SURAH HA-MEEM AL-SAJDAH English Translation & Roman Transliteration

Surah Sajdah In Roman English


Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

1. Alif-Laaam-Meeem
2. Tanzeelul Kitaabi Laa Raiba Feehi Mir Rabbil ‘Aalameen
3. Am Yaqooloonaf Taraahu Bal Huwal Haqqu Mir Rabbika Litunzira Qawma Maaa Ataahum Min Nazeerim Min Qablika La’allahum Yahtadoon
4. Allaahul Lazee Khalaqas Samaawaati Wal Arda Wa Maa Bainahumaa Fee Sittati Ayyaamin Thummas Tawaa ‘Alal ‘Arsh; Maa Lakum Min Doonihee Minw-Waliyyinw-Wala Shafee’; Afalaa Tatazakkaroon
5. Yudabbirul Amra Minas Samaaa’i Ilal Ardi Thumma Ya’ruju Ilaihi Fee Yawmin Kaana Miqdaaruhooo Alfa Sanatim Mimmaa Ta’uddoon
6. Zaalika ‘Aalimul Ghaybi Wa Shahaadatil ‘Azeezur Raheem
7. Allazee Ahsana Kulla Shai In Khalaqa; Wa Bada A Khalqal Insaani Min Teen
8. Thumma Ja’ala Naslahoo Min Sulaalatim Mim Maaa’immaheen
9. Thumma Sawwaahu Wa Nafakha Feehi Mir Roohihih; Wa Ja’ala Lakumus Sam’a Wal-Absaara Wal-Af’idah; Qaleelam Maa Tashkuroon
10. Wa Qaalooo ‘A-Izaa Dalalnaa Fil Ardi ‘A-Innaa Lafee Khalqin Jadeed; Bal Hum Biliqaaa’i Rabbihim Kaafiroon
11. Qul Yatawaffaakum Malakul Mawtil Lazee Wukkila Bikum Thumma Ilaa Rabbikum Turja’oon (Section 1)
12. Wa Law Taraaa Izil Mujrimoona Naakisoo Ru’oosihim ‘Inda Rabbihim Rabbanaaa Absarnaa Wa Sami’naa Farji’naa Na’mal Saalihan Innaa Mooqinoon
13. Wa Law Shi’naa La-Aatainaa Kulla Nafsin Hudaahaa Wa Laakin Haqqal Qawlu Minnee La Amla’anna Jahannama Minal Jinnati Wannaasi Ajma’een
14. Fazooqoo Bimaa Naseetum Liqaaa’a Yawmikum Haaza Innaa Naseenaakum Wa Zooqoo ‘Azaabal Khuldi Bimaa Kuntum Ta’maloon
15. Innamaa Yu’minu Bi Aayaatinal Lazeena Izaa Zukkiroo Bihaa Kharroo Sujjadanw Wa Sabbahoo Bihamdi Rabbihim Wa Hum Laa Yastakbiroon (Make Sajda)
16. Tatajaafaa Junoobuhum ‘Anil Madaaji’i Yad’oona Rabbahum Khawfanw Wa Tama’anw Wa Mimmaa Razaqnaahum Yunfiqoon
17. Falaa Ta’lamu Nafsum Maaa Ukhfiya Lahum Min Qurrati A’yunin Jazaaa’am Bimaa Kaanoo Ya’maloon
18. Afaman Kaana Mu’minan Kaman Kaana Faasiqaa; Laa Yasta Woon
19. Ammal Lazeena Aamanoo Wa ‘Amilus Saalihaati Falahum Jannaatul Ma’waa Nuzulam Bimaa Kaanoo Ya’maloon
20. Wa Ammal Lazeena Fasaqoo Fama’waahumun Naaru Kullamaaa Araadooo Any Yakhrujoo Minhaaa U’eedoo Feehaa Wa Qeela Lahum Zooqoo ‘Azaaaban Naaril Lazee Kuntum Bihee Tukazziboon
21. Wa Lanuzeeqan Nahum Minal ‘Azaabil Adnaa Doonal ‘Azaabil Akbari La’allahum Yarji’oon
22. Wa Man Azlamu Mimman Zukkira Bi Aayaati Rabbihee Summa A’rada ‘Anhaa; Innaa Minal Mujrimeena Muntaqimoon (Section 2)
23. Wa Laqad Aatainaa Moosal Kitaaba Falaa Takun Fee Miryatim Mil Liqaaa’ihee Wa Ja’alnaahu Hudal Li Baneee Israaa’eel
24. Wa Ja’alnaa Minhum A’immatany Yahdoona Bi Amrinaa Lammaa Sabaroo Wa Kaanoo Bi Aayaatinaa Yooqinoon
25. Inna Rabbaka Huwa Yafsilu Bainahum Yawmal Qiyaamati Feemaa Kaanoo Feehi Yakhtalifoon
26. Awalam Yahdi Lahum Kam Ahlaknaa Min Qablihim Minal Qurooni Yamshoona Fee Masaakinihim; Inna Fee Zaalika La Aayaatin Afalaa Yasma’oon
27. Awalam Yaraw Annaa Nasooqul Maaa’a Ilal Ardil Juruzi Fanukhriju Bihee Zar’an Ta’kulu Minhu An’aamuhum Wa Anfusuhum Afalaa Yubsiroon
28. Wa Yaqooloona Mataa Haazal Fath Hu In Kuntum Saadiqeen
29. Qul Yawmal Fath Hi Laa Yanfa’ul Lazeena Kafarooo Eemaanuhum Wa Laa Hum Yunzaroon
30. Fa A’rid ‘Anhum Wantazir Innahum Muntaziroon (Section 3)

(This Surah is Makkan, containing
54 verses and 6 sections)

Allah’s Name to commence
with, the Most Gracious, the
Most Merciful.

