SURAH SAAD English Translation & Roman Transliteration

Surah Sad In Roman English

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

1. Saaad; Wal-Qur-Aani Ziz Zikr
2. Balil Lazeena Kafaroo Fee ‘Izzatinw Wa Shiqaaq
3. Kam Ahlaknaa Min Qablihim Min Qarnin Fanaadaw Wa Laata Heena Manaas
4. Wa ‘Ajibooo An Jaaa’a Hum Munzirum Minhum Wa Qaalal Kaafiroona Haazaa Saahirun Kazzaab
5. Aja’alal Aalihata Ilaahanw Waahidan Inna Haazaa Lashai’un ‘Ujaab
6. Wantalaqal Mala-U Minhum Anim Shoo Wasbiroo ‘Alaaa Aalihatikum Innna Haazaa Lashai ‘Uny Yuraad
7. Maa Sami’naa Bihaazaa Fil Millatil Aakhirati In Haazaaa Illakh Tilaaq
8. ‘A-Unzila ‘Alaihiz Zikru Min Baininaa; Bal Hum Fee Shakkin Min Zikree Bal Lammaa Yazooqoo ‘Azaab
9. Am’indahum Khazaaa ‘Inu Rahmati Rabbikal ‘Azeezil Wahhab
10. Am Lahum Mulkus Samaawaati Wal Ardi Wa Maa Bainahumaa Falyartaqoo Fil Asbaab
11. Jundum Maa Hunaalika Mahzoomum Minal Ahzaab
12. Kazzabat Qablahum Qawmu Noohinw Wa ‘Aadunw Wa Fir’awnu Zul Awtaad
13. Wa Samoodu Wa Qawmu Lootinw Wa Ashaabul ‘Aykah; Ulaaa’ikal Ahzaab
14. In Kullun Illaa Kazzabar Rusula Fahaqqa ‘Iqaab (Section 1)
15. Wa Maa Yanzuru Haaa Ulaaa’i Illaa Saihatanw Waahidatam Maa Lahaa Min Fawaaq
16. Wa Qaaloo Rabbanaa ‘Ajjil Lanaa Qittanaa Qabla Yawmil Hisaab
17. Isbir ‘Alaa Maa Yaqooloona Wazkur ‘Abdanaa Daawooda Zal Aidi Innahooo Awwaab
18. Innaa Sakhkharnal Jibaala Ma’ahoo Yusabbihna Bil’ashiyyi Wal Ishraaq
19. Wattayra Mahshoorah; Kullul Lahooo Awwaab
20. Wa Shadadnaa Mulkahoo Wa Aatainaahul Hikmata Wa Faslal Khitaab
21. Wa Hal Ataaka Naba’ul Khasm; Iz Tasawwarul Mihraab
22. Iz Dakhaloo ‘Alaa Daawooda Fafazi’a Minhum Qaaloo Laa Takhaf Khasmaani Baghaa Ba’dunaa ‘Alaa Ba’din Fahkum Bainanaaa Bilhaqqi Wa Laa Tushtit Wahdinaaa Ilaa Sawaaa’is Siraat
23. Inna Haazaaa Akhee Lahoo Tis’unw Wa Tis’oona Na’jatanw Wa Liya Na’jatunw Waahidah; Faqaala Akfilneeha Wa ‘Azzanee Filkhitaab
24. Qaala Laqad Zalamaka Bisu ‘Aali Na’jatika Ilaa Ni’aajih; Wa Inna Kaseeran Minal Khulataaa’i La-Yabghee Ba’duhum ‘Alaa Ba’din Illal Lazeena Aamanoo Wa ‘Amilus Saalihaati Wa Qaleelun Maa Hum; Wa Zanna Daawoodu Annamaa Fatannaahu Fastaghfara Rabbahoo Wa Kharra Raaki’anw Wa Anaab (Make Sajdah)
25. Faghafarnaa Lahoo Zaalik; Wa Inna Lahoo ‘Indanaa Lazulfaa Wa Husna Ma Aab
26. Yaa Daawoodu Innaa Ja’alnaaka Khaleefatan Fil Ardi Fahkum Bainan Naasi Bilhaqqi Wa Laa Tattabi’il Hawaa Fayudillaka ‘An Sabeelil Laah; Innal Lazeena Yadilloona ‘An Sabeelil Laah; Lahum ‘Azaabun Shadeedum Bimaa Nasoo Yawmal Hisaab (Section 2)
27. Wa Maa Khalaqnas Samaaa’a Wal Arda Wa Maa Bainahumaa Baatilaa; Zaalika Zannul Lazeena Kafaroo; Fa Waylul Lil Lazeena Kafaroo Minan Naar
28. Am Naj’alul Lazeena Aamanoo Wa ‘Amilus Saalihaati Kalmufisdeena Fil Ardi Am Naj’alul Muttaqeena Kalfujjaar
29. Kitaabun Anzalnaahu Ilaika Mubaarakul Liyaddabbarooo Aayaatihee Wa Liyatazakkara Ulul Albaab
30. Wa Wahabnaa Li Daawooda Sulaimaan; Ni’mal ‘Abd; Innahoo Awwaab
31. Iz ‘Urida ‘Alaihi Bil’ashiy Yis Saafinaatul Jiyaad
32. Faqaala Inneee Ahbabtu Hubbal Khairi ‘An Zikri Rabbee Hattaa Tawaarat Bilhijaab
33. Ruddoohaa ‘Alaiya Fa Tafiqa Mas-Ham Bissooqi Wal A’naaq
34. Wa Laqad Fatannaa Sulaimaana Wa Alqainaa ‘Alaa Kursiyyihee Jasadan Summa Anaab
