SURAH MARYAM English Translation & Roman Transliteration

Surah Maryam In Roman English


Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

1. Kaaaf-Haa-Yaa-‘Ayyyn-Saaad
2. Zikru Rahmati Rabbika ‘Abdahoo Zakariyya
3. Iz Naadaa Rabbahoo Nidaaa’an Khafiyyaa
4. Qaala Rabbi Innee Wahanal ‘Azmu Minnee Washta ‘Alar Ra’su Shaibanw Wa Lam Akun Bidu’aaa’ika Rabbi Shaqiyyaa


Surah Maryam ayat 4

5. Wa Innee Khiftul Mawaaliya Minw Waraaa’ee Wa Kaanat Imra Atee ‘Aqiran Fa Hablee Mil Ladunka Waliyyaa
6. Yarisunee Wa Yarisu Min Aali Ya’qoob, Waj’alhu Rabbi Radiyya
7. Yaa Zakariyyaaa Innaa Nubashshiruka Bi Ghulaamin Ismuhoo Yahyaa Lam Naj’al Lahoo Min Qablu Samiyyaa
8. Qaala Rabbi Annaa Yakoonu Lee Ghulaamunw Wakaanat Imra Atee ‘Aaqiranw Wa Qad Balaghtu Minal Kibari ‘Itiyyaa
9. Qaala Kazaalika Qaala Rabbuka Huwa ‘Alaiya Haiyinunw Wa Qad Khalaqtuka Min Qablu Wa Lam Taku Shai’aa
10. Qaala Rabbij ‘Al Leee Aayah; Qaala Aayatuka Allaa Tukalliman Naasa Salaasa Layaalin Sawiyyaa
11. Fakharaja ‘Alaa Qawmihee Minal Mihraabi Fa-Awhaaa Ilaihim An Sabbihoo Bukratanw Wa ‘Ashiyyaa
12. Yaa Yahyaa Khuzil Kitaaba Biquwwatinw Wa Aatainaahul Hukma Sabiyyaa
13. Wa Hanaanam Mil Ladunnaa Wa Zakaatanw Wa Kaana Taqiyyaa
14. Wa Barram Biwaalidayhi Wa Lam Yakum Jabbaaran ‘Asiyyaa
15. Wa Salaamun ‘Alaihi Yawma Wulida Wa Yawma Yamootu Wa Yawma Yub’asu Haiyyaa (Section 1)
16. Wazkur Fil Kitaabi Maryama; Izin Tabazat Min Ahlihaa Makaanan Sharqiyyaa
17. Fattakhazat Min Doonihim Hijaaban Fa Arsalnaaa Ilaihaa Roohanaa Fatamassala Lahaa Basharan Sawiyyaa
18. Qaalat Inneee A’oozu Bir Rahmaani Minka In Kunta Taqiyyaa
19. Qaala Innamaa Ana Rasoolu Rabbiki Li Ahaba Laki Ghulaaman Zakiyyaa
20. Qaalat Anna Yakoonu Lee Ghulaamunw Wa Lam Yamsasnee Bashrunw Wa Lam Aku Baghiyyaa
21. Qaala Kazaaliki Qaala Rabbuki Huwa ‘Alaiya Haiyimunw Wa Linaj ‘Alahooo Aayatal Linnaasi Wa Rahmatam Minnaa; Wa Kaana Amram Maqdiyyaa
