Surah Fatir In Roman English
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
1. Alhamdu Lillaahi Faatiris Samaawaati Wal Ardi Jaa’ilil Malaaa’ikati Rusulan Uleee Ajnihatim Masnaa Wa Sulaasa Wa Rubaa’; Yazeedu Fil Khalqi Maa Yashaaa’; Innal Laaha ‘Alaa Kulli Shai’in Qadeer
2. Maa Yaftahil Laahu Linnaaasi Mir Rahmatin Falaa Mumsika Lahaa Wa Maa Yumsik Falaa Mursila Lahoo Mimba’dihi; Wa Huwal ‘Azeezul Hakeem
3. Yaaa Ayyuhan Naasuzkuroo Ni’matal Laahi ‘Alaikum; Hal Min Khaaliqin Ghairul Laahi Yarzuqukum Minas Samaaa’i Wal Ard; Laaa Ilaaha Illaa Huwa Fa Annaa Tu’fakoon
4. Wa Iny Yukazzibooka Faqad Kuzzibat Rusulum Min Qablik; Wa Ilal Laahi Turja’ul Umoor
5. Yaaa Ayyuhan Naasu Inna Wa’dal Laahi Haqqun Falaa Taghurrannakumul Hayaatud Dunyaa; Wa Laa Yaghurran Nakum Billaahil Gharoor
6. Innash Shaitaana Lakum ‘Aduwwun Fattakhizoohu ‘Aduwwaa; Innamaa Yad’oo Hizbahoo Liyakoonoo Min Ashaabis Sa’eer
7. Allazeena Kafaroo Lahum ‘Azaabun Shadeed; Wallazeena Aamanoo Wa ‘Amilus Saalihaati Lahum Maghfiratunw Wa Ajrun Kabeer (Section 1)
8. Afaman Zuyyina Lahoo Sooo’u ‘Amalihee Fara Aahu Hasanaa; Fa Innal Laaha Yudillu Mai Yashaaa’u Wa Yahdee Mai Yashaaa’u Falaa Tazhab Nafsuka ‘Alaihim Hasaraat; Innal Laaha ‘Aleemun Bimaa Yasna’oon
9. Wallaahul Lazeee Arsalar Riyaaha Fatuseeru Sa Haaban Fasuqnaahu Ilaa Baladim Maiyitin Fa Ahyaynaa Bihil Arda Ba’da Mawtihaa; Kazaalikan Nushoor
10. Man Kaana Yureedul ‘Izzata Falillaahil ‘Izzatu Jamee’aa; Ilaihi Yas’adul Kalimut Taiyibu Wal’amalus Saalihu Yarfa’uh; Wallazeena Yamkuroonas Sayyiaati Lahum ‘Azaabun Shadeed; Wa Makru Ulaaa’ika Huwa Yaboor
11. Wallaahu Khalaqakum Min Turaabin Summa Min Nutfatin Summa Ja’alakum Azwaajaa; Wa Maa Tahmilu Min Unsaa Wa Laa Tada’u Illaa Bi’ilmih; Wa Maa Yu’ammaru Mim Mu’ammarinw Wa Laa Yunqasu Min ‘Umuriheee Illaa Fee Kitaab; Inna Zaalika ‘Alal Laahi Yaseer
12. Wa Maa Yastawil Bahraani Haaza ‘Azbun Furaatun Saaa’ighun Sharaabuhoo Wa Haazaa Milhun Ujaaj; Wa Min Kullin Ta’kuloona Lahman Tariyyanw Wa Tastakhrijoona Hilyatan Talbasoonahaa Wa Taral Fulka Feehi Mawaakhira Litabtaghoo Min Fadlihee Wa La’allakum Tashkuroon
13. Yoolijul Laila Fin Nahaari Wa Yoolijun Nahaara Fil Laili Wa Sakhkharash Shamsa Wal Qamara Kulluny Yajree Li Ajalim Musammaa; Zaalikumul Laahu Rabbukum Lahul Mulk; Wallazeena Tad’oona Min Doonihee Maa Yamlikoona Min Qitmeer
14. In Tad’oohum Laa Yasma’oo Du’aaa’akum Wa Law Sami’oo Mas Tajaaboo Lakum; Wa Yawmal Qiyaamati Yakfuroona Bishirkikum; Wa Laa Yunabbi’uka Mislu Khabeer (Section 2)
