Surah Al-Adiyat English Translation and Transliteration

Surah Al-Adiyat English Translation and Transliteration


Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

1. Wal’aadi Yaati Dabha
2. Fal Moori Yaati Qadha
3. Fal Mugheeraati Subha
4. Fa Atharna Bihee Naq’a
5. Fawa Satna Bihee Jam’a
6. Innal-Insana Lirabbihee Lakanood
7. Wa Innahu ‘Alaa Zaalika La Shaheed
8. Wa Innahu Lihubbil Khairi La Shadeed
9. Afala Ya’lamu Iza B’uthira Ma Filquboor
10. Wa Hussila Maa Fis Sudoor
11. Inna Rabbahum Bihim Yauma ‘Izin Lakhabeer

Surah Adiyat in Roman English
Surah Aadiyaat English Translation PDF.pdf
Surah Adiyat in Roman English
Surah Aadiyaat English Translation PDF.pdf

100. Al-‘Adiyat Transliteration
101. Al-Qari’ah Transliteration
102. At-Takathur Transliteration
103. Al-‘Asr Transliteration
104. Al-Humazah Transliteration



(This Surah is Makkan, containing 11 verses and 1 section.)

Allah’s Name to commence with, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

100:1. By the oath of those (horses) that run with a panting breath.
100:2. Then bring out sparks from stones by striking (their) hooves.
100:3. And by those who raid (on enemies) at dawn.
100:4. Then thereby blowing dust.
100:5. Then penetrate in the midst of the enemy forces.
100:6. Indeed, man is very ungrateful towards his Lord.
100:7. And indeed, he himself is witness to it.
100:8. And indeed, he definitely loves wealth to the extreme.
100:9. So, does he not know when those in the graves will be raised?
100:10. And all that which is in the chests will be disclosed.
100:11. Indeed, on that Day, their Lord knows all about them.


Surah Al-Adiyat | Surah Aadiyaat English Translation
Surah Aadiyaat English Translation
Surah Al-Adiyat | Surah Aadiyaat English Translation
Surah Aadiyaat English Translation