(This Surah is Madani, containing 38 verses and 4 sections)
Allah’s Name to commence with, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
47:1. Those who disbelieved and prevented (people) from the way of Allah, Allah has destroyed their deeds.
47:2. And those who believed and did good deeds and believed in what has been sent down upon (the Beloved Prophet) Muhammad, and only that is the truth from their Lord, Allah has removed their sins and refined their conditions.
47:3. This (destruction of the good deeds of the disbelievers) is because the disbelievers have followed falsehood and (removing the sins from the believers is because) the believers have followed the truth which is from their Lord; this is how Allah narrates to people their description.
47:4. So, when you confront the disbelievers (in war), so strike their necks, until such time you have slain them sufficiently, so tie them up firmly (as prisoners of war). Then thereafter, either release them as a favour or take ransom, until the war lays down its load (i.e. it ends). The matter is this, and had Allah willed, so He could have taken revenge on them Himself, but for this reason that He may test amongst you one with another, and Allah will never waste the deeds of those who were killed in His path.
47:5. He will soon guide them and improve their condition.
47:6. And He shall admit them into Paradise; He has made it (ie. Paradise) familiar to them.
47:7. O believers! If you help the religion of Allah, Allah will help you and will make your foothold firm.
47:8. And for those who disbelieved; so, may there be destruction upon them, and may Allah destroy their (good) deeds.
47:9. This is because they disliked what Allah has sent down, He has henceforth caused all their (good) deeds to go to waste.
47:10. So, did they not travel the land to see what was the outcome of those who were before them? Allah inflicted ruin upon them, and also for these disbelievers are several (punishments) like it.
47:11. This is because Allah is the Supporter of the believers, and (because) the disbelievers do not have any supporter.
47:12. Allah will indeed admit those who believed and did good deeds into gardens beneath which rivers flow; and the disbelievers enjoy, and they eat like the animals eat, and their abode is in the Fire.
47:13. And (O Beloved) how many towns, that (they) were stronger in might than your town (ie. Makkah), (the inhabitants of) which removed you from your town. We destroyed them, so they do not have any helper.
47:14. So, will the one who is upon clear proof from his Lord be like the one whose evil deeds are made to appear good to him and they follow their own (evil) desires?
47:15. A description of that Garden which is promised to the pious; therein are such rivers of water which shall never be polluted, and rivers of milk the taste of which did not change, and rivers of wine delicious to drink, and rivers of refined honey; and therein for them are fruits of all kinds, and the forgiveness of their Lord. Will those (ie. the people of Paradise) who enjoy such serenity be equal to those (i.e. the disbelievers) who are to stay in the Fire forever and who will be given boiling water to drink so that it rips their intestines into pieces?
47:16. And amongst them are some (hypocrites) who (inattentively) listen to what you say, until they depart from you. They say (mockingly) to those who have been given knowledge, “What did he say just now?” They are those whose hearts Allah has sealed (due to their hypocrisy), and they became followers of their own desires.
47:17. And those who attained the right path, Allah increased their guidance even more and bestowed upon them (the reward of) their piety.
47:18. So, what are they (i.e. the disbelievers and the hypocrites) waiting for except for the Last Day which may suddenly come upon them? That (some of) its signs have already come, then when it will come, so where are they and where is their understanding?
47:19. So, know that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah, and O Beloved, seek forgiveness for the sins of your special and common believing men and women. And (O people), Allah knows your movements during the day and your resting during the night.
47:20. And the Muslims say, “Why was not a chapter sent down (in which the order of war is given)?” So, when a well-defined chapter was sent down and war (with the disbelievers) was commanded in it, so you will see those in whose hearts is a disease (of hypocrisy), that they look at you with the stunned look of a dying person; it would have hence been better for them.
47:21. That they should have obeyed and spoken good when the clear-cut command (of war) came, it would have therefore been better for them if they had remained truthful to Allah.
47:22. So, do you (O hypocrites) display such conduct that if you are given governance, so you would spread chaos in the land and cut off your relationships?
47:23. These are those people upon whom Allah has cursed, and He made them deaf to the truth and made their eyes blind.
47:24. So, do they not (deeply) contemplate over the Qur’aan, or are there locks (of disbelief) on their hearts?
47:25. Indeed, those who turned back after this that guidance had become clear to them, the Devil has deceived them and made them hopeful of living in this world for a very long time.
47:26. This is because they said to those who dislike what Allah has sent down, “We will obey you regarding one matter (i.e. fighting against the Prophet Muhammad).” And Allah knows their secrets.
47:27. So, how (terrible) will it be when the angels remove their souls (ie. of the disbelievers); striking their faces and their backs?
47:28. This is because they followed such a matter which displeases Allah, and they disliked what pleases Him, He henceforth made their deeds futile.
47:29. Are they, in whose hearts is a disease (of hypocrisy), in this perception that Allah will not expose their hidden enmity?
47:30. And if We will, so We could show them (ie. the hypocrites) to you, that you may recognize them by their faces, and you will definitely recognize them by the way they talk. And (O people), Allah knows all of your deeds.
47:31. And We shall indeed test you until We see (i.e. make apparent) the warriors and the patient ones amongst you, and test your facts (of true belief and sincerity).
47:32. Indeed, those who disbelieved and prevented others from the path of Allah, and opposed the Messenger after this that guidance had become clear to them, they will not harm Allah in the least, and soon He will make their deeds futile.
47:33. O believers! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger, and do not let your deeds go in vain.
47:34. Indeed, those who disbelieved and prevented others from the path of Allah, then died as disbelievers; so, Allah will never forgive them.
47:35. Therefore, do not be laidback, and nor should you call for peace yourselves. And it is only you who will dominate. And Allah is with you, and He will never cause you loss in your deeds.
47:36. This worldly life is just play and amusement, and if you believe and be pious, so He will bestow upon you your rewards and will not at all ask you for your wealth.
47:37. If He asks it (ie. your wealth) from you and asks (it) profusely, you will be miserly and the miserliness would expose the dirt within your hearts.
47:38. Yes, certainly! It is you who are being called, that you may spend in the path of Allah. So, someone amongst you acts miserly; and whoever acts miserly, he is being a miser upon himself. And Allah is Independent (of your wealth), and you are all needy. And if you turn your face away (from His obedience), so He will replace you with other people, and they will not be like you (rather, they will be better than you in the obedience of Allah).