15. Yaaa Ayyunhan Naasu Antumul Fuqaraaa’u Ilallaahi Wallaahu Huwal Ghaniyyul Hameed
16. Iny Yasha’ Yuzhibkum Wa Ya’ti Bikhalqin Jadeed
17. Wa Maa Zaalika ‘Alal Laahi Bi’azeez
18. Wa Laa Taziru Waaziratun Wizra Ukhraa; Wa In Tad’u Musqalatun Ilaa Himlihaa Laa Yuhmal Minhu Shai’unw Wa Law Kaana Zaa Qurbaa; Innamaa Tunzirul Lazeena Yakhshawna Rabbahum Bilghaibi Wa Aqaamus Salaah; Wa Man Tazakkaa Fa Innamaa Yatazakkaa Linafsih; Wa Ilal Laahil Maseer
19. Wa Maa Yastawil A’maa Wal Baseer
20. Wa Laz Zulumaatu Wa Lan Noor
21. Wa Laz Zillu Wa Lal Haroor
22. Wa Maa Yastawil Ahyaaa’u Wa Lal Amwaat; Innal Laaha Yusmi’u Mai Yashaaa’u Wa Maaa Anta Bi Musmi’im Man Fil Quboor
23. In Anta Illaa Nazeer
24. Innaa Arsalnaaka Bil Haqqi Basheeranw Wa Nazeeraa; Wa Im Min Ummatin Illaa Khalaa Feehaa Nazeer
25. Wa Iny Yukazzibooka Faqad Kazzabal Lazeena Min Qablihim Jaaa’at Hum Rusuluhum Bilbaiyinaati Wa Biz Zuburi Wa Bil Kitaabil Muneer
26. Summa Akhaztul Lazeena Kafaroo Fakaifa Kaana Nakeer (Section 3)
27. Alam Tara Annal Laaha Anzala Minas Samaaa’i Maaa’an Fa Akhrajnaa Bihee Samaraatim Mukhtalifan Alwaanuhaa; Wa Minal Jibaali Judadum Beedunw Wa Humrum Mukhtalifun Alwaanuhaa Wa Gharaabeebu Sood
28. Wa Minan Naasi Wadda Waaabbi Wal An’aami Mukhtalifun Alwaanuhoo Kazalik; Innamaa Yakhshal Laaha Min ‘Ibaadihil ‘Ulamaaa’; Innal Laaha ‘Azeezun Ghafoor
29. Innal Lazeena Yatloona Kitabbal Laahi Wa Aqaamus Salaata Wa Anfaqoo Mimmaa Razaqnaahum Sirranw Wa ‘Alaa Niyatany Yarjoona Tijaaratal Lan Taboor
30. Liyuwaffiyahum Ujoorahum Wa Yazeedahum Min Fadlih; Innahoo Ghafoorun Shakoor
31. Wallazeee Awhainaaa Ilaika Minal Kitaabi Huwal Haqqu Musaddiqal Limaa Baina Yadayh; Innal Laaha Bi’ibaadihee La Khabeerum Baseer
32. Summa Awrasnal Kitaaballazeenas Tafainaa Min ‘Ibaadinaa Faminhum Zaalimul Linafsihee Wa Minhum Muqtasidu, Wa Minhum Saabiqum Bilkhairaati Bi Iznil Laah; Zaalika Huwal Fadlul Kabeer
33. Jannaatu ‘Adniny Yad Khuloonahaa Yuhallawna Feeha Min Asaawira Min Zahabinw Wa Lu’lu’anw Wa Libaa Suhum Feehaa Hareer
34. Wa Qaalul Hamdu Lillaahil Lazeee Azhaba ‘Annal Hazan; Inna Rabbanaa La Ghafoorun Shakoor
35. Allazeee Ahallanaa Daaral Muqaamati Min Fadlihee Laa Yamassunaa Feehaa Nasabunw Wa Laa Yamassunaa Feehaa Lughoob
36. Wallazeena Kafaroo Lahum Naaru Jahannama Laa Yuqdaa ‘Alaihim Fa Yamootoo Wa Laa Yukhaffafu ‘Anhum Min ‘Azaabihaa; Kazaalika Najzee Kulla Kafoor