35. Qaala Rabbigh Fir Lee Wa Hab Lee Mulkal Laa Yambaghee Li Ahadin Min Ba’dee Innaka Antal Wahhaab
36. Fa Sakharnaa Lahur Reeha Tajree Bi Amrihee Rukhaaa’an Haisu Asaab
37. Wash Shayaateena Kulla Bannaaa’inw Wa Ghawwaas
38. Wa Aakhareena Muqarraneena Fil Asfaad
39. Haazaa ‘Ataaa’unaa Famnun Aw Amsik Bighairi Hisaab
40. Wa Inna Lahoo ‘Indanaa Lazulfaa Wa Husna Ma-Aab (Section 3)
41. Wazkur ‘Abdanaaa Ayyoob; Iz Naada Rabbahooo Annee Massaniyash Shaitaanu Bi Nusbinw Wa ‘Azaab
42. Urkud Bi Rijlika Haaza Mughtasalun Baaridunw Wa Sharaab
43. Wa Wahabnaa Lahoo Ahlahoo Wa Mislahum Ma’ahum Rahmatan Minna Wa Zikraa Li Ulil Albaab
44. Wa Khuz Biyadika Dighsan Fadrib Bihee Wa Laa Tahnas, Innaa Wajadnaahu Saabiraa; Ni’mal ‘Abd; Innahooo Awwaab
45. Wazkur ‘Ibaadanaaa Ibraaheema Wa Is-Haaqa Wa Ya’qooba Ulil-Aydee Walabsaar
46. Innaaa Akhlasnaahum Bi Khaalisatin Zikrad Daar
47. Wa Innahum ‘Indanaa Laminal Mustafainal Akhyaar
48. Wazkur Ismaa’eela Wal Yasa’a Wa Zal-Kifli Wa Kullun Minal Akhyaar
49. Haazaa Zikrun Wa Inna Lil Muttaqeena La Husna Ma Aab
50. Jannaati ‘Adnin Mufattahatan Lahumul Abwaab
51. Muttaki’eena Feehaa Yad’oona Feehaa Bifaakihatin Kaseeratinw Wa Sharaab
52. Wa ‘Indahum Qaasiraatut Tarfi Atraab
53. Haazaa Maa Too’adoona Li Yawmil Hisaab
54. Inna Haazaa Larizqunaa Maa Lahoo Min Nafaad
55. Haazaa; Wa Inna Littaagheena Lasharra Ma-Aab
56. Jahannama Yaslawnahaa Fa Bi’sal Mihaad
57. Haazaa Falyazooqoohu Hameemunw Wa Ghassaaq
58. Wa Aakharu Min Shakliheee Azwaaj
59. Haazaa Fawjun Muqtahimun Ma’akum Laa Marhaban Bihim; Innahum Saalun Naar
60. Qaaloo Bal Antum Laa Marhaban Bikum; Antum Qaddamtumoohu Lanaa Fabi’sal Qaraar
61. Qaaloo Rabbanaa Man Qaddama Lanaa Haazaa Fa Zidhu ‘Azaaban Di’fan Fin Naar
62. Wa Qaaloo Maa Lanaa Laa Naraa Rijaalan Kunnaa Na’udduhum Minal Ashraar
63. Attakhaznaahum Sikh Riyyan Am Zaaghat ‘Anhumul Absaar
64. Inna Zaalika Lahaqqun Takhaasumu Ahlin Naar (Section 4)
65. Qul Innamaaa Ana Munzirunw Wa Maa Min Laahin Illal Laahul Waahidul Qahhaar
66. Rabbus Samaawaati Wal Ardi Wa Maa Bainahumal ‘Azeezul Ghaffaar
67. Qul Huwa Naba’un ‘Azeem
68. Antum ‘Anhu Mu’ridoon
69. Maa Kaana Liya Min ‘Ilmin Bil Mala’il A’laaa Iz Yakhtasimoon
70. Iny-Yoohaaa Ilaiya Illaaa Anna Maaa Ana Nazeerun Mubeen
71. Iz Qaala Rabbuka Lilmalaaa’ikati Innee Khaaliqun Basharan Min Teen
72. Fa-Iza Sawwaituhoo Wa Nafakhtu Feehi Mir Roohee Faqa’oo Lahoo Saajideen
73. Fasajadal Malaaa’ikatu Kulluhum Ajma’oon
74. Illaaa Iblees; Stakbara Wa Kaana Minal Kaafireen
75. Qaala Yaaa Ibleesu Maa Mana’aka An Tasjuda Limaa Khalaqtu Bi Yadaiya ‘A Stakbarta Am Kunta Min Al ‘Aaleen
76. Qaala Ana Khairum Minhu; Khalaqtanee Min Naarinw Wa Khalaqtahoo Min Teen
77. Qaala Fakhruj Minhaa Fa Innaka Rajeem
78. Wa Inna ‘Alaika La’nateee Ilaa Yawmid Deen
79. Qaala Rabbi Fa Anzirneee Ilaa Yawmi Yub’asoon
80. Qaala Fa Innaka Minal Munzareen
81. Ilaa Yawmil Waqtil Ma’loom
82. Qaala Fa Bi ‘Izzatika La Ughwiyannahum Ajma’een
83. Illaa ‘Ibaadaka Minhumul Mukhlaseen
84. Qaala Falhaqq, Walhaqqa Aqool
85. La Amla’anna Jahannama Minka Wa Mimman Tabi’aka Minhum Ajma’een
86. Qul Maaa As’alukum ‘Alaihi Min Ajrinw Wa Maaa Ana Minal Mutakallifeen
87. In Huwa Illaa Zikrul Lil’aalameen
88. Wa Lata’lamunna Naba Ahoo Ba’da Heen (Section 5)