22. Fahamalat Hu Fantabazat Bihee Makaanan Qasiyyaa
23. Fa Ajaaa ‘Ahal Makhaadu Ilaa Jiz’in Nakhlati Qaalat Yaa Laitanee Mittu Qabla Haazaa Wa Kuntu Nasyam Mansiyyaa
24. Fanaadaahaa Min Tahtihaaa Allaa Tahzanee Qad Ja’ala Rabbuki Tahtaki Sariyyaa
25. Wa Huzzeee Ilaiki Bijiz ‘In Nakhlati Tusaaqit ‘Alaiki Rutaban Janiyyaa
26. Fakulee Washrabee Wa Qarree ‘Ainaa; Fa Immaa Tarayinnna Minal Bashari Ahadan Faqooleee Innee Nazartu Lir Rahmaani Sawman Falan Ukallimal Yawma Insiyyaa
27. Fa Atat Bihee Qawmahaa Tahmiluhoo Qaaloo Yaa Maryamoo Laqad Ji’ti Shai’an Fariyyaa
28. Yaaa Ukhta Haaroona Maa Kaana Abookimra’a Saw’inw Wa Maa Kaanat Ummuki Baghiyyaa
29. Fa Ashaarat Ilaih; Qaaloo Kaifa Nukallimu Man Kaana Fil Mahdi Sabiyyaa
30. Qaala Innee ‘Abdullaahi Aataaniyal Kitaaba Wa Ja’alanee Nabiyyaa
31. Wa Ja’alanee Mubaarakan Aina Maa Kuntu Wa Awsaanee Bis Salaati Waz Zakaati Maa Dumtu Haiyaa
32. Wa Barram Biwaalidatee Wa Lam Yaj’alnee Jabbaaran Shaqiyyaa
33. Wassalaamu ‘Alaiya Yawma Wulidtu Wa Yawma Amootu Wa Yawma Ub’asu Haiyaa
34. Zaalika ‘Eesab-Nu Maryama; Qawlal Haqqil Lazee Feehi Yamtaroon
35. Maa Kaana Lillaahi Ai Yattakhiza Minw Waladin Subhaanah; Izaa Qadaaa Amran Fa Innamaa Yaqoolu Lahoo Kun Fa Yakoon
36. Wa Innal Laaha Rabbee Wa Rabbukum Fa’budooh; Haazaa Siraatum Mustaqeem
37. Fakhtalafal Ahzaabu Min Bainihim Fawailul Lillazeena Kafaroo Min Mashhadi Yawmin ‘Azeem
38. Asmi’ Bihim Wa Absir Yawma Ya’toonanaa Laakiniz Zaalimoonal Yawma Fee Dalaalin Mubeen
39. Wa Anzirhum Yawmal Hasrati Iz Qudiyal Amr; Wa Hum Fee Ghaflatinw Wa Hum Laa Yu’minoon
40. Innaa Nahnu Narisul Arda Wa Man ‘Alaihaa Wa Ilainaa Yurja’oon (Section 2)
41. Wazkur Fil Kitaabi Ibraaheem; Innahoo Kaana Siddeeqan Nabiyyaa
42. Iz Qaala Li Abeehi Yaaa Abati Lima Ta’budu Maa Laa Yasma’u Wa Laa Yubsiru Wa Laa Yughnee ‘Anka Shai’aa