41:1, Ha-Meem.

individual letters of the pens
alphabet; Allah and His Messenger
know their exact meanings.)

41:2. This (i.e. the Qur’aan) is a
revelation of the Most
Gracious, the Most Merciful.

41:3. A Book, the verses of
which are explained in detail,
the Qur’aan (is) in Arabic, for
the people of intellect.

41:4. A giver of glad tidings
and warning, so most of them
turned away; hence, they do
not listen (to it attentively).

41:5. And they say, ‘Our hearts
are covered against the matter
towards which you call us, and
there is deafness in our ears,
and there is a barrier between

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us and you; so, you do your
work and we do our work.’

41:6. Say you (O Beloved), ‘In
being human, (physically) I am
like you (but not in any other
aspect); I receive revelation that
your God is only One God;
therefore, be upright in His
Majestic Court and seek
forgiveness from Him.’ And
destruction is to the polytheists.

41:7. Those who do not give
Zakah and they are deniers of
the Hereafter.

41:8. Indeed, those who
believed and did good deeds,
for them is a limitless reward.

41:9. Say you (O Beloved), ‘Do
you people disbelieve in Him
Who created the earth in two
days, and you appoint equals to
Him? He is the Lord of all the

41:10. And therein He placed
(mountains as) anchors from

for those who dwell therein; all
this in four days; a proper answer
to those who question.


41:11. He then intended towards
(the creation of) the heaven and
it was smoke; He henceforth said
to it and to the earth, ‘Both of
you present yourselves, willingly
or unwillingly.’ They said, ‘We
present ourselves willingly.’

41:12, He then formed them
into seven heavens in two days,
and to each heaven He sent its
task. And We decorated the
lower heaven with lamps, and
for protection (so the devils do
not reach it); this is measured
by the Most Honourable, the

41:13. Then if they turn away
their faces, so say you (O
Beloved), ‘I warn you of a
thunderbolt like the thunderbolt
which came upon (the tribes of)
‘Aad and Thamood.’

41:14, When the Messengers
walked around them, front and
behind, (saying) that ‘Do not
worship anyone except Allah.’
They said, ‘Had our Lord
willed, so He would have sent
down angels, we _ therefore
deny whatever you have been
sent with.’

41:15. So, as for ‘Aad, they
unjustly displayed arrogance in


the land, and they said, ‘Who is
more powerful than us?! Did
they not know that Allah, Who
created them, is more Powerful
than them? And they used to
deny Our verses.

isgraceful punishment in
the life of this world. And indeed,
the greatest disgrace is in the
punishment of the Hereafter, and
they will not be helped.

41:17. And as for the Thamood,
We showed them the right
path, so they chose to be blind
above being guided, therefore
the thunderbolt of the
disgraceful punishment was
inflicted upon them; the
punishment of their doings.

41:18. And We rescued those
who believed and were fearful.

41:19. And on the Day when
the enemies of Allah are driven
towards the Fire, the earlier
groups will be stopped till the
latter join them.


41:20. To the extent that when
they will reach there, their ears,
and their eyes and their skins
will testify against their doings.

41:21. And they will say to their
skins, ‘Why did you testify
against us?’ They will say,
‘Allah has made us talk Who
has given speaking power to all
things, and it is He Who
created you the first time, and it
is towards only Him you are to

41:22. And how could you hide
from this, that your ears, and
your eyes and your skins may
not testify against you? But you
had thought that Allah does not
know many of your deeds.

which you had regarding your
Lord, and it had ruined you, so
you are now amongst those who
have been defeated.

41:24. Then if are patient
(with the punishment of the Fire),
so the Fire is their home; and if
they beg for appeasement, no one
will agree to their pleading for



41:25. And We appointed some
companions for them, who
made what is before them and
what is after them seem good in
their (ie. disbelievers’) eyes,
and the Word (of punishment)
was decreed upon them along
with the groups of Jinn and
humans who had already gone
before them; they were indeed

41:26. And the disbelievers said,
‘Do not listen to this Qur’aan,
and make absurd noise in it (Le.
when it is recited); perhaps you
dominate in this way (in order
to stop the recitation).’

41:27. So, We will indeed
definitely make the disbelievers
taste severe punishment, and
We will indeed repay them for
their worst deeds.

41:28. This is the recompense of
Allah’s enemies, the Fire; they
have to stay therein forever; the
punishment of this, that they
used to deny Our verses.