37. Wa Hum Yastarikhoona Feehaa Rabbanaa Akhrijnaa Na’mal Saalihan Ghairal Lazee Kunnaa Na’mal; Awa Lamnu ‘Ammirkum Maa Yatazak Karu Feehi Man Tazakkara Wa Jaaa’akumun Nazeeru Fazooqoo Famaa Lizzaalimeena Min Naseer (Section 4)
38. Innal Laaha ‘Aalimu Ghaibis Samaawaati Wal Ard; Innahoo ‘Aleemum Bizaatis Sudoor
39. Huwal Lazee Ja’alakum Khalaaa’ifa Fil Ard; Faman Kafara Fa’alaihi Kufruhoo; Wa Laa Yazeedul Kaafireena Kufruhum ‘Inda Rabbihim Illaa Maqtanw Wa Laa Yazeedul Kaafireena Kufruhum Illaa Khasaaraa
40. Qul Ara’aytum Shurakaaa’a Kumul Lazeena Tad’oona Min Doonil Laahi; Aroonee Maazaa Khalaqoo Minal Ardi Am Lahum Shirkun Fis Samaawaati Am Aatainaahum Kitaaban Fahum ‘Alaa Baiyinatim Minh; Bal Iny Ya’iduz Zaalimoona Ba ‘Duhum Ba’dan Illaa Ghurooraa
41. Innal Laaha Yumsikus Samaawaati Wal Arda An Tazoolaaa; Wa La’in Zaalataaa In Amsa Kahumaa Min Ahadim Mim Ba’dih; Innahoo Kaana Haleeman Ghafooraa
42. Wa Aqsamoo Billaahi Jahda Aymaanihim La’in Jaaa’ahum Nazeerul Layakoonunna Ahdaa Min Ihdal Umami Falam Maa Jaaa’ahum Nazeerum Maa Zaadahum Illaa Nufooraa
43. Istikbaaran Fil Ardi Wa Makras Sayyi’; Wa Laa Yaheequl Makrus Sayyi’u Illaa Bi Ahlih; Fahal Yanzuroona Illaa Sunnatal Awwaleen; Falan Tajida Lisunnatil Laahi Tabdeelanw Wa Lan Tajida Lisunnatil Laahi Tahweela
44. Awalam Yaseeroo Fil Ardi Fa Yanzuroo Kaifa Kaana ‘Aaqibatul Lazeena Min Qablihim Wa Kaanoo Ashadda Minhum Quwwah; Wa Maa Kaanal Laahu Liyu’jizahoo Min Shai’in Fis Samaawaati Wa Laa Fil Ard; Innahoo Kaana ‘Aleeman Qadeeraa
45. Wa Law Yu’aakhizul Laahun Naasa Bima Kasaboo Maa Taraka ‘Alaa Zahrihaa Min Daaabbatinw Wa Laakiny Yu’akhkhiruhum Ilaaa Ajalim Musamman Fa Izaa Jaaa’a Ajaluhum Fa Innal Laaha Kaana Bi’ibaadihee Baseeraa (Section 5)
(This Surah is Makkan, containing
45 verses and 5 sections)
Allah’s Name to commence
with, the Most Gracious, the
Most Merciful.
35:1. All praise is due to Allah;
the Originator of the heavens
and the earth, the Appointer of
angels as Messengers, who
have two, three or four wings.
He increases in _ creation
whatever He wills; indeed,
Allah is Able to do all things.
35:2. And whatever mercy
Allah opens to mankind (of
sustenance, health, etc.), there is
no one to withhold it. And
whatever He withholds, so
after His withholding, no one
can release it. And only He is
the Most Honourable, the Wise.
35:3. O people! Remember the
favour of Allah upon you. Is
there a creator other than Allah
who can provide you
sustenance from the sky and the
earth? There is no god. except
Him, so where are you
returning to?