Surah Maryam ayah 4


43. Yaaa Abati Innee Qad Jaaa’anee Minal ‘Ilmi Maa Lam Ya’tika Fattabi’neee Ahdika Siraatan Sawiyyaa
44. Yaaa Abati Laa Ta’budish Shaitaan; Innash Shaitaana Kaana Lir Rahmaani ‘Asiyyaa
45. Yaaa Abati Innee Akhaafu Ai Yamassaka ‘Azaabum Minar Rahmaani Fatakoona Lish Shaitaani Waliyyaa
46. Qaala Araaghibun Anta ‘An Aalihatee Yaaa Ibraaheemu La ‘Il Lam Tantahi La Arjumannaka Wahjurnee Maliyyaa


SURAH MARYAM  aayat 47 -  Innahoo Kaana Bee Hafiyyaa
SURAH MARYAM aayat 47 – Innahoo Kaana Bee Hafiyyaa

47. Qaala Salaamun ‘Alaika Sa Astaghfiru Laka Rabbeee Innahoo Kaana Bee Hafiyyaa
48. Wa A’tazilukum Wa Maa Tad’oona Min Doonil Laahi Wa Ad’oo Rabbee ‘Asaaa Allaaa Akoona Bidu’aaa’i Rabbee Shaqiyyaa
49. Fa Lam Ma’tazalahum Wa Maa Ya’budoona Min Doonil Laahi Wahabnaa Lahoo Is-Haaqa Wa Ya’qoob; Wa Kullan Ja’alnaa Nabiyyaa
50. Wa Wahabnaa Lahum Mirrahmatinaa Wa Ja’alnaa Lahum Lisaana Sidqin ‘Aliyyaa (Section 3)
51. Wazkur Fil Kitaabi Moosaaa; Innahoo Kaana Mukhlasanw Wa Kaana Rasoolan Nabiyyaa
52. Wa Naadainaahu Min Jaanibit Tooril Aimani Wa Qarrabnaahu Najiyyaa
53. Wa Wahabnaa Lahoo Mir Rahmatinaaa Akhaahu Haaroona Nabiyyaa
54. Wazkur Fil Kitaabi Ismaa’eel; Innahoo Kaana Saadiqal Wa’di Wa Kaana Rasoolan Nabiyyaa
55. Wa Kaana Ya’muru Ahlahoo Bis Salaati Waz Zakaati Wa Kaana ‘Inda Rabbihee Mardiyyaa
56. Wazkur Fil Kitaabi Idrees; Innahoo Kaana Siddeeqan Nabiyyaa
57. Wa Rafa’naahu Makaanan ‘Aliyyaa
58. Ulaaa’ikal Lazeena An’amal Laahu ‘Alaihim Minan Nabiyyeena Min Zurriyyati Aadama Wa Mimman Hamalnaa Ma’a Noohinw Wa Min Zurriyyati Ibraaheema Wa Israaa’eela Wa Mimman Hadainaa Wajta Bainaaa; Izaa Tutlaa ‘Alaihim Aayaatur Rahmaani Kharroo Sujjadanw Wa Bukiyyaa (Make Sajda)
59. Fakhalafa Min Ba’dihim Khalfun Adaa’us Salaata Wattaba’ush Shahawaati Fasawfa Yalqawna Ghaiyyaa
60. Illaa Man Taaba Wa Aamana Wa ‘Amila Saalihan Fa Ulaaa’ika Yadkhuloonal Jannata Wa Laa Yuzlamoona Shai’aa
61. Jannaati ‘Adninil Latee Wa’adar Rahmaanu Ibaadahoo Bilghaib; Innahoo Kaana Wa’duhoo Ma’tiyyaa
62. Laa Yasma’oona Feehaa Laghwan Illaa Salaamaa; Wa Lahum Rizquhum Feehaa Bukratanw Wa ‘Ashiyyaa
63. Tilkal Jannatul Latee Noorisu Min ‘Ibaadinaa Man Kaana Taqiyyaa
64. Wa Maa Natanazzalu Illaa Bi Amri Rabbika Lahoo Maa Baina Aideenaa Wa Maa Khalfanaa Wa Maa Baina Zaalik; Wa Maa Kaana Rabbuka Nasiyyaa
65. Rabbus Samaawaati Wal Ardi Wa Maa Bainahumaa Fa’bud Hu Wastabir Li’ibaadatih; Hal Ta’lamu Lahoo Samiyyaa (Section 4)
