50. SURAH QAAF yr Se ele iO.
(This Surah is Makkan, containing . F
45 verses and 3 sections) r ples % \gl
Allah’s Name to commence
with, the Most Gracious, the Ae Sl 5 Dahl
Most Merciful. er rs
50:1. Qaaf. (This is an individual
letter of the Arabic alphabet;
Allah and His Messenger know
its exact meaning.) By the oath
of the Glorious Qur’aan.
50:2. Rather, they were shocked
that a warner came to them
from amongst them, so the
disbelievers said, ‘This is
something strange.’
50:3. ‘What! When we die and
will be turned into dust, will we
be raised again? This return is
far (from our understanding).’
50:4. We know whatever the earth ee Bey 1 me oy
reduces from them (Le. from their uv vi 2 OES E0S
bodies in the grave), and with Us * \ 5 r
is a Book that records (everything). okecs| Site Space
50:5. Rather, they belied the
truth (Le. the Qur’aan) when it
came to them, so they are now
in an unstable state of confusion.
50:6. So, did they not see the
sky above them; how We made
it and adorned it, and there is
no crack in it?
50:7. And (how) We have
spread the earth, and placed
(mountains as) anchors in it,
and have grown all kinds of
delightful pairs (of plants) in it?
50:8. An insight and an
understanding, for every
bondsman who returns (to the
50:9. And We sent down blessed
water from the sky, so We
produced gardens therewith,
and grain that is harvested.
50:10. And (made) tall date
trees with ripe fruit piled over
one another in layers.
50:11. As sustenance for the
bondsmen, and with it (ie.
rainwater) We revived a dead
city; this is how you are to
emerge from the graves.
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50:12. Before these, the people of
Nooh had belied, and {so did)
the dwellers of Rass (Rass is the
name of a well) and Thamood.
50:13. And ‘Aad, and Fir’awn
(Pharaoh), and the compatriots
of Loot.
50:14. And the Dwellers of the
Woods, and the people of
Tubba’; each one of them belied
the Messengers, so My promised
punishment proved true.
50:15. So! Were We exhausted
by creating the first time?
Rather, they are in doubt about
being re-created.
50:16. And indeed, We have
created man and We know
what his baser-self whispers (to
him); and We are nearer to him
than his jugular vein.
50:17. When the two account-
taking (angels) take (account)
from him; one seated on the
right and one on the left.
50:18. He does not utter a single
word, except that there is a
ready record-keeper (angel)
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50:19. And the agony of death
came with the truth; this is
what you were fleeing from.
50:20. And the Trumpet was
blown; this is the Day of the
promised punishment.
50:21. And every soul came in
such a manner that along with
it is one (angel) who drives (it)
and a witness.
50:22. ‘You were indeed
neglectful of this, so We have
removed the veil from you,
your eyesight is therefore sharp
this Day.’
50:23. And his accompanying
angel said, ‘This is (the record
of your deeds) which is present
with me.’
50:24. It will be ordered (to the
two angels), ‘Both of you throw
every excessively ungrateful
stubborn person into Hell.’
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50:25. “The one who excessively
forbids from virtue, the
transgressor, the doubtful
(regarding the matters of Islam).
50:26. ‘The one who associated
another god along with Allah,
so both of you throw him into
severe punishment.’
50:27. His accompanying devil
said, ‘Our Lord! I did not cause
him to rebel; yes, he himself
was in far misguidance.’
50:28. He (Allah) will say, ‘Do
not dispute before Me, I had
already warned you of the
50:29. ‘With Me, the decree (of
reward or punishment) does
not change, and nor do I
oppress the bondsmen.’
50:30. The Day when We will
ask Hell, ‘Are you filled up?’
and it will answer, ‘Is there
some more?’
50:31. And Paradise will be
brought close to the pious,
which will not be far away
from them.
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50:32. (It will be said) this is
(Paradise) what you are being
promised; for everyone who
repents, who guards (himself
against sins).
50:33. Who fears the Most
Gracious without seeing and
came with a repenting heart.
50:34. It will be said to them,
‘Enter Paradise in peace, this is
the day of eternity.’
50:35. For them there is
whatever they wish, and with
Us there is even more than that.
50:36. How many generations did
We destroy before them who
were severe than them in seizing;
so (when Our it came),
they ran about in the cities (for
refuge). Is there a place to escape?
50:37. Indeed, in this is advice
for the one who has a heart, or
listens attentively and pays
50:38. And We have indeed
created the heavens and the
earth, and whatever is between
them, in six days. And fatigue
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did not (even) approach Us.
50:39. So (O Beloved) be patient
upon what they say, and while
praising your Lord, glorify Him
before the sun rises and before
the sun sets.
50:40. And glorify Him during
the night, and after (all) the
50:41. And listen attentively on
the Day when an announcer
will proclaim from a nearby
50:42. The Day when they will
hear the Scream with the truth;
this is the Day to emerge from
the graves.
50:43. Indeed, We give life and
cause death, and towards Us is
the return (of everyone).
50:44. On the Day when the
earth will split open above
them (whilst they are inside the
graves), so they will come out
in haste; this gathering is easy
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50:45. We know well what they
are saying (O Beloved), and
you are not the one to force
them at all, therefore advise
with the Qur’aan the one who
fears My threat.