35:4. And if they belie you, so
no doubt, many Messengers
were belied before you. And
towards only Allah is the
return of all matters.
35:5. O people! Allah’s promise
is indeed true; therefore, do not
ever let the worldly life deceive
you, or ever let the great cheater
(ie. the Devil) deceive you
concerning Allah’s forbearing.
35:6. Indeed, the Devil is your
enemy; therefore, you should
also take him as an enemy; he
calls his group for only this
reason that they become of the
people of Hell.
35:7. For the disbelievers is a
severe punishment; and for
those who believed and did
good deeds is forgiveness and
an immense reward.
35:8. So, will the one whose evil
deed is made to seem good to
him; that he considered it good,
be equal to the one who is upon
guidance? Henceforth, Allah
causes to go astray whomsoever
He wills and guides whomever
He wills, so let your life not pass
in regret over them. Allah knows
well what they do.
35:9. And it is Allah Who sent
the winds, that they raise
clouds and We then direct them
towards a dead city, so with it
We revive the earth after its
death; this is how resurrection
will be on the Day of Judgment.
35:10. Whoever desires honour,
so (he should know that) all
honour belongs to Allah.
Towards only Him ascends the
pure speech, and He raises high
the pious deed. And for those
who conspire evil, for them is a
severe punishment and their
plotting will be destroyed.
35:11. And Allah created you
from clay, then from a drop of
liquid (i.e. sperm), then made
you as couples. And no female
conceives nor gives birth except
with His knowledge. And
whichever aged person who is
given (long) age, or the one
whose life is kept short; all this
is in a Book (i.e. the Preserved
Tablet). Indeed, this is easy for
35:12. And the two seas are not
alike; this is sweet, very sweet
and pleasantly fresh, and this (ie.
the other one) is salty, bitter; and
from each you eat fresh meat (i.e.
fish) and extract the ornament
(pearls) which you wear; and
you see the ship splitting the
water, so that you may seek His
benevolence (i.e. sustenance, by
exporting/importing goods in
ships); and somehow become
35:13. He brings the night in a
part of the day and He brings the
day in a part of the night, and He
has subjected the sun and the
moon; each one moves to its
fixed term. This is Allah; your
Lord, kingship is only His; and
those whom you worship instead
of Him are not the owners of
even the husk of a date-seed.
35:14. If you call them, so
they (Le. the false deities) do not
hear your call, and
iether hear i. oorthey camon tall
your needs. And on the Day of
Resurrection, they will deny your
associating them (as partners);
and no one will inform you like
Him Who is the Informer (of each
and every thing).
35:15. O people! You are
dependent upon Allah; and
only Allah is the Independent,
the Most Praiseworthy.
35:16. If He wills, He can take
you away and bring a new
35:17. And this is not at all
difficult for Allah.
35:18. And no burdened soul
will carry the burden of another
soul; and if a burdened soul calls
another to share the burden, so
no one will carry any part of it,
even if he is a close relative. O
Beloved, your warning benefits
only those who fear their Lord
without seeing and who keep
Salah established. And
whosoever cleansed himself has
cleansed for his own benefit.
And towards only Allah is the
35:19. And the blind and the
seeing are not equal.
35:20. And nor the darknesses
and the light.
35:21. And nor the shadow and
nor the scorching sunshine.
35:22. And not are the living ones
(ie. the believers) equal to the
dead ones (i.e. the disbelievers).
Indeed, Allah causes to hear
whomsoever He wills. And you
cannot make those hear who are
(as though they are) in the graves
(ie. the living disbelievers).
35:23. You are purely a warner.
35:24. And O Beloved, We have
indeed sent you with the truth
giving glad tidings and
warnings. And whichever
group existed, a warner had
passed amongst all of them.
35:25. And if these disbelievers
belie you, so those before them
had also belied. Their Messengers
came to them with clear proofs,
and Scriptures and the Luminous
Book (respectively to their own
35:26. Then I seized the
disbelievers, sO how
(destructive) was (their)
rejecting Me?
