61. And recall when We
ordered the angels that
‘Prostrate to Adam.’ So, they all

prostrated except Iblees (the
Devil). He said, ‘Should I

prostrate to the one whom You
have created from clay?!

17:62. He (the Devil) said, ‘See
this one {ie. the Prophet Adam)
whom You have honoured above
me; if You give me respite till the
Day of Resurrection, I will surely
crush his descendants (by leading
them astray) except a few.’

17:63. He (Allah) said, ‘Get out!
So, whoever amongst them
follows you, Hell is therefore
the recompense for you all; a
fully deserving punishment.’

17:64. ‘And mislead those
whom you have control over
with your voice, and assault
them with your cavalry and on-



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foot soldiers, and become their
partner in wealth and children,
and give them (false) promise,’
and the Devil does not promise
them but deception.

17:65. ‘Indeed, those who are
My bondsmen; you do not have
any power over them.’ And (O
Beloved), your Lord is Sufficient
as the Disposer of matters.

17:66. Your Lord is He Who
causes the ship in the sea to sail
for you; that you seek His
Bounty. Indeed, He is Most
Merciful upon you.

17:67. And when calamity
strikes you in the sea, all those
whom you worship except Him
are hence lost (from your
memory). When He _ then
rescues you (by bringing you)
to land, you therefore turn your
faces away. And mankind is
extremely ungrateful.

17:68. Have you become fearless
of (the fact) that He may cause
an edge of any land to sink along
with you, or send a storm of
stones upon you, and you find
no supporter for yourselves?



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17:69. Or have you become
fearless of {the fact) that He may
take you to sea again, then send a
hurricane against you with the
power to break ships, so that (He)
may cause you to drown because
of your disbelief, you do not then.
find for yourselves anyone to
come after Us concerning this (to
question Allah)?

17:70. And We have indeed
honoured the descendants of
Adam and transported them on
land and sea, and gave them
good things as sustenance, and
made them superior than many
(i.e. all) of Our creation.

17:71. On the Day when We
shall summon every group along
with its leader; so, whoever is
given his book of deeds in his
right hand, these people will
read their book of deeds and
their rights will not be violated,
even as much as a thread.

17:72. Whoever is blind (to see
the path of truth) in this life; he
is blind in the Hereafter, and
even more astray.

17:73. And it was close that
they could have caused you to

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slip up somewhat from the
revelation We sent to you; (they
desired) that you may attribute
something else to Us. And if it
had (hypothetically) occurred,
they would have henceforth
taken you as a close friend.

17:74. And had We not kept
you firm (by making you
infallible), so, it was near that

(hypothetically) you might
have inclined to them a little.

17:75. And if (hypothetically) it
would have been so, We would
have then made you taste
double (the punishment in) life
and double (after) death, you
would then not have found any
supporter against Us.

17:76. And it was indeed close
that they could remove you
from the land, that they could
banish you from it; and if it had
been so, after you they would
not have remained, but a little.

17:77. The tradition of the
Messengers whom We sent before
you (was that their enemies were
destroyed), and you will not find
Our law changing.

17:78. Keep Salah established,
from the declining of the sun

until the darkness of the night,
and the Qur’aan of the morning


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(i.e. Fajr Salah); indeed, the
angels are present at the
Qur’aan of the morning.

17:79. And offer Tahajjud in
some part of the night; this is a
special addition for you (O
Beloved). It is near that your
Lord may make you stand on a
station where everyone may
praise you.

17:80. And request in this way;
‘O my Lord, make me enter
(wherever) with the truth and
take me out (wherever) with the
truth, and give me from Yourself
supportive domination.’

17:81. And say (O Beloved),
‘The truth has arrived and
falsehood has perished; indeed,
falsehood had to perish.

17:82. And We send down in
the Qur’aan that which is a cure
and mercy for the believers,
and only loss increases for the
unjust because of it.

17:33. And when We bestow
favours upon mankind, he turns
his face away and goes far away
towards himself (ie. becomes
arrogant). And when evil reaches
him, he consequently loses hope.



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17:84. Say you (O Beloved),
“Everyone acts according to his
own method, and your Lord
knows well who is more

17:85. They ask you concerning
the soul; say you (O Beloved),
‘The soul is an entity from the
command of my Lord, and (O
people) you did not receive
knowledge, but a little.’

17:86. And if We desired, We
could have henceforth taken
away this revelation which We
have sent to you, you would
have then not found anyone
who could have advocated for
you in Our Majestic Court
concerning this.