(This Surah is Makkan, containing
88 verses and 5 sections)

Allah’s Name to commence
with, the Most Gracious, the
Most Merciful.

38:1. Saad. (This is an individual
letter of the Arabic alphabet;
Allah and His Messenger know
its exact meaning.) By the oath
of this renowned Qur’aan.

38:2. Rather, the disbelievers
are (caught up) in arrogance
and are in opposition (to the
Beloved Prophet Muhammad).

38:3. How many a generation
did We destroy before them, so
now they cry out, whereas it
was no longer the time for

38:4. And they were surprised
that a warner came to them


from amongst themselves, and
the disbelievers said, ‘He is a
magician, a great liar.’

38:5. ‘Has he merged all the
gods into One God? This is
indeed something very

38:6. And their (Makkan)
leaders went about (saying),
that ‘Leave him and cling
steadfastly to your gods;
indeed, he has his own
(hidden) motive in this.’

38:7. ‘We never heard of this
even in the latter religion of all;
Christianity (that God is only
One); this is just a new

38:8. (The disbelievers asked)
‘Was the Qur’aan revealed
(only) to him from out of (all of)
us?’ In fact, they are in doubt
concerning My Book; rather,
they have not yet tasted My

38:9. Are they the treasurers of
the Mercy of your Lord, the
Dignified, the Great Bestower?


38:10. Is the kingdom of the
heavens and the earth, and
whatever is between them for
them (i.e. for the polytheists)?
So, would they not just ascend
using ropes?

38:11. This (group of
disbelievers) is just one of the
disgraced troops which will be
chased away.

38:12. Before them, the people
of Nooh had belied, and (the
tribe of) ‘Aad, and Fir’awn, the
man of stakes (by which he
used to torture the people).

38:13. And the (tribe of)
Thamood, and the nation of Loot,
and the People of the Woods (i.e.
the dwellers of the forest); these
are those (defeated) groups.