66. Wa Yaqoolul Insaanu ‘A Izaa Maa Mittu Lasawfa Ukhraju Haiyaa
67. ‘A Wa Laa Yazkurul Insaanu Annaa Khalaqnaahu Min Qablu Wa Lam Yaku Shai’aa
68. Fawa Rabbika Lanahshu Rannahum Wash Shayaateena Summa Lanuhdirannahum Hawla Jahannama Jisiyyaa
69. Summa Lanan Zi’anna Min Kulli Shee’atin Aiyuhum Ashaddu ‘Alar Rahmaani ‘Itiyyaa
70. Summa Lanahnu A’lamu Billazeena Hum Awlaa Bihaa Siliyyaa
71. Wa In Minkum Illaa Waariduhaa; Kaana ‘Alaa Rabbika Hatmam Maqdiyyaa
72. Summa Nunajjil Lazeenat Taqaw Wa Nazaruz Zaalimeena Feehaa Jisiyyaa
73. Wa Izaa Tutlaa ‘Alaihim Aayaatunaa Baiyinaatin Qaalal Lazeena Kafaroo Lillazeena Aamanooo Aiyul Fareeqaini Khairum Maqaamanw Wa Ahsanu Nadiyyaa
74. Wa Kam Ahlaknaa Qablahum Min Qarnin Hum Ahsanu Asaasanw Wa Ri’yaa
75. Qul Man Kaana Fidda Laalati Falyamdud Lahur Rahmaanu Maddaa; Hattaaa Izaa Ra Aw Maa Yoo’adoona Immal ‘Azaaba Wa Immas Saa’ata Fasa Ya’lamoona Man Huwa Sharrum Makaananw Wa Ad’afu Jundaa
76. Wa Yazeedul Laahul Lazeenah Tadaw Hudaa; Wal Baaqiyaatus Saalihaatu Khairun ‘Inda Rabbika Sawaabanw Wa Khairum Maraddaa
77. Afara’aytal Lazee Kafara Bi Aayaatinaa Wa Qaala La Oota Yanna Maalanw Wa Waladaa
78. ‘At Tala’al Ghaiba ‘Amit Takhaza ‘Indar Rahmaani ‘Ahdaa
79. Kallaa; Sanaktubu Maa Yaqoolu Wa Namuddu Lahoo Minal ‘Azaabi Maddaa
80. Wa Narisuhoo Maa Yaqoolu Wa Ya’teenaa Fardaa
81. Wattakhazoo Min Doonil Laahi Aalihatal Liyakoonoo Lahum ‘Izzaa
82. Kallaa; Sa Yakfuroona Bi’ibaadatihim Wa Yakoonoona ‘Alaihim Diddaa (Section 5)
83. Alam Tara Annaaa Arsalnash Shayaateena ‘Alal Kaafireena Ta’uzzuhum Azzaa
84. Falaa Ta’jal Alaihim Innamaa Na ‘Uddu Lahum ‘Addaa
85. Yawma Nahshurul Muttaqeena Ilar Rahmaani Wafdaa
86. Wa Nasooqul Mujrimeena Ilaa Jahannama Wirdaa
87. Laa Yamlikoonash Shafaa’ata Illaa Manittakhaza ‘Indar Rahmaani ‘Ahdaa
88. Wa Qaalut Takhazar Rahmaanu Waladaa
89. Laqad Ji’tum Shai’an Iddaa
90. Takaadus Samaawaatu Yatafattarna Minhu Wa Tanshaq Qul Ardu Wa Takhirrul Jibaalu Haddaa
91. An Da’aw Lir Rahmaani Waladaa
92. Wa Maa Yambaghee Lir Rahmaani Ai Yattakhiza Waladaa
93. In Kullu Man Fis Samaawaati Wal Ardi Illaaa Aatir Rahmaani ‘Abdaa
94. Laqad Ahsaahum Wa Addahum ‘Addaa
95. Wa Kulluhum Aateehi Yawmal Qiyaamati Fardaa
96. Innal Lazeena Aamanoo Wa ‘Amilus Saalihaati Sa Yaj’alu Lahumur Rahmaanu Wuddaa
97. Fa Innamaa Yassarnaahu Bilisaanika Litubashshira Bihil Muttaqeena Wa Tunzira Bihee Qawmal Luddaa
98. Wa Kam Ahlaknaa Qabla Hum Min Qarnin Hal Tuhissu Minhum Min Ahadin Aw Tasma’u Lahum Rikzaa (Section 6)





