Surah An Nas English Translation And Transliteration

Surah An Nas English Translation


English Translation And Transliteration

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

1. Qul A’oozu Birabbin Naas
2. Malikin Naas
3. Ilaahin Naas
4. Min Sharril Waswaasil Khannaas
5. Allazee Yuwaswisu Fee Sudoorin Naas
6. Minal Jinnati Wannaas (End Juz 30)



(This Surah is Makkan, containing 6 verses and 1 section.)

Allah’s Name to commence with, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

114:1. Say you (O Beloved), ‘I take refuge in the One Who is the Lord of all the people.’
114:2. ‘In the King of all the people.’
114:3. ‘In the God of all the people.’
114:4. ‘From the evil of the one who inculcates evil thoughts in the hearts and withdraws (when one engages himself in the remembrance of Allah).’
114:5. ‘Those who inculcate evil whispers into the hearts of the people.’
114:6. ‘(From amongst) Jinn and mankind.’


105. Al-Fil Transliteration
106. Quraish  Transliteration
107. Al-Ma’un Transliteration
108. Al-Kauthar Transliteration
109. Al-Kafirun Transliteration
110. An-Nasr Transliteration
111. Al-Lahab Transliteration
112. Al-Ikhlas Transliteration
113. Al-Falaq Transliteration (THE DAYBREAK)


Surah An Nas English Translation

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