38:14. There is no one amongst
them. as such, who did not belie
the Messengers, My punishment
therefore became inevitable.

38:15. And they do not wait but
for just one scream, which no
one can avert.


38:16. And they said
(mockingly), ‘O our Lord! Give
us our share (of punishment)
quickly, before the Day of

38:17. Have patience upon what
they say, and remember Our
bondsman Dawood, the one
blessed with favours; he is
indeed most repenting
(towards his Lord).

38:18. Indeed, We subjected the
mountains to glorify (Allah)
together with him, when the
night falls and when the sun

38:19. And the gathered-birds;
they were all obedient to him.

38:20. And We strengthened his
kingship, and gave him
wisdom and decisive speech.

38:21. And did the news of the
claimants reach you? When they
came into Dawood’s Mosque,
climbing over the wall.

38:22. When they entered the
presence of Dawood, so he
feared them, they said, ‘Do not
fear, we are two claimants, one


of whom has wronged the
other, therefore judge truthfully
between us and do not judge
unjustly, and show us the
straight path.’

38:23. ‘This is my brother; he
has ninety-nine female sheep
and I have one female sheep;
and he now says, “Give that
one to me also,” and he
pressurises me in this matter.’

38:24. Said Dawood, ‘He is
indeed doing injustice to you,
that he demands your sheep to
be added to his own sheep; and
indeed, most partners wrong
one another, except those who
believe and do good deeds, and
they are very few.’ Thereupon
Dawood realised this, that We
had tested him, so he sought
forgiveness from his Lord, and
fell in prostration and turned
(to his Lord).

38:25. We henceforth forgave
him for this (act); and indeed,
for him in Our Majestic Court is
definitely special proximity and
an excellent abode.

38:26. ‘0 Dawood, We have
indeed appointed you as (Our)


vicegerent in the earth,
therefore judge between the
people with the truth, and do
not follow desires which will
lead you astray from Allah’s
path. Indeed, those who go
astray from Allah’s path, for
them is a severe punishment
for the reason that they forgot
the Day of reckoning.’

38:27. And We have not created
the heaven, and the earth, and
whatever is between them in
vain; this is the perception of
the disbelievers. Therefore, for
the disbelievers is destruction
from the Fire.

38:28. Should We make those
who believe and do good deeds
equal to those who spread
turmoil in the earth? Or should
We equate the pious with the
wickedly disobedient?

38:29. This is a Book which We
have sent down upon you, a
blessed one, so that they (ie.
people) should ponder upon its
verses, and the people of
intellect should accept advice


38:30. And We _ bestowed
Sulaimaan to Dawood; what an
excellent bondsman. He is
indeed most repenting (to Allah).

38:31. When there were presented
to him (horses) in the afternoon,
that when poised, they hence
stand on three legs and while

putting the brink of the hoof of the

fourth leg on the ground, (they)
were very swift when running.

38:32. Therefore, Sulaimaan
said, ‘The love of these horses is
dear to me, for the sake of the
remembrance of my Lord.’ He
then ordered them to be raced
until they vanished in a veil out

of sight.

38:33. He then ordered; that
“Bring them back to me.’ And
he began stroking their shins
and necks.

38:34. And We indeed tested
Sulaimaan and placed a lifeless
body (i.e. a miscarried baby) on
his throne, (he) then returned
(towards his Lord).

38:35. He submitted, ‘0 my
Lord, forgive me and bestow
upon me such a kingdom,
which shall not be fitting to


anyone after me. Indeed, only

You are the Great Bestower.’

38:36. We henceforth gave the
wind under his control, which
would move steadily by his
command, wherever he

38:37. And made the devils;
every builder and _ diver,
subservient to him.

38:38. And other (devils)
bounded in chains.

38:39. ‘This is Our Bestowal (O
Sulaimaan), now whether you
bestow favour (by giving) or
withhold, you will not be held
accountable at all.’

38:40. And indeed, for him in
Our Majestic Court is definitely
proximity and an_ excellent

38:41. And remember Our
bondsman Ayyoob (Job); when
he called upon his Lord; that
‘The Devil has afflicted me with
adversity and pain.’


38:42. We said to him, ‘Stamp
your foot on the ground, this
cool spring is for bathing and

38:43. And We bestowed him
his family and more similar to
it (in number), as a mercy from
Us, and advice for the people of

38:44. And We said, ‘Take a
broom in your hand and strike
her with it (since you swore an
oath to strike your wife with a
hundred lashes), and do not
break your oath’ We indeed
found him patient, what an
excellent bondsman. He is indeed
ever repenting (towards Us).