41:29. And the disbelievers
said, ‘O our Lord! Show us
both, amongst Jinn and


humans, who misled us, that
we may put them beneath our
feet that they remain (in) the
lowest of the lowest (of Hell).’

41:30. Indeed, those who said,
‘Allah is our Lord,’ then
remained firm upon it, the
angels descend upon them
(saying) that ‘Do not fear nor
grieve, and be happy for the
Paradise which you were

41:31. (The angels say) ‘We are
your friends in the life of this
world and in the Hereafter.
And therein for you is that
which your hearts desire, and
therein for you is that what you
ask for.’

41:32. ‘Hospitality from the
Most Forgiving, the Most

41:33. And whose speech is
better than he who calls
towards his Lord and does
righteous deeds, and says, ‘I am
a Muslim.’?



41:34. And the good deed and
the evil deed will never be
equal. O listener! Repel evil
with goodness, thereupon the
one between whom and you
there was enmity will become
like a close friend (at that time).

41:35. And no one receives this
wealth except those who are
patient; and no one attains this
except the one who is
extremely fortunate.

41:36. And if there comes to
you from the Devil an evil
suggestion, so seek refuge in
Allah. Indeed, He is the All-
Hearing, the All-Knowing.

41:37. And amongst His signs
are the night, and the day, and
the sun, and the moon; do not
prostrate to the sun nor the
moon, but prostrate to Allah
Who has created them, if you
are His bondsmen.

41:38. So, if these (ie. the
disbelievers) are arrogant, those
(ie. the angels) who are with
your Lord hence proclaim His


Purity night and day, and they
do not become exhausted.

41:39. And amongst His signs is
that you see the earth lying
worthless, then when We sent
down water on it, it freshened
up and grew forth. Indeed, He
Who gave it life will definitely
revive the dead. Indeed, He is
Able to do all things.

41:40. Indeed, those who
deviate from the right way
concerning Our verses are not

hidden from Us. So, is he who
will be cast into the fire better
or he who comes secure on the
Day of Resurrection? Do
whatever you wish, He is
indeed observing your deeds.

41:41. Indeed, those who 6%
denied the remembrance (i.e.

the Qur’aan) when it came to

them, do not ask about the state

of their ruin; and that is indeed

an Honourable Book.

41:42, Falsehood cannot
approach it, neither from its
front nor from its back (nor any
side); it has been sent down by


the Wise, the Most Praiseworthy.

41:43. You are not to be told
except what was said to the
Messengers before you; that
“Undoubtedly, your Lord is the
Possessor of forgiveness, and the
Owner of painful punishment.’

41:44, And if We had made it a
Qur’aan of a non-Arabic
language, so they would have
definitely said that ‘Why were
its verses not explained in
detail?’ Is the Book non-Arabic
and the Prophet an Arab? Say
you (O Beloved), ‘It is guidance
and cure for the believers.’ And
there is deafness in the ears of
those who do not believe, and it
is blindness upon them, as if
they are being called from a far-
off place.

41:45. And We indeed gave the
Book (ie. the Tawrah) to Moosa,
so a dispute was made i

it. And had it not been for a Word
that had already been decreed
from your Lord (ie. fixing
accountability in the Hereafter), so

the judgement would have been
immediately passed upon them;
and indeed, they are definitely in
a deceptive doubt regarding it.

41:46. Whosoever does a good
deed, it is for his own good;
and whoever commits evil, it is


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for his own harm; and your oe K age-r,obl-
Lord does not at all oppress onal ME387 B) legs
(His) bondsmen.


41:47. The knowledge of the
Last Day is attributed to only
Him; and no fruit comes out
from its peel, and nor does any
female conceive nor give birth,
but with His knowledge; and
on the Day when He will call
out to them (i.e. the polytheists),
‘Where are My partners (whom
you associated)?’ They will say,
‘We have told You that no one
amongst us can testify (that You
have partners).’

41:48. And they have lost what
they used to worship before,
and they have perceived that
they do not have a place to
escape (from punishment).

41:49. Man does not tire of
seeking goodness; and if some
misfortune reaches him, so he
loses hope, despairing.

41:50. And if We make him
taste Our Mercy after the
hardship which befell him, so
he will say, ‘This is mine, and in
my perception, the Last Day
will not be established, and if I
were to be returned to my Lord,
so there is also definitely only
goodness for me by Him.’ So,
We shall definitely inform the
disbelievers of what they did,
and We shall definitely make
them taste a dense punishment.


41:51. And when We favour
man, so he turns his face away
and draws back to himself
(instead of coming closer to
Us); and when some hardship
reaches him, so he is the one
with a lengthy supplication.

41:52. Say you (O Beloved), ‘So
tell (me), if this Qur’aan is from
Allah, then you denied it; so,
who is more astray than the one
who is in far stubbornness?’

41:53. We shall now show them
Our signs in the entire universe
and within their own selves,
until it becomes clear to them
that indeed, that (ie. the
Qur’aan) is the truth. Is your
Lord not sufficient to be
Witness over all things?

41:54. Listen! They are
definitely doubtful regarding
meeting their Lord. Listen! He
encompasses all things.


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