35:27. Have you not seen that
Allah has sent down water
from the sky? So, with it We
have grown fruits of various 556 tle
colours. And amongst the
mountains are tracks; white
and red of different colours,
and some (mountains are)
35:28. And similarly, the
colours of men, and beasts, and
cattle are of various sorts. Only
those amongst His bondsmen
who possess knowledge fear
Allah, Indeed, Allah is the Most
Honourable, Most Forgiving.
35:29. Indeed, those who read
the Book of Allah, and keep
Salah established, and spend
some from what We have
bestowed upon them, secretly
and publicly; they are hopeful
of such trade in which there is
never a loss.
35:30. In order that He may
reward them in full, and further
increase it with His Benevolence;
indeed, He is Most Forgiving,
Most Appreciative.
35:31. And the Book which We
have revealed to you, only that
is the truth; confirming the
Books which were before it.
Indeed, Allah is Aware of His
bondsmen, All-Seeing.
35:32. We then made Our
chosen bondsmen the inheritors
of the Book. So, amongst them
is the one who wrongs himself,
and amongst them is the one
who follows a middle course,
and amongst them is the one
who, by the command of Allah,
surpassed (others) in good
deeds; this is the great bounty.
35:33. They shall enter the
Gardens of dwelling, in which
they shall be made to wear
bracelets of gold and pearls,
and their garment therein will
be of silk.
35:34. And they will say, ‘All
praise is due to Allah Who has
removed our grief. Indeed, Our
Lord is Most Forgiving, Most
35:35. ‘The One Who has, by
His Benevolence, established us
in a place of comfort; in which
no hardship reaches us, nor any
tiredness overcomes us.’
35:36. And for those who
disbelieved is the fire of Hell,
neither does their time of death
come that they may die
(therein), nor is its punishment
lightened for them. This is how
We punish every extremely
ungrateful person.
35:37. And they shall be
screaming therein, ‘O our Lord!
Take us out (of this), so that we
may do good deeds; the
opposite of what we used to do
previously.’ (It will be said to
them) ‘And did We not bestow
to you that age (long enough)
in which anyone who wants to
understand would have
understood? And the warner
came to you, so now taste (the
punishment); there is no helper
for the oppressors.’
35:38. Indeed, Allah is the
Knower of every hidden matter
in the heavens and in the earth.
Indeed, He knows what is in
the hearts.
35:39. It is He Who has made
you the successors of your
predecessors in the earth; so
whoever disbelieves, (the harm
of) his disbelief befalls only him.
And. for the disbelievers, their
disbelief will increase nothing
their Lord except (His)
Wrath. And for the disbelievers,
their disbelief will not increase
anything for them except loss.
35:40. Say you (O Beloved),
‘Just tell me; of your partners
whom you worship other than
Allah. Show me which part of
the earth have they created, or
do they have any share in the
heavens?’ Or have We given
some book to them, that they
are on its clear proofs? Rather,
the unjust people do not
promise each other, except that
35:41. Indeed, Allah upholds
the heavens and the earth, that
they do not tremble; and if they
diverge, who could stop them
except Allah? Indeed, He is
Most Forbearing, Most
35:42. And they swore by Allah,
most binding in their oaths,
that if a warner came to them,
so they would definitely be
upon guidance more than any
one of the other groups. (But)
then when a warner did come
to them, it increased nothing in
them except hatred.
35:43. (Because of) behaving
boastfully in the earth and
scheming evil (they are
therefore deprived of faith).
And the evil scheming befalls
only those who scheme it, so
what are they waiting for
except the tradition (ie.
punishment) of the earlier
nations? So, you will never find
the tradition of Allah changing;
and you will never find Allah’s
law being averted.
35:44, And did they not travel
in the land in order to see what
has been the end of those who
were before them; whereas,
they exceeded them in
strength? And Allah is not such
that anything in the heavens
and in the earth could get away
from His grip; indeed, He is
All-Knowing, All-Powerful.
35:45. If Allah was to seize
people upon their deeds, so He
would not have left any
creature walking on the surface
of the earth, but He gives them
respite till a fixed term; then
when their promise (i.e. fixed
term) will come, so
undoubtedly all the bondsmen
of Allah are in His sight.