(This Surah is Makkan, containing
98 verses and 6 sections)

Allah’s Name to commence
with, the Most Gracious, the
Most Merciful.

19:1. Kaaf-Ha-Ya-‘Ayn-Saad.
(These are individual letters of
the Arabic alphabet; Allah and
His Messenger know their exact

19:2. This is the mentioning of
that Mercy of your Lord, which
He bestowed upon His
bondsman Zakariyya.

19:3. When he called his Lord

19:4. He submitted, ‘O my Lord,
my bone has become weak and
the flame of old age (ie. grey hair)
is shining from the head, and O
my Lord, I have never been
unsuccessful after calling You.’

19:5. ‘And I fear my relatives
after me (that they may destroy
the religion), and my wife is
infertile; therefore, bestow
upon me from Yourself such
(an heir) who will take over my

19:6. ‘He should be my successor
and the heir of the children of


Ya’qoob. And O my Lord, make
him a cherished one.’

19:7. ‘O Zakariyya! We give you
the glad tidings of a son whose
name is Yahya. Before him, We
have not made anyone of this

19:8. He submitted, ‘O my Lord,
how can I have a son; whereas,
my wife is infertile, and I have
reached the state of thinness
due to old age?!

19:9. He said, ‘It is exactly as
so.’ Your Lord said, ‘That is
easy for Me, and I have
(indeed) created you before
this, at a time when you did not

19:10. He submitted, ‘0 my
Lord, give me some sign.’ He
(Allah) said, ‘Your sign is this;
that you will not (have the
ability to) speak to people for
three nights, (and) days,
despite having good health.’

19:11. So, he came out to his
people from the Mosque, and
spoke to them through gestures
that ‘Keep glorifying (your


Lord, in the) moming and

19:12. ‘O Yahya, hold on to the
Book (i.e. the Tawrah) firmly.’
And We gave him Prophethood
in his childhood.

19:13. And compassion from
Us, and purity; and he was
extremely fearful (of Allah).

19:14. And was dutiful towards
his parents, and was neither
hostile nor disobedient.

19:15. And peace is upon him
the day he was born, and the
day he will pass away, and the
day he will be raised alive.

19:16. And remember Maryam in
the Book (ie. the Qur’aan); when.
she went apart from her family
to a place towards the East.

19:17. So, there she veiled from
them, We henceforth sent Our
Spiritual One (ie. Jibra’eel)
towards her; he appeared
before her in the form of a


19:18. She said, ‘I seek refuge of
the Most Gracious, from you; if
you fear Allah.’

19:19. He said, ‘I have been sent ed ot ner
by your Lord, so that I may CY eb dxev5i CJ
give you a pure son.’ x


19:20. She said, ‘How can I bear
ason? No man has touched me,
nor am I unchaste.’

19:21. He said, ‘Tt is only as so,’

your Lord has declared that This sso r SSF WES IG

is easy for Me.’ And in order that
We make him a sign for the
people and (appoint him as) a
mercy from Us; and this matter
has been decreed (by Allah).

19:22. Now, Maryam conceived
him, and she went away with
him to a faraway place.

19:23. The pain of labour then
brought her to the trunk of the
date tree. She said, ‘Oh, I wish I
had died before this and had
become (someone) totally


19:24. (The angel) therefore
called her from underneath (the
date tree); that ‘Do not grieve;
undoubtedly, your Lord has
made a stream flow below you.’

19:25. ‘And grab the trunk of
the date tree and shake it
towards you; fresh ripe dates
will fall upon you.’

19:26. ‘So, eat and drink, and
keep your eyes cool (because of
your son); if you then see any
person, so, say (with signs), “I
have pledged a fast (of silence)
for the Most Gracious, I will
therefore not speak to any
person today.”’

19:27. So, carrying him in her
arms, she brought him to her
people; they said, ‘O0 Maryam,
you have indeed done
something very strange.’

19:28. ‘O sister of Haaroon!
Your father was not an evil
man, nor was your mother an
unchaste woman.’

19:29. Thereupon, she pointed
towards the child; they said,
“How can we speak to an infant
who is in the cradle?’


19:30. The child (‘Eisa) said, ‘T
am Allah’s bondsman, He has
given me the Book and made
me a Conveyer of the unseen
news (i.e. a Prophet).’

19:31. ‘And He has made me
blessed; wherever I may be,
and ordained upon me Salah
and Zakah, for as long as I live.’

19:32. ‘And (He has made me)
dutiful to my mother and has
not made me hostile,

19:33. ‘And that very peace (ie. the
same that was upon Yahya) be
upon me the day I was bom, and
on the day I shall pass away, and
on the day I will be raised alive.’

