Surah Masad English Translation And Transliteration


Surah Masad English Translation And Transliteration


Surah Masad in Roman English


Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

1. Tabbat Yadaa Abee Lahabinw-Wa Tabb
2. Maa Aghnaa ‘Anhu Maaluhoo Wa Ma Kasab
3. Sa-Yaslaa Naaran Zaata Lahab
4. Wamra-Atuhoo Hammaa Latal-Hatab
5. Fee Jeedihaa Hablum Mim-Masad


Surah Ikhlas English Translation


Surah Ikhlas English Translation



(This Surah is Makkan, containing 5 verses and 1 section.)

Allah’s Name to commence with, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

111:1. May both the hands of Abu Lahab be destroyed, and he has been destroyed.
111:2. His wealth did not benefit him in the least, nor did whatever he earned.
111:3. He will soon enter the Fire with layers of flames.

Surah Masad English Translation
Surah Masad English Translation