17:87. Except with the Mercy of
your Lord (that the Qur’aan is
protected); indeed, His Great
Benevolence is upon you (O

17:88. Say you (O Beloved), ‘If
all of mankind and Jinn unite to
bring something similar to this
Qur’aan, they will therefore not
be able to bring the likes of it,
even if they help each other.’


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17:89. And We have certainly
mentioned in this Qur’aan all
kinds of examples in various
ways for the people; so, most
people did not accept but to
display ungratefulness.

17:90. And they said, ‘We will
never believe in you, until you
cause a spring to gush forth
from the earth for us.’

17:91. ‘Or you have a garden of
date trees and grapes, and you
cause flowing rivers therein.’

17:92. ‘Or you cause the sky to
fall upon us piece by piece like
you said, or bring Allah and the
angels as Guarantors.’

17:93. ‘Or you have a house of
gold, or you ascend up into the
heaven, and even then, we shall
not believe after your ascending
up until you bring down a
(Divine) book for us, which we
may read.’ Say you (O Beloved),
‘Glory be to my Lord, who am I
except a man sent by Allah (as
His Messenger)?’


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17:94. And what prevented
people from believing when
guidance came to them except
their saying that ‘Has Allah
sent a human as a Messenger?!

17:95. Say you (O Beloved), ‘If
(instead of you) there were
angels walking peacefully on
the earth, We would have
henceforth sent down an. angel
also, as a Messenger towards

17:96. Say you (O Beloved),
‘Allah is sufficient as a Witness
between me and you; indeed,
He knows and sees His

17:97. And only the one whom
Allah guides is upon guidance,
and whomever He causes to go
astray; so, you will not find for
them any supporters other than
Him. And We shall raise them
on the Day of Resurrection
(causing them to be dragged)
on their faces; blind, dumb and
deaf; their abode is Hell.
Whenever it will be about to
extinguish, We will intensify


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17:98. This is their punishment
because they denied Our verses
and said, ‘When we shall
become bones and __ tiny
particles, will we really be
raised up again?’

17:99. Do they not see that
Allah Who has created the
heavens and the earth can
make the likes of those people,
and has set a term for them in
which there is no doubt? So,
the transgressors do not
accept, besides being

17:100. Say you (O Beloved), ‘If
you possessed the treasures of
the Mercy of my Lord, you
would have henceforth held it
back as well out of fear that it
may get spent. And mankind is
a great miser.’

17:101. And We indeed gave
Moosa nine clear signs; hence,
ask the Descendants of Israel
when he came to them, Fir’awn
therefore said to him, ‘O
Moosa! I think you have been
affected by magic.’

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17:102. He (Moosa) said, ‘You
certainly know well that these
(signs) were not sent down
except by the Lord of the
heavens and the earth; (as) eye-
openers of the heart. And I
think that you, O Fir’awn, are
definitely to be destroyed.’

17:103. He therefore desired to
banish them (i.e. the Prophet
Moosa and his nation) from the
land, We consequently drowned
him and his companions

17:104. And after (drowning)
him, We said to the Descendants
of Israel, ‘Reside in this land;
then, when the promise of the
Hereafter will come, We will
bring you all enfolded together.’

17:105. And We sent down the
Qur’aan only with the truth,
and it has come down only
with the truth. And We did not
send you except as a Conveyor
of glad tidings and a Warner.

17:106. And We sent down the
Qur’aan in segments; that you
may recite it to the people at a
gradual pace, and We sent it
down bit by bit in stages.


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17:107. Say you (O Beloved),
‘Whether you people believe in
it or not; indeed, those who
received knowledge (of the
previous Books) before it was
sent down; when it is recited to
them, they fall down on their
faces in prostration.’

17:108. And they say, ‘Glory be
to our Lord; indeed, the
promise of our Lord was to be

17:109. And they fall down on
their faces weeping, and this
Qur’aan increases their heart to
submit humbly.

17:10. Say you (O Beloved), ‘Call
upon (Him) by saying ‘Allah’ or
by saying ‘the Most Gracious.’
Whichever (of His Names
sanctioned by Shari’ah) you call;
all are His Splendid Names. And
offer your Salah neither very
loudly nor very softly, and seek a
way in between. both of these.’

17:111. And say in this manner;
‘All praise is due to Allah Who
has not chosen a son for Himself,
and in kingship no one is His
partner, and no one is His
supporter due to weakness
(because He is never weak), and


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(special words of Glorification
e.g. Allahu Akbar).’

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