19:34. This is ‘Eisa; the son of
Maryam; a statement of truth,
in which they (the Christians)

19:35. It does not befit Allah to
take someone as His son; purity
is to Him! When He orders
anything, He just commands to
it, ‘Be,’ and it becomes; instantly.


19:36. And said ‘Eisa, ‘Indeed,
Allah is my Lord and your
Lord; therefore, worship Him;
this path is straight.’

19:37. The groups then differed
amongst themselves; SO,
destruction is for the
disbelievers from the presence
of a Great Day.

19:38. How much will they listen
to and how much will they see
on the Day when they will be
present before Us, but today the
unjust are in open error.

19:39. And warn them of the
Day of regret when the matter
would have been decided; and
they are in negligence, and they
do not believe.

19:40, Indeed, We shall be the
Heir (Le. the Owner) of the earth
and whatever is therein, and
only towards Us will they return.

19:41. And remember Ibrahim in
the Book; indeed, he was
Siddique (ie. exceptionally
truthful), a Conveyer of the
unseen news (i.e. a Prophet).


19:42. When he said to his
father (paternal uncle), ‘O my
father, why do you worship the
one who neither hears nor sees,
and cannot benefit you in any

19:43. ‘O my father, indeed
there has come to me that
knowledge which did not come
to you, therefore, follow me; I
will show you the straight

19:44. ‘O my father, do not be a
bondsman of the Devil; indeed,
the Devil is disobedient to the
Most Gracious.’

19:45. ‘O my father, I fear that a
punishment may reach you
from the Most Gracious, you
may consequently become a
companion of the Devil.’

19:46. He (Aazar) said, ‘What!
Do you turn your face from my
gods, O Ibrahim? If you do not
desist, I will certainly stone you;
and do not have any connection
with me for a long time.’

19:47. He (Ibrahim) said,
‘Enough! Salaam (i.e. goodbye to
you). I shall soon seek
forgiveness for you from my


Lord (that He may grant you
faith and thereafter forgive you).
Indeed, He is very kind to me.’

19:48. ‘And I shall leave you
alone and all those whom you
worship other than Allah, and I
shall worship my Lord; it is
likely that by worshipping my
Lord, I will not be amongst the

19:49. Then, when he had
alienated himself from them and
whom they worshipped other
than Allah, We bestowed upon
him Is-haaq and Ya’qoob; and We
made each of them a Conveyor of
the unseen news (ie. a Prophet).

19:50. And We bestowed upon
them Our Mercy and assigned
for them a truly prominent

19:51. And remember Moosa in
the Book; he was indeed a
chosen one, and he was a
Messenger, a Conveyor of the
unseen news (i.e. a Prophet).

19:52. We called him from the
right side of Toor and brought
him close, in order to reveal
Our secret.

19:53. And out of Our Mercy,
We gave him his brother
Haaroon; a Conveyor of the


unseen news (i.e. a Prophet).

19:54. And remember Isma’eel
in the Book; he was indeed true
in promise and was a
Messenger, a Conveyor of the
unseen news (i.e. a Prophet).

19:55. He used to command his
family to offer Salah and give
Zakah, and was pleasing to his

19:56. And remember Idrees in the
Book; he was indeed exceptionally
truthful, a Conveyor of the unseen
news (Le. a Prophet).

19:57. And We raised him to a
high station.

19:58. It is these (bondsmen)
upon whom Allah has bestowed
favour from amongst the
Conveyors of the unseen news
(ie. Prophets) from the
descendants of Adam, and from
those whom We caused to board
along with Nooh and from the
descendants of Ibrahim and
Ya’qoob, and from those whom
We guided and chose. When the
verses of the Most Gracious are


recited to them, they would fall
down; prostrating and crying.

19:59. So, after them in their
place came those unworthy
successors who missed Salah
and pursued their lusts; so, they
will therefore soon encounter the
jungle of Ghayy in Hell (ie. a
dreadful valley in the Hellfire).

19:60. Except those who
repented and accepted faith
and did good deeds; these
people will therefore enter
Paradise, and they will not be
wronged at all.