38:45. And remember Our
bondsmen Ibrahim, and _ Is-
haaq, and Ya’qoob; the men of
power and knowledge.

38:46. Indeed, We granted them
distinction with a pure excellence,
which is the remembrance of that
abode (of the Hereafter).

38:47. And according to Us,
they are indeed the chosen, the


38:48. And remember Isma’eel
and Yasa’ (Elisha) and Zul-Kifl;
and they are all excellent.

38:49. This is advice; and
indeed, the abode of the pious
people is excellent.

38:50. Gardens for living; all the
gates are open for them.

38:51. Reclining, they ask for
fruits in abundance and
(different delicious) drinks.

38:52, And they have such
wives, who look towards no
one except their husbands,
(everyone is) of the same age.

38:53. This is what you are
promised for the Day of

38:54. Indeed this is Our
sustenance, which will never

38:55. For them (i.e. the virtuous)
is this, and indeed for the
rebellious is an evil abode.


38:56. Hell, that they will enter
therein; so, what an _ evil

38:57. This is for them (i.e. the
inmates of Hell), so that they
may taste it; boiling hot water
and pus.

38:58. And similar other pairs
(of punishments).

38:59. They (the disbelieving
leaders) will be told, ‘Here is
another group falling along
with you (into Hell), which was
yours.’ They will say, ‘Do not
give them plenty of open space;
they surely have to enter the
Fire, let them be restricted
therein also.’

38:60. The followers will say,
‘Rather, may you not get open
space; it is you who brought
this calamity upon us.’ So, what
a wretched destination.

38:61. They say, ‘O our Lord!
Whoever has brought this
calamity upon us, double the
punishment of the Fire for him.’

38:62. And they say, ‘What is
the matter with us that we do


not see the (poor Muslim) men
whom we thought were evil?!

38:63. ‘Did we mock them (just
for the sake of it), or did our
eyes turn away from them?!

38:64. Indeed, this is definitely
true; the quarrel of the people
of Hell with each other.

38:65. Say you (O Beloved), ‘I
am purely a warner, and there
is no one worthy of worship
except Allah, the One, the
Dominant upon all.’

38:66. ‘Master of the heavens
and the earth and whatever is
between them, the Dignified,
the Most Forgiving.’

38:67. Say you (O Beloved),
‘That is great news.’

38:68. ‘Of which you are

38:69. ‘What did I know about
the heavenly world (on my
own accord), when they (i.e. the
angels) were disputing.’


38:70. ‘Only this is revealed to
me, that I am not but a clear

38:71. (Remember) when your
Lord said to the angels; that ‘I
will create a human from clay.’

38:72. ‘Then when I make him
perfectly and breathe into him a
spirit from Myself, (all of you)
should fall down in prostration
to him.’

38:73. So, all the angels
prostrated; every one of them,
that no one remained behind.

38:74. Except Iblees (Satan); he
became arrogant and (in the
knowledge of Allah) he was
amongst the disbelievers.

38:75. Said Allah, ‘O Iblees! What
prevented you from prostrating
to the one whom I have created
with My Hands (of power)?
Have you become arrogant
(now) or were you (always)
amongst the arrogant ones?’


38:76. Said Iblees, ‘I am better
than him; You made me from
fire, and You have created him
from clay.

38:77. He (Allah) said, ‘Get out
from Paradise, that you are
rejected (i.e. the cursed one)’

38:78. ‘And indeed, My curse is
upon you till the Day of

38:79. He said, ‘O my Lord! If it
is so, then give me respite till
the Day when all will be

38:80. Said (Allah), ‘So, you are
amongst those who are given

38:81. ‘Until the known time of

that Day.’

38:82. He said, ‘By the oath of
Your Honour, I will definitely dé
mislead all of them.’

38:83. ‘Except Your chosen 2 12.9%992 gele
bondsmen amongst them.’ @¢ ehesbey


38:84. Said (Allah), So, the truth is
this, and I speak only the truth.’

38:85. ‘Undoubtedly, I will
definitely fill Hell with you and
with those amongst them who
will follow you; all together.’

38:86. Say you (O Beloved), ‘I
do not ask any recompense
from you for the Qur’aan, and I
am not of the fabricators.’

38:87. ‘That (i.e. the Qur’aan) is
not but advice for the entire

3888. ‘And you will come
to know of its news (as the truth),
after some time (ie. at the time of
death or the Day of Judgement):

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