89. Surah Al-Fajr (The Dawn)
(This Surah is Makkan, containing 30 verses and 1 section)
Allah’s Name to commence with, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
89:1. By the oath of that dawn.
89:2. And by the ten nights.
89:3. And by the even and the odd.
89:4. And by the night when it departs.
89:5. Is there an oath in this for the intelligent person?
89:6. Did you not see how your Lord dealt with (the nation of) ‘Aad?
89:7. The people of Iram (this is the name of a city) who were exceptionally tall.
89:8. That the likes of whom were never born in the cities.
89:9. And the (tribe of) Thamood, who carved out rocks in the valley.
89:10. And Fir’awn, that he used to punish with pegs (by tying them onto them).
89:11. (Those) who rebelled in the cities.
89:12. And who then spread great turmoil in them.
89:13. So, your Lord struck them hard with the whip of punishment.
89:14. Indeed, nothing is hidden from the sight of your Lord.
89:15. But man, whenever his Lord tests him by giving him honour and favour, so he then says, ‘My Lord has honoured me.’
89:16. And if He tests him and restricts his livelihood upon him, so he says, ‘My Lord has dishonoured me.’
89:17. It is not so; rather, you do not honour the orphan.
89:18. And you do not urge one another to feed the needy.
89:19. And you greedily consume the wealth of inheritance.
89:20. And love wealth with great passion.
89:21. Yes, certainly! When the Earth is crushed and blown into bits and pieces.
89:22. And when the command of your Lord comes, and the angels (come) in row upon row.
89:23. And on that Day, Hell is brought (near), (then) on that Day, man will reflect, but where is the time now to reflect?
89:24. He will say, ‘Alas! Had I somehow sent some good deeds ahead during my lifetime.’
89:25. So, on that Day, no one punishes like His punishment.
89:26. And no one binds like His binding.
89:27. (It will be said to the pious) ‘O satisfied soul.’
89:28. ‘Return towards your Lord, in the state that you are content with Him, and He is content with you.’
89:29. ‘Then enter (the ranks of) My chosen bondsmen.’
89:30. ‘And enter My Paradise.’