19:61. Gardens of living, which
the Most Gracious has
promised to His bondsmen
without them seeing (the
Gardens); indeed, His promise
is about to come.

19:62. They will not hear any
vain talk therein, but only
greetings of peace, and therein
for them is sustenance;
morning and evening.

19:63. This is that Garden,
whose heir We shall appoint
from Our bondsmen who is


19:64. (And said the angel
Jibra’eel to the Beloved Prophet)
‘We, the angels, do not descend
but by the command of the
Lord of your respected self;
only to Him belongs what is in
front of us and what is behind
us, and what is in between
them; and the Lord of your
respected self is never forgetful.’

19:65. (Only He is) the Owner of
the heavens and the earth and
what is between them; so,
worship Him and be firm on His
worship; do you know of any
other of the same name as His?

19:66. And mankind says,
‘When I will die, will I
definitely be brought back alive

19:67. And does man not
remember that We created him
before this, and he was

19:68. So, by the oath of your
Lord, We shall assemble them
and the devils all together and
bring them around Hell; fallen
on (their) knees.

19:69. We shall then pick out
from each group the one who


will be the most daring towards
the Most Gracious.

19:70. We know then very well
those who are most deserving
to be roasted in Hell.

19:71. And there is no one amongst
you who shall not cross over Hell;
this is inevitably a decided matter
upon the responsibility (of the
Generosity) of your Lord.

19:72. We shall then rescue the
fearful ones and leave the
unjust in it; fallen on their

19:73. And when Our clear
verses are recited to them, the
disbelievers say to the Muslims,
‘Which group has a better home
and better company?’

19:74. And many generations
We did destroy before them,
that they were better in goods
and splendour than them.

19:75. Say you (O Beloved),
‘The one who is in error; so, the
Most Gracious may give him


enough respite until that time
when they see that which they
were promised; either the
punishment or the Day of
Judgement. So, they will now
come to know for whom is the
evil rank and whose army is

19:76. And Allah will further
increase guidance for those
who have attained guidance;
and the ever-lasting good deeds
have the best reward by your
Lord, and the best outcome.

19:77. So, have you seen him
who denied Our verses and
says, ‘I shall certainly be given
wealth and children.’?

19:78. Has he glimpsed into the
unseen, or has he made a pact
with the Most Gracious?

19:79. Never. We shall now
record what he says and give
him an extremely prolonged

190. And it is only We Who
shall inherit what he is mentioning
(concerning his possessions), and
he will come to Us alone.


19:81. And they have taken
gods other than Allah, so that
they may provide them with


19:82. Never. Soon, they (i.e. the
false deities) will deny their
worshipping and will become
opponents of them.

19:83. Did you not see that We
sent devils upon the disbelievers;
that they incite them excessively
(to commit sins)?

19:84. So (O Beloved), do not
hasten upon them, We are only
completing their counting.

19:85. On the Day when We
shall take the righteous people
towards the Most Gracious as


19:86. And will drive the
culprits towards Hell; thirsty.

19:87. People are not the owners
of intercession except those who
have made a covenant with the
Most Gracious.


19:88. And the disbelievers
said, ‘The Most Gracious has
chosen offspring.’

19:89. You have indeed brought
a speech of extreme limit (of

19:90. It is near that the heavens
may tear apart, and the earth
may burst apart and _ the
mountains may fall down,

19:91. That is because they
ascribed. offspring to the Most

19:92. And it does not befit the
Most Gracious to have

19:93. All those who are in the
heavens and the earth will be
present in His Majestic Court as

19:94. Indeed, He knows their
number and has counted them
one by one.

19:95. And each one of them will

be present alone in His Majestic
Court on the Day of Resurrection.


19:96. Indeed, those who
believed and did good deeds;
the Most Gracious will place
love for them.

19:97. (O Beloved) We have
henceforth made this Qur’aan
easy upon your tongue; that
you may give glad tidings with
it to those who fear, and warn
those who are quarrelsome.

19:98. And how many
generations did We destroy
before them; do you ever see
any one of them or even hear
their